UOIT Multi-Year Accessibility Plan
Update 2012-13
Prepared by:
Maureen Wideman, PhD
AODA Project Manager
Date: November 27, 2013
UOIT Multi-Year Accessibility Plan
Updates and Milestones
Information and Communications
Mental Health
Services for Students with Disabilities
New Construction
Accessibility Website
Looking Ahead
AODA Compliance Plan
For an educational institution that isaccessible to its learners also makes its learners accessible to all by enabling us to share in the potential of the human mind and spirit - and in doing so, create a better future for all.
Updates and Milestones
AODA Customer Service Standard
In its third year of implementation, UOIT continued to meet its obligation under the AODA Customer Service Standard with its online training module for all new faculty, staff, and volunteers. It has been integrated into the on-boarding process. The result is a growing awareness that we all play a role in ensuring an accessible learning and working environment.
Accessible Instruction
UOIT developed an online training module for faculty on Accessible Instruction. The module focuses on the concept of universal design for learning and its three pillars of multiple means of representation, expression and engagement. As UOIT is a technology-based university, the module discusses the benefits of technology and how technology can be used to improve inclusive learning. A testament to its success, as many as 10 Ontario universities and other organizations have requested to use some or all of the resources in the module.
Integrated Standards
In 2013, UOIT began training its staff on the AODA Integrated Standards and its relationship to the Ontario Human Rights Code. It also includes mini modules on accessible formats, accessible documents, employment, purchasing and the built environment. A series of voluntary in-class workshops held over the summer resulted in more than 200 people completing the training. The online module was rolled out to the rest of employees later in the year and it has been incorporated into the on-boarding process for new employees.
Information and Communications
As UOIT moves towards meeting its obligations under the Information and Communications standard, new processes were established to help ensure accessibility of both print and online content. For example:
- Word docs are being developed for all print materials and stored in a central digital location for any individuals in our department to access. Word documents have been tested to ensure information being communicated does so in a logical order;
- Standard accessibility information has been added to e-vites and other public documents, to included contact information for those who require accommodations such as alternative formats, specialized equipment, etc.;
- Event planning procedures include attention to accessibility such as ensuring venues are accessible, contact information for providing accessible formats and budgeting reminders;
- Mandatory accessibility checks are conducted on all new web content;
- Appropriate use of heading, title and alt tags on titles and images on web pages;
- Captioning video content upon request;
- All closure and disruption messages are broadcast as broadly as possible including the UOIT website, digital signage and university-wide emails, and social media as necessary;
- Branded school and faculty colours have all been changed to ensure high contrast against a white background. This exercise has been executed across print and web to meet AA compliance;
- Printed materials are now developed using larger font sizes – striving for minimum 12pt font;
- Information and Communication Procedures for staff were developed that outlines steps for responding to accommodation requests;
- The Guide to Accessible Information and Communication, a 39 page document,details standards such as font type and sizes, use of white space, alt tags and more for creating word documents and email that are both accessible and consistent throughout the university.
- In 2013, UOIT now provides access to more than 5,000 captioned videos.
UOIT has completed its new Workplace Accessibility Policy and procedures to outline the university’s obligations to its employees with disabilities from recruitment to retirement. This policy sets the foundation for a series of procedures to assist employees such as individual workplace accommodation plans, individualized workplace emergency response information, as well as recruitment, performance management and career development plans that take individual accessibility needs into account.
Mental Health
Student Mental Health Working Group
UOIT is expanding its mental health support with the development of a Student Mental Health Working Group to oversee the development, implementation and maintenance of asystemic approach to improving the mental health and wellbeing for all students. In 2013, the university hired a Case Manager to assist students with accessing systems and supports on campus and in the community.
Three years ago, UOIT launched Mindsight and it is now available to the public. Mindsight is an innovative, interactive online resource to promote mental health awareness and is now being used by several employers and organizations outside of UOIT. The website was designed to eliminate stigma by educating individuals about common mental illnesses, support strategies, treatment options and community resources. Positive feedback is being received from Newfoundland to British Columbia and is gaining more users at an accelerated pace.Mindsight can be accessed at
Services for Students with Disabilities
For the last three years, UOIT students with disabilities were serviced by two offices, the Centre for Students with Disabilities for the north location and the Student Life – Disability Services for the downtown Oshawa students. The purpose of these offices is to ensure those students with documented disabilities, and who are requesting support, are provided accommodations to assist in the removal of barriers to their learning. These accommodations can include alternative formats, captioned videos, specialized software and equipment, counseling and advising, notetakers, and more. At UOIT, almost 400 students were served by these offices.
AERO Project
New to UOIT in the fall of 2013 was access to the AERO Project (Alternative Education Resources for Ontario). AERO is a web-based digital repository operated by the Ontario government to provide alternative formats of textbooks. At present, seven Canadian publishers participate in AERO but efforts are being made to expand the project to include international publishers as well.
Video plays a significant role in the delivery of content to students at UOIT. As the number of students with documented hearing loss increased coupled with the decision to have all corporate videos captioned, UOIT contracted to have more than 450 videos captioned over the last year. Most of these were faculty-developed videos ranging from one minute long to a couple of hours. Captioning not only benefits students with hearing loss, but also those whose first language is not English and those with processing difficulties.
New Construction
In 2013, three more elevators were updated with voice announcements. As well, 18 door operators were installed on classrooms and washrooms at the downtown location. Two washrooms were converted to unisex facilities at the Bond St. building.
Working in cooperation with the City of Oshawa, an accessible parking space was created on the street in front of the Regent Theatre.
Accessibility Website
The Teaching and Learning Centre developed UOIT’s Accessibility web site designed to inform faculty, staff and students on the accessibility matters at the university. This site continues to grow with a rich assortment of multimedia and text-based resources. The site can be seen at
Looking Ahead
The requirements of the AODA are extensive and will affectmost aspects of our operations at UOIT. The goal is to have accessibility as an integral part of our strategic planning and operational processes.
AODA Compliance Plan
January 1, 2012
Legislative Requirement / Deliverable / Progress to dateIndividualized workplace emergency response information / Policy, processes and plans developed for employees with disabilities / Policy and processes developed
Emergency procedures available to public in accessible formats / Update emergency procedures and ensure information available in accessible formats upon request. / General emergency procedures updated. Materials available in accessible formats upon request.
January 1, 2013
Legislative Requirement / Deliverable / Progress to dateDevelop policies outlining how UOIT will implement legislation / Rewrite UOIT accessibility policy / Completed and posted online.
Statement of organizational commitment / Develop statement that will guide UOIT’s accessibility mandate. / Statement included as part of accessibility policy.
Multi-year accessibility plan and annual status report / Develop and post online a multi-year plan for achieving accessibility. Include a yearly update. / On-going.
Train educators in accessible instruction / Develop online module on accessible instruction to be completed by faculty by end of 2012. / Module complete. Completion made mandatory part of employment obligations at UOIT and is part of the on-boarding process for new academic employees.
Provide educational resources in accessible formats as required / Continue usual practice of providing accessible formats. / Included information about accessible formats in AODA training module for 2014.
Provide accessible student records, program requirements and descriptions upon request. / Place statement on web and other print and online documents about how users can contact UOIT for accessible formats. / Print documents and online forms include statement regarding access to alternative versions.
Procurement processes include accessibility criteria. / Include statement in Accessibility Policy.
RFPs & RFQs include language around accessibility as required.
Develop procedures. / Statement included in accessibility policy.
Procedures developed as part of a larger procurement renewal.
General guidelines provided to staff who are responsible for making department purchases.
January 1, 2014
Legislative Requirement / Deliverable / Progress to DateTraining on accessibility standards for all employees, volunteers, etc.
Record all training / Expand Customer Service module to include all AODA standards.
Records kept in Banner / Banner system already developed.
Online module developed and rolled out to all staff.
Approx. 200 people completed to classroom version in fall of 2013.
Feedback processes / Develop feedback processes for persons raising concerns regarding accessibility / First stage complete.
Reviewing and updating feedback projects such as course evaluations to ensure they include alternative formats.
Internet sites to conform to WCAG 2.0 Level A / All external websites are to conform to WCAG 2.0 Level A upon redesign.
Communication required to inform those outside of CMS. / UOIT corporate site in progress.
Communicate availability of accommodation in recruitment and hiring processes / Develop workplace accommodation policy and procedures / Policy approved and procedures developed.
Accessibility becomes part of performance management, career development and redeployment / Include as part of Workplace Accommodation policy and procedures / Integrated in the Workplace Accommodation policy.
UOIT shall inform public about information available in accessible formats upon request / Include as part of feedback process.
Continue our practices.
Develop guidelines as part of online training re: accessible documents
Develop accessible document guide.
Inform staff through AODA training. / Events policy and procedures include statements and suggestions for holding accessible events.
Accessible Communications Guide developed for preparing accessible word documents.
Guide is available through Integrated Standards Training.
January 1, 2015
Legislative Requirement / Deliverable / Progress to DateProvide accessible formats and communication supports upon request / Development of Accessible Communication policy / On going. Procedures developed.
Publicize availability of formats and support / Formalized processes to be developed / On going. Procedures developed.
Library provide books and print materials in accessible formats upon request / Develop processes / In progress
Accessible textbooks available upon request / Develop processes / In progress
In conclusion,UOIT is committed to creating a campus community that is inclusive of all individuals and ensures equal opportunity among its members to achieve success in their academic and employment endeavours. The university recognizes that successful learning and employment outcomes are the result of a shared responsibility and commitment on the part of students, faculty and staff, and expects that all members of the community will advance and contribute to the ongoing development of an environment that is accessible and inclusive, while actively working to identify, remove and prevent barriers to persons with disabilities.