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SEPTEMBER 28, 2006
Take notice that the Annual General Meeting of the Corporation of Women’s College Hospital (the “Hospital”) will be held in the Cummings Auditorium of the Hospital at 76 Grenville Street, Toronto, on September 28, 2006 at 5:00 p.m., for purposes of receiving and considering the Chair’s report and other reports; approving amended administrative by-laws; appointing the auditor; electing members of the Board of Directors; and transacting such other business as is properly brought before the meeting.
Discussion of the business to be transacted at the meeting:
Since the last Annual General Meeting, the Hospital completed its de-merger transaction with Sunnybrook and Women’s College Health Sciences Centre and regained its status as an independent public hospital. During the process of and following the de-merger, the Board approved a number of changes to the administrative by-laws of the Hospital including: removing the rights of Sunnybrook to Board and committee representation, amendments to comply with the requirements of the Public Hospitals Act, and the adoption of a mechanism for more easily identifying annual members. The most recent amendments have adopted a modern public hospital governance model. These amendments include provisions that ensure that community engagement remains a priority for the Hospital. New community advisory panels and a community advisory committee of the Board will allow the Board to have increased input from community members of the Hospital and members of the public on matters of importance to the Hospital. Also, among the new amendments, the volunteer directors of the Hospital will become its sole voting members and the existing annual and corporate members will, if they so choose, become community members of the Hospital without any voting entitlements.
At the Annual General Meeting, the Hospital will seek the approval of the members for all these by-law amendments.
Public Information Sessions:
The Board of Directors will hold public information sessions in the Boardroom of the Hospital at 76 Grenville Street, Toronto, on September 25, 2006 at 2:00 p.m. and at 5:00 p.m., to discuss the by-law amendments.
PDF copies of the amended by-laws and a more detailed explanation of the changes are available on the hospital website at By-laws are also available for review in the President’s Office, the Board Office and the Medical Library at 76 Grenville Street during business hours Monday to Friday, or by special arrangement with the Board Secretary who can be reached by telephone at (416) 323-6242. For further information contact: the Vice-President, Strategic Communications at (416) 323-6400 ext. 7170.
Michele Landsberg, Chair
Board of Directors