Reception (Blue Class) Educational Visit to Melsop Farm Park, Nr WattononThursday 16th June 2016

Dear Parents/Carers

An educational visit for Blue Class children has been arranged for Thursday 16th June at Melsop Farm Park. MelsopFarmPark is alive with an amazing number of different animals. Many of the animals are free ranging, allowing visitors to interact with them. The park has many different areas to explore such as the waterfowl pond, animal paddocks and incubation rooms.

In order for this visit to take place, it is necessary to ask for a contribution of £10.00 per child. The cost includes entry to the Farm and coach travel (all coaches are fitted with seat belts).If contributions do not cover the cost, then unfortunately the visit will not be able to go ahead. PLEASE PUT PAYMENT IN A SEALED, NAMED ENVELOPE IN THE CLASS DINNER BOX. PLEASE DO NOT COME TO THE OFFICE TO PAY.

Parents in receipt of income support, or those who would find it difficult to enclose a donation, please discuss the remission of charges with Mrs Sewell. If you are unable to make a contribution, the right of your child to take part in the visit will not be affected.

We will leave school at approximately 9.00am and be back at school by 3.00pm. All children will need a packed lunch including a drink (no fizzy drinks, chocolate or sweets) – a free school packed lunch can be ordered – please indicate your child’s lunch requirement below. Please also complete the section giving consent for your child to pet the animals. The children will need to wear full uniform and clothing suitable for the weather on the day i.e. sun hats if a nice day, rainwear should it be a wet day and sensible shoes.

In order for your child to participate we need you to complete and return the attached consent form by Tuesday 7th June at the latest.

Please note – children for whom permission slips have not been returned or those who have not got appropriate clothing and shoes will have to remain in school. We are unable to continue to contact large numbers of parents to remind them once notice has been given.

Mrs R Quinnan


Name of child …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Please order a school packed lunch for my child

I will provide a packed lunch for my child

I givepermission for my child to pet the animals

I do not give permission for my child to pet the animals

Signed …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………