
7:00 P.M.: The regular meeting of the Conservation Commission/Soil Conservation Board was opened by Chair Paul Joncas. Present from the Commission were: Paul Joncas, Grace Orr, Jason Powell, Philip Weinberg and Agent Chris Capone. Richard Lambert and David Aguiar were absent.

The Chairman invited those present to join him in saluting the flag.

DISCUSSION: Enforcement Order: Chrisian Lafrance – Aime’s Way – Restoration plan

Nate McCullin represented and presented plan for restoration. A mixture of native shrubs will be planted. Some existing plant material is present and will not be disturbed. Existing trees with existing native vegetation is also present and will not be disturbed. Organic matter will be brought in for nutrients and water retention. Vista pruning of some oaks will be performed. Agent read his report. Motion by Jason Powell to accept recommendation and restoration plan. Second by Grace Orr. Vote - Unanimous.

7:05 P.M.:

Septic Repairs: None

Soil Permits:

Westport Stone and Sand – 536 Old County Road – Renew Soil Permit #380

Agent read his report. Motion by Grace Orr to hold Soil Permit and send letter to Building Inspector for a determination of use. Second by Jason Powell. Vote - Unanimous.


Julien and Sandra Allie – N.O.I. - 99-101 Gidley Lane – Install underground electrical service to utility pole

Phil Baraby represented. File number received with no adverse comments. Agent read his report. Motion by Jason Powell to approve after-the-fact filing. Second by Grace Orr. Vote - Unanimous.

Richard Mowery – N.O.I. - 0 Horseneck Road – Define resource areas and clear brush and trees in buffer zone

Leonard Potter of Westport Environmental Design represented and provided proof of abutter notification. Mr. Potter presented plan for project. Perennial stream shown on plan. Resource area shown on plan. Agent read his report. File number received with no adverse comments. Kathleen Dooley, abutter commented on future development and questioned the plan and who delineated the area. Motion by Philip Weinberg to approve delineation and project with Agent's recommendations. Second by Grace Orr. Vote - Unanimous.

William Sandberg – A.N.R.A.D. - 734 Drift Road – Determine if resource areas depicted on plan are accurate

Matt Pike of Southcoast Engineering represented and presented proof of abutter notification. Agent read his report. Motion by Grace Orr to approve delineation as recommended by Agent. Second by Philip Weinberg. Vote - Unanimous.



Certificates of Compliance:

Wynn Perlick – SE 80-2097 – 1814 Drift Road

Agent read his report. Motion by Grace Orr to grant Certificate of Compliance. Second by Jason Powell. Vote - Unanimous.

Keith Stamp – SE 80-2167 – 14 Clyde’s Way

Agent read his report. Dispute is a civil matter. Philip Weinberg asked if DEP Waterways Program would have concerns. Opposing letter by Sean Leach of Sitec was read. Discussion. Atty. Sandra Biren representing James Winters commented on accuracy of the plan by Boucher and Heureux. Plan has approximate property lines. Chair stated Engineer of Record has professional liability. Conservation Commission does not do field surveys for property lines. Property lines were never determined prior to docks being built. Mr. Weinberg stated there is no criteria in WPA for property lines. The dock policy has been followed. Michael Kelly represented Mr. Stamp. Property line location was not disputed with regard to original application. At DEP hearing Sean Leach did not dispute property line. Marc Boucher addressed whether or not the dock is built according the original plan. A field surveyed as-built plan was submitted. Keith Stamp stated boundry markers were placed under dock during appeal process and were the basis for the plan and as-built. Agent tried to perform overlay but there was not enough light. Motion by Philip Weinberg to issue Certificate of Compliance with condition the certificate makes no determination of property line with owner or abutter. Second by Grace Orr. Vote - Unanimous.

MINUTES: Motion by Grace Orr. Second by Jason Powell. Vote - Unanimous.

8:10 P.M.: Motion by Jason Powell to adjourn. Second by Grace Orr. Vote - Unanimous.

Respectfully submitted,

Leone F. Farias, Principal Clerk

| | Accepted| | Amended


Paul Joncas, Chairman