AH Pierce Memorial Facility of the Year 2017
Do you have the best Aquatic and Recreation Facility Centre in NSW?
If so then we want to hear about it! Entries are now being accepted for the AH Pierce Facility of the Year Award, to be presented at the 53rdAnnual ARI Conference and Trade Show Dinner on Monday 19th June 2017.
This award recognises aquatic facilities that have demonstrated best practice in the operation of their business and is in memory of Harold Pierce who represented his company since 1961 at most of the conferences and seminars that the ARI has held. In keeping with recognition of outstanding facilities we are now accepting nominations for the ‘2017 AH Pierce Memorial Facility of the Year Award.’
Please note: To qualify to enter the awards the Facility must be an ARI member and have a full paid delegate attending the full conference.
Assessment Criteria
- Outline your business:
Details of your centre/ business, facility design, number of staff, strategic plan, and totalvisitation numbers for the previous financial year.
2. Outline how the business is meeting Best practice within the industry, including the Royal Life saving "Guidelines for Safe Pool Operations" and any relevant recommendation, eg NSW Department of Local Government Practice Note 15.
- Water Quality
- Pool Plant Maintenance
- Operations Manual
- Hazardous Chemical Management
- Supervision
- Emergency Plan/ Procedures
3. Business & Market Plan / Strategies
- Business & Market plan
- Business review process
- Service Obligations
- Visitation numbers
- Innovative programs, events etc
- Example of promotion materials
4. Risk ManagementProcedures
- Policies & Procedures implemented
- Review / Monitor of WHS documents & practices
- Equipment/ signage
- Record keeping practices
Demonstrated Best Practice in:
- Technical operations
- First Aid / Incident reporting etc
5. Implementation of programs.
- Type of Programs
- Number of Programs
- Individuality of Programs
- Success of Programs
- Community initiatives programs
6. Customer Services Practices.
- Outline you customer feedback practices. (Internal & External)
- How do you manage the feedback?
- Policies and procedures for managing conflict
- Philosophy on customer service etc
7. Staff
- Staff training / instruction
- Staff retention
- Qualifications
- Supervision/ mentoring/ multi-skilling etc
If you think your facility has what it takes to be named the ‘AH Pierce Memorial Facility of the Year’ you should present a brief on your facility indicating compliance in one or more criteria categories, as shown above. Applications may include promotional material, photographs and testimonials.
NB: Please submit your supporting documentation in the same order as the criteria has been set out - this makes assessing your facility a much smoother process. It is essential to include supportive evidence / examples of the listed criteria.Submissions must be received by COB Friday 2nd June 2017.
Nominations close Friday 2ndJuneat 5pm. For more information contact the ARI Office on 0414 659 389 or