Updown Hill, Haywards Heath,RH16 4GD
Telephone : 01444 456715
3July 2012
Dear Parents and Carers,
EDUCATIONAL TRIP : WholeSchool Trip to TilgatePark, Crawley – Wednesday 11 July 2012
All children need to be in school uniform with a waterproof coat and sturdy shoes. All children will need a packed lunch. If it looks to be a sunny/hot day it is advised children bring a sun hat, sun cream and an extra drink. If it is a wet day children will need to come with waterproofs. Children won’t need to bring any money, toys or electronic equipment. Staff will take all the necessary first aid equipment. Drop off and pick up arrangements are as normal.
A member of staff will be at school during the trip. If you need to contact us whilst we are on the trip please call the school office.
Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to help us on this trip. We would like all our parents and carers to have the opportunity to help on a trip at some point in the yearand the parent/carer helpers for this trip are:
PARENTS/CARERS HELPING ON THE TRIP1. Karen Farmer / 13. Barrie Thring
2. Miranda Hart / 14. Caroline Geoffroy
3. Paula Hassall / 15. Kate Green
4.Emma Redgrave / 16. Becky McLeod
5.Khadija Khan / 17. Suma Sunil
6. Vanessa Evans / 18. Louise Williams
7. Debbie Blay / 19. Lai Wan
8. Genevieve Carter / 20. Melanie Cheary
9. Sarah McGill / 21. Andy White
10. Sarah Alberqueque / 22. Vanessa Wheeler
11. Patricia Soulsby / 23. Clare Russell
12. Karen Mansbridge / 24. Gordon Maker
Please note that for safeguarding reasons we ask parents not to turn up at TilgateParkon the dayand join the schoolwithout consent from the school to do so. Please speak to your child’s class teacher if you have any queries. Please could all our helpers complete and return the slip below.
There will be a very short trip briefing about this trip for helpers onFriday 6July at 3:30 pm. Please fill in the slip overleaf to let us know if you are able to attend the meeting. We’ll be telling you about the plan for the trip and any special health and safety considerations. Helpers, could you please come to school at 8:50am on the day of the trip.
We would remind all adults that mobile phones are only to be used in an emergency and that the use of social media during the school trip is not allowed.
Many thanks,
Felicity Waters
Miss Felicity Waters
Trip Co-ordinator
PARENT HELPERS – TILGATEPARK – 11 July 2012Please fill in this slip and return to the office by Friday 6 July 2012.
Name of parent: / Name of child: / Child’s class:
Please tick as appropriate
I will be attending the trip briefing on Fri 6 July at 3:30pm
I will not be attending the trip briefing on Fri 6 July at 3:30pm
I can no longer come on the trip
Signed: / Date:
‘It takes a village to raise a child.’