Dissertation Title Here


Your Name

A Dissertation

Submitted to the

Graduate Faculty


George Mason University

in Partial Fulfillment of

The Requirements for the Degree


Doctor of Philosophy




Program Director

Dean, College of Education and Human Development

Date:Fall/Spring Semester 20XX
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA

Dissertation Title Here

A Dissertationsubmitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree ofDoctor of Philosophy at George Mason University


Your Name

Master of Science

Syracuse University, 2010
Bachelor of Arts
George Mason University, 1997

Director: Ralph C. Baxter, Professor
College of Education and Human Development

Fall Semester 20XX
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA

This work is licensed under a creative commons
attribution-noderivs 3.0 unported license.


This is dedicated to my loving husband Paul, my two wonderful children Anne and Lauren, and my dog Wolfie.


I would like to thank the many friends, relatives, and supporters who have made this happen.My loving husband, Paul, assisted me in my research. My daughters helped me with word processing and notes. Drs. Spock, McCoy, and the other members of my committee were of invaluable help. Finally, thanks go out to the Fenwick Library for providing a clean, quiet, and well-equipped repository in which to work.

Table of Contents


List of Tables

List of Figures

List of Equations

List of Abbreviations and/or Symbols


Chapter One

Section One

This is a subsection, known as Heading 3.

This is my sub-subsection, known as Heading 4.

This is my sub-sub-subsection, known as Heading 5.

Section Two

Sample subsection.

This is a heading 4.

This is a heading 5.

This is another heading 5.

Chapter Two

First Section

Another Section

Subsection heading 3.

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Appendix A

Appendix B


List of Tables


Table 1. Sample Title

List of Figures


Figure 1. Hypthetical Model.

Figure 2. Ajax.

List of Equations


Equation 1. Area...... 8

List of Abbreviations and/or Symbols

Euro...... €

Her Majesty's Stationery Office...... HMSO

Measuring Usability of Systems in Context...... MUSiC

Pi...... Π

Royal National Institute for the Blind...... RNIB

United Kingdom...... UK



Dissertation Title Here

Your Name, Ph.D.

George Mason University, 20XX

Dissertation Director: Dr. Ralph C. Baxter

This thesis describes the nationwide development of school-based management and chronicles its implementation in Prince William County (Virginia) Public Schools. School-based management - and its implementation in Prince William County - is discussed as a microcosmic example of one potential solution to the crisis in our nation’s schools. Following a two-year pilot program in five schools, Prince William County Public Schools implemented school-based management division-wide in the 1990-1991 school year. In the process of researching and writing this thesis, the author conducted a literature search and reviews internal documents and memoranda of Prince William County Public Schools. This thesis is slated to be a reference and resource for a graduate course on school-based management designed for building administrators and classroom teachers.


Chapter One

We're also here to assist GMU faculty and staff in need of information and/or assistance regarding the preparation and submission of dissertations, theses, and projects.

A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document.

Section One

A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document.

This is a level three heading. This is all of the information I’m typing in my subsection.

This is a level four heading.This is all of the info I’m typing here. More info here. More info here.

This is a level five heading. This is all of the info I’m including here.

Section Two

Past studies examined the relationship between academic achievement and homework using variables such as the amount of homework assigned, time spent on homework, and the amount of homework actually completed (Cooper, Lindsay, Nye, & Greathouse, 1998; Trautwein, Köller, Schmitz, & Baumert, 2002; Zimmerman & Kitsantas, 2005). Generally, research using these variables remained inconclusive because most studies found that homework is not related with academic achievement in elementary school. However, for the high school student population, some studies did show positive correlations between homework and achievement (Cooper, 2009). For example, Cooper et al. (1998) found that the most potent factor affecting achievement was the amount of homework the student actually completed as opposed to the amount of homework that was assigned. Although this pattern was consistent across most students, the proportion of homework completed was found to especially impact the academic achievement of upper elementary and high school students as opposed to younger elementary school students.

Table 1

Sample Title

Student / Ethnicity / Birth Language / Home Language / # of Years in US Schools
Joe / H / Spanish / Spanish / 2
Annie / C / English / English / 5
Sammy / C / English / English / 13
Don / C / Russian / English / 10
Bob / C / Spanish / Spanish / 4
John / C / Bengali / Bengali / 2½
Ashley / C / Spanish / Spanish / 6
Chuck / A / Amharic / Amharic / 4

Note. C = Caucasian, H = Hispanic, A = African American.

A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document.

Sample subsection. This is my text that is very important. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document.

This is a heading 4.This is the text that comes after heading 4.

This is a heading 5.This is the text that comes after it.

This is another heading 5.This is the text that comes after.

Figure 1. Hypthetical model being tested.ES = environmental structuring;MA S-E = mathematics self-efficacy; PER = perseverance; TBFA = teacher behavior formative instruction; TBSO = teacher behavior student orientation; TBTDI = teacher behavior teacher directive instruction.

A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document.

Chapter Two

Lots of great thoughts from the giants on whose shoulders I stand.

First Section

Type some body text.

Another Section

More body text.

Subsection heading 3. Body text.

Chapter Three

A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document.

A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document.

A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document.

Figure 2. Ajax, a bull.

A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document.

Chapter Four

A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document.

Chapter Five

A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document. A bunch of text that says something profound will soon appear in this document.

Appendix A

Appendix Title Here

Appendix B

Appendix Title Here


Alliance for Excellent Education. (2012). Culture shift: Teaching in a learner centered environment empowered by digital learning. Retrieved from the Alliance for Excellent Education website

Abrams, L. M., Pedulla, J. J., & Madaus, G. F. (2003). Views from the classroom: Teachers’ opinions of statewide testing programs. Theory Into Practice, 42(1), 18–29. doi:10.1207/s15430421tip4201_4

Au, W. (2007). High stakes testing and curricular control: A qualitative metasynthesis. Educational Researcher, 36, 258–267. doi:10.3102/0013189X07306523

Berry, B., & Eckert, J. (2012). Creating teacher incentives for school excellence and equity. Retrieved from the National Education Policy Center website

Billingsley, B. S. (1993). Teacher retention and attrition in special and general education: A critical review of the literature. The Journal of Special Education, 27, 137–174. doi:10.1177/002246699302700202

Billingsley, B. S. (2004). Special education teacher retention and attrition: A critical analysis of the research literature. The Journal of Special Education, 38(1), 39– 55. doi:10.1177/00224669040380010401

Creswell, J. W. (2013). Qualitative inquiry and research design. Los Angeles, CA: Sage.

Kersaint, G., Lewis, J., Potter, R., & Meisels, G. (2007). Why teachers leave: Factors that influence retention and resignation. Teaching and Teacher Education, 23, 775–794.

Lamonte, K. M. (2011). Examining the factors involved in a teacher’s decision to remain in the teaching profession. Retrieved from ProQuest Digital Dissertations. (AAT 9102569)


Your Name graduated from Fairfax High School, Fairfax, Virginia, in 1983. She received her Bachelor of Arts from George Mason University in 1987. She was employed as a teacher in Fairfax County for two years and received her Master of Arts in English from George Mason University in 1987.