Mandatory Training Requirements for the GS-1102

Level / Course / Prerequisite / Course Length / Audience
Level I / CON 101, Fundamental s of Contracting (OR)
Acquisition Planning I,
Contract Formation I, and
Contract Administration I
CON 104, Contract Pricing (OR)
Price Analysis,
Cost Analysis, and
Federal Contract Negotiation Techniques / None
None / 160 Hours (OR)
80 Hours,
40 Hours, and
40 Hours
120 Hours (OR)
40 Hours,
40 Hours, and
40 Hours / GS-5/7
Level II / CON 202, Intermediate Contracting (OR)
Acquisition Planning II,
Contract Formation II, and
Contract Administration II
CON 204, Intermediate Pricing
CON 210, Government Contract Law
CON 333, Management for Contract
40 hours of skills currency training and continuing education every two years after all mandatory training requirements have been met. / CON 101 (OR)
Acquisition Planning I,
Contract Formation I, and
Contract Administration I
CON 104 (OR)
Price Analysis
Cost Analysis
Level I courses
All Level I and II courses / 160 hours (OR)
80 Hours,
40 Hours, and
40 Hours
80 Hours
80 Hours
40 Hours / GS-9/11/12
Level III / CON 301, Executive Contracting
Forty hours of skills currency training and continuing education every two years / All Level I and II courses / 40 Hours / GS-13 and above

Training Requirements for the GS-1105/1106

Course / Prerequisite / Course Length
Mandatory Training:
Simplified Acquisition
Additional Recommended Training:
Advanced Simplified Acquisition
Acquisition of Commercial Items
Market Research
24 hours of skills currency training and continuing education every two years / None
Simplified Acquisition
None / 40 Hours
40 Hours
16 Hours
8 Hours