Calculus I (MATH 2554)– NWACC – Spring 2011
Instructor:Pamela Duck Phone:986-6916
Office:SC 323Math Secretary:986-6900
Office Hours: Monday and WednesdayTuesday and Thursday
8:30 – 9:30 and 10:45 – 1:008:30 – 9:30 and 1:20 – 2:00
Prerequisites: College Algebra with a “C” or better and Trigonometry with a “C” or better, precalculus, or appropriate placement scores.
Text:University Calculusby Hass, Weir, Thomas.
MML Course ID for our class: duck87939
Note that once you use your MML code then NWACC has no way of acquiring a refund for you. This includes if you get purged for nonpayment of fees or for not satisfying the prerequisites of the course. I recommend using MyMathLab for this course, but it is completely optional and will not be calculated into your grade.
Course Description
The first course in a three-semester sequence designed to provide comprehensive coverage of differential and integral calculus. Topics include limits and continuity, differentiation with applications, integration with applications, and basic differential equations.
Course Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course students should exhibit mastery of certain knowledge and basic skills. These skills will include, but not be limited to:
1)Evaluation of algebraic and trigonometric limits using appropriate limit laws.
2)Evaluation of derivatives for algebraic, trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, hyperbolic, exponential and logarithmic functions and combinations thereof.
3)Computation of definite and indefinite integrals including the 19 basic integral forms and u-substitution.
4)Graphing by hand using calculus techniques to find key points such as extreme values and points of inflection.
5)Using knowledge of derivatives to solve various types of application problems including related rate and optimization problems.
6)Applications of both integration and differential equations.
Your grade in this course will be based on the following:
Best 3 of 4 Exams300 points
Daily Grade150 points
Final Exam150 points
600 points possible
Note: The grade ranges below are definitive. I do not round or curve. If you need a particular grade, please make sure you earn at least the minimum number of points required to receive that grade. For example, 419 total points earns a grade of D, 539 points earns a B, etc.
A = 540-600 pts, B = 480-539 pts, C = 420-479 pts, D = 360-419 pts, F = 0-359 pts
There will be four “regular” exams plus a final exam. The lowest of the first three exams will be dropped Note that this means there are no make-up exams! If you miss an exam for any reason that will be the exam score that is dropped. The final exam score may not be dropped. You may not leave the room during an exam and return to work on your paper.
Daily Grade
You will have an opportunity to earn a daily grade on a regular basis. This grade could consist of a variety of assignments, including (but not limited to) homework, concept checks, quizzes, worksheets, or group work. No make-ups will be given for any reason. If we have more than 17, then only the best 15 of the daily grades will be calculated into your final grade. If we don’t have time to accumulate more than 17, then two scores will be dropped. In that case, if you have missed more than two daily grades, zeros will be recorded for the remaining missing grades.
Make-up Policy
There are no make-ups on any assignments. Should you miss an exam for any reason that will be the exam score that is dropped. Should you miss a daily gradefor any reason that will be the score that is dropped.
Homework will be assigned for each class meeting. Successful completion of all homework assignments is imperative for success in calculus. Homework will not be taken up every day, but it will be taken up on some days without prior notice. You should always have your homework completed neatly and on paper that you are prepared to turn in to be graded. Messy, disorganized homework will not be graded and a zero will be recorded for that daily grade.
Missed classes including class cancellation due to weather
If you miss class for any reason including class cancellation due to bad weather it is your responsibility to catch up on the missed material by the next class period. If a an exam is scheduled for a particular day and the previous class period or the day scheduled for the exam is canceled due to inclement weather, come to class prepared to take the exam the first class day school is back in session. Check MyNwaccConnection for announcements on days the weather is questionable. If I am unable to make it to class due to the weather or for any other reason I will post an announcement by 7:00 a.m.
Withdrawal Policy
If at some point in the semester you are having difficulty and are considering dropping the course, consulting with an academic advisor, your instructor, or Financial Aid can inform your decision. An official drop form must be completed and turned in to the registrar by the drop deadline, usually the first Friday in April. Not attending class is not the same thing as withdrawing.
Special Services
If you are a student with a disability, and if you will be requesting accommodations, it is your responsibility to contact the Office of Disability Services in Burns Hall at 619-4384. After you have met with disability services and receive your registration card it is your responsibility to contact your instructor in a timely fashion to set up the appropriate accommodations. You must give me at least a week’s notice for exam accommodations.
Cell Phones, PDAs, etc.
Please, please, please turn off your cell phones and pagers before class! If you absolutely must have them on for childcare or work reasons I ask that you set them on vibrate mode. Please do not begin talking until after you have left the room. You absolutely may not accept or make calls during any quiz or exam. No IPODS or other listening devices are allowed in the classroom. Also, you may not use your phone or PDA for a calculator in this class and you may not play electronic games or text message in class.
Only a scientific calculator is absolutely necessary to complete the course. While the use of a TI-82, TI-83, or TI-84 calculator is not required, you may find it helpful in a few places. No TI-89, TI-92, nor any other calculator with a CAS is allowed at any time in this class. The presence of a restricted calculator during a quiz or exam (even if it is not actually used) will result in a grade of 0 for that paper with no possibility of the 0 being dropped or replaced. Remember, the use of a calculator should enhance the mathematics, not replace it. The process of obtaining a solution is many times more important for our purposes than the solution itself. Keep this in mind when taking quizzes and exams. I will grade your work as well as your solutions. It is likely that you will be required to use a calculator that I provide during quizzes and exams instead of your own. It is also likely that there will be quizzes and/or exams where no calculators are allowed.
Academic Dishonesty
CAUTION: All instances of academic dishonesty will be dealt with according to the NWACC catalog. This includes, but is not limited to: representing someone else’s work as your own; allowing someone else to represent your work as their own; using unapproved technology including inappropriate calculators; unapproved calculator programs, even if they are not actually used; unapproved formulas either as a hard copy or stored in your calculator, even if they are not actually used; unauthorized computer resources, including accessing or attempting to access other parts of our course or opening (or attempting to open) another web browser during an exam; using any electronic device other than an approved graphing calculator during a quiz or exam; any other action that is not explicitly approved by the instructor in writing prior to the exam.
NWACC is committed to your right to privacy as outlined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. This means that I can only communicate grades with you in person or through NWACC email accounts.
Tentative Exam Dates – There are likely to be changes so make sure you note announcements in class and check your NWACC email regularly
Exam #1 – Thursday, February 3 – Sections 2.2 – 3.1
Exam #2 – Tuesday, March 8 – Sections 3.1 – 3.11
Exam #3 – Thursday, April 7 – Sections 4.1 – 4.8
Exam #4 – Tuesday, May 3 – Sections 5.1 – 5.7 and 6.5
Comprehensive Final Exam – Thursday, May 12 – 9:00 am – 11:00 am *Note the early start time!