Prof. Kevin Chipman group.
Disposal of Ethidium Bromide Waste
Any person involved should be familiar with schedule 3.2, 3.3 and 7.1 of university hazardous substances policy Control measures (UHSP/15/HS/03). In addition to good chemical practice there are special requirements for the safe handling and disposal of ethidium bromide.
For further information refer to and the University’s HAZDAT Hazardous Substances database.
Ethidium bromide is TOXIC
Risk phrases
Harmful in contact with skin and if swallowed
Possible risk of irreversible effects
Very toxic by inhalation
Personal protection
Always wear suitable protective clothing, chemical resistant gloves and face/eye protection when handling ethidium bromide or waste.
a) Unwanted chemical stocks of ethidium bromide are classified as Hazardous Waste. Contact the Hazardous Waste Coordinator in Stores. These should be labelled as below.
b) Aqueous solutions of ethidium bromide (>1.0mg/ml) may be disposed of in one of two ways:
1) The ethidium bromide can be adsorbed onto an ion exchange column specifically for this purpose, available from Merck (catalogue number 437212Y). These columns will adsorb at least 300mg of ethidium bromide; the waste liquid may then be discarded to drain. When expended, the columns should be double-bagged in plastic bags and disposed of as for solid waste as in (a) above).
2) The ethidium bromide may be adsorbed onto activated charcoal at a rate of 100mg charcoal to 50mg ethidium bromide. This mixture should be left overnight before filtering off the solid, which should then be double-bagged in plastic bags, then disposed of as for solid waste as in (a) above. The waste liquid can be discarded to drain.
Labelling of disposal container.
Name of chemical: Ethidium bromide TOXIC H5, H6 and H11 18 02 05
School: School of Biosciences.
Lab. no:
Low level * solid ethidium bromide waste (e.g. gels, contaminated paper towels etc) should be placed into a suitable, leak-tight container and then into a yellow bag and treated as clinical waste for incineration. Liquid waste(<1.0 mg/ml in no more than 200ml total volume) dispose of by sink with copious washing.
In case of accident inform a member of staff. If you feel unwell seek medical advice immediately. Show the label where possible.
COSHH assessments and Material safety data sheets (MSDS) should be kept in each laboratory.
* For definition of low levels refer to Hazardous Waste: Guidance on Assessment, Guidance/11/HWGA/05 on the Health and Safety Unit web page. You should also consider if any mixed waste meets the cumulative criteria of CHIP2.
File: User/ Shrikant / disposal doc./ disposal / Ethidium Bromide