Discover How You Get Unstuck,

Quickly and Easily,

UsingThis One, Simple Secret

…and,starting immediately

Become a Working Copywriter…


Finally, You Can Get Back the Momentum You Need

to Persevere and Tell Your Naysayers…

“See, I told you so!”


It’s Monday morning. The alarm didn’t go off. You know the boss will be mad you’re late for work! So you hit the bathroom… grab a breakfast-to-go… and fly outthe house. With keys in hand, you pause at the car door…

…then you remember the good-byes at work last Friday. And smile as you realize…

YOU are your OWN BossNow!

DearAspiring Copywriter,

It wasn’t that long ago when you…

…DREAMEDof making a six-figure income… having greater flexibility in your day… enjoying the independencea lifestyle ofbeing your own bosswould provide…friends admiring your improved status in a new career… but most importantly… having more time freedom to do what you want, when you want.

…then you SEARCHED for an opportunity. One that would allow you to create your own success. And reward you quite well for your efforts.

And when you met AWAI you DISCOVEREDa promising, lucrative, in-demand freelance writing opportunity to achieve your dream.

And so, you picked up AWAI’s flagship training product Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting.


You Did Everything Right!

But now… there it sits.

Life hands youonesetback after another. You become your worst critic…worried others willjudge you harshly, as you struggle to fit it all in. Your courage to stay the course is all but gone… and, you pray you won’t have to put your dreams on hold…again!

“WHY doessuccess have to be so HARD?”

Let me assure you, you’re not alone. Despite our best intentions, we’ve ALLgotten stuck on the way to our dreams.

And we’re in good company.Did you know…?

  • Walt Disney, world-renowned cartoonist, at first got rejected by MGM Studios saying his idea for “Mickey Mouse” would never work!
  • Tom Watson, great salesman and industrialist of IBM fame, started his legacy out by quitting uninspired jobs, getting fired for screw-ups and failing at several business ventures.
  • John Wayne, legendary actor, struggled for nearly a decade with roles in numerous B-grade movies before his career exploded.
  • Former President Ronald Reagan’s political career stalled when he lost the Republican nomination for President to Gerald Ford in 1976…after two successful terms as governor of California!

These extraordinary performers (and countless others) learned early on how to persevere for the PROMISE of success.

Like you, they longed for success.

But now you wonder…

Can Ordinary People Persevere?

That’s a GREAT question!

Check out these “ordinary” AWAI members. They were once in your same shoes. And now,as successful, working, in-demand copywriters,they couldn’t be happier they decided to stay the course. Here’s what their road to success once looked like…

  • “I had some dark moments when everything in me wanted to quit and give up. More than one client criticized my writing… or… promised me an assignment, and then I never heard from them again. All of that hurt, but it did not stop me.” – Joshua B.
  • “What worked for me was persistence. My first few attempts to get their (client) attention didn’t go as planned, so I just kept submitting samples. I’m happy to say it eventually worked, and now I’m working on my second project for them.” – Michelle B.
  • “A few times I wondered if I'd ever finish.During a rough time in December of 2005, I received a shot at my first promotion. It failed… That nearly killed me as a writer on the inside. But the Marketing Director told me to keep writing and not to quit. Now, three years after starting the program, I'm a full-time copywriter working from my home.” – Clyde M.

Sound familiar?

Getting “Stuck” is quite common. It comes easily to all of us.

Are you worried being “stuck” is keeping you from your dream? Your dream of freedom to be your own boss… working from home… making a six-figure income… creating a lifestyle where you can do anything you want, when you want?

Then we’ve got great news! Would you agree that getting “Unstuck” is where the SECRET lies?

Recommit now to claim your dream and we’ll reveal…

Psst! Can You Keep A Secret?

…how you can persevere once and for all!

So, how DO you get unstuck?

We’ll show you in a just a bit… but first, answer these telling questions to seeif you’ll benefit from our “proven” secret.

  1. Are you satisfied with your progress on our Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting course?
  2. Do you find plenty of time for your study each week?
  3. Are you clear on what action steps you should take each week?
  4. Are you getting all your questions answered as you go through the program?
  5. Are you confident you will complete thecourse within 3 months?

If you’ve answered “NO” to more than one of these questions, then listen closely, because…

At AWAI, we heard you loud and clear!

We’ve worked long and hard on developing a way to:

  • Take away the fear of working toward your goal of becoming a successful copywriter.
  • Erase any doubts you have that this dream of yours is well-deserved and doable.
  • Give you the discipline to follow through to completion!
  • Offer you the security that comes from successfully duplicating a proven system.
  • Provide you with the momentum you’ve been begging for to catapult you to the next level of copywriting expertise.
  • Guarantee completion of our Accelerated Copywriting program!

So, we’d like to hold you by the hand for a personal “walk-through” of our basic course.

May We Introduce You To…?

AWAI’s newest Success Coach createdjust for you…Accelerated Program Live Companion Series!

In Live Companion Series, we are thrilled to offer you:

  • A personal walk-through of the entire Accelerated Copywriting course… in just 13 weeks!
  • Everything you need to know about the industry, copywriting secrets and techniques, AND getting work.
  • A powerful interactive formatvia a “live” weekly webinar where you can follow the sections and exercises in real time by participating right on your computer screen… at home!
  • Unlimited access to the “play-back” of each webinar in case you can’t make a “live” session or to review multiple times.
  • How to take actionwith small steps throughout the week assuring progress toward completion.
  • Opportunities to ask questions and get clarification of copywriting principles and techniques during our weekly sessions.
  • A choice of practice and spec assignments only Live Companion Series participants will ever get to see.
  • Lifetime access to a Live Companion Series special forum where you can ask questions, network with AWAI trainers and fellow aspiring copywriters, and offer or receive peer reviews online to further advance your understanding of the business of copywriting.
  • And, 3 Bonus Sessions we’ll reveal in just a bit!

It’s Like Having a Personal Coach

Guide You Every Step of the Way

We are so sure this program is just what you have been looking forto persevere once and for all! But don’t take our word for it. Here’s what fellow AWAI membersand graduates had to say about Live Companion Series…

  • “I received AWAI’s Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting in July of 2009. Then life happened…again! I barely completed the first of thirteen installments when I was invited to participate in AWAI’s inaugural Accelerated Program Live Companion Series in February, 2010. Thirteen weeks later, I was officially a copywriter! What I didn’t do in 29 weeks, Live Companion Series held me accountable to doing in just 13 weeks.” – Jerry B.
  • “I purchased the Six-Figure Program in (ugh) 2006. I can't believe I allowed that much time to pass without completing the program on my own… I'm grateful to AWAI for… their brand new resource, the Live Companion Series… The program was engaging, highly informative and fun! Best part, though, is now "I'm a copywriter"! and on a path that can lead to the life of my dreams…” - Karen S.
  • “I purchased AWAI'sAccelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywritingso many years ago… I've started and restarted the program repeatedly.I never gave up… The email from AWAI for the Live Companion Seriesarrived with perfect timing…It is the perfect resource forcompleting the series in a timely and fun atmosphere.- Christopher M.
  • “For anyone working through theAccelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting and dealing with "life",Live Companion Seriesis the only way to get through it in a timely fashion as far as I'm concerned.Live Companion Series will keep you structured, explain the details, and have you on your way to becoming a paid copywriter in 13 short weeks.” – Dana H.

What Live Companion Seriesdid for others, it can do for you!

With Live Companion Series, our goal is simple…

“To put this program in the hands of those who are asking for it. Live Companion Series is our strongest PROMISE yet to help you make your dream of working for yourself a reality!”

We Wanted To Make This a No-Brainer…

So we knew we had to make it affordable. Make it easy for you to take advantage of the many benefits our new program offers. Game changing benefits like the:

Ease of replicating our unique, proven formula so you canwrite copy that sells… and makes you money!

Convenience of following our “live” evening sessions from the comfort of your own home computer.

Security of unlimited opportunities to practice your skills and receive feedback before approaching your first client.

Confidence to implement specific action steps laid out for you each week…and,

Peace-of-mind knowing the “scheduled” sessions will hold you accountable to completing the entire program… in just 13 weeks!

That’s why we set the price for Accelerated Program Live Companion Series at just $495.

The income potential alone makes this program worth thousands… IF we were asking that.

Many AWAI members have earned six-figures their first full year of copywriting. And you could easily earn from your first clientmuch more than what you will pay for Live Companion Series.

But Wait…

Limited Time Special Offer!

We know times are tough right now. And because you already purchased our basic program, we want to prove how serious we are about you succeeding at becoming a working copywriter.

Sowe decided to makeAccelerated Program Live Companion Seriesavailable at a reduced rate. But for a limited-time only!If you act now and sign up before midnight of Friday, June 25, 2010, you pay just $250!

That’s nearlyHALF the price of our normal program rate!

So what are you waiting for?

Join us as we walk you through the Accelerated Program! And help you get the life-changing momentumyou need on the way to your DREAM of:

  • Greater time freedom.
  • Much, much better income.
  • Independence and flexibility as a freelance business owner.
  • Pride in your new accomplishments.
  • Admiration of friends and family.
  • Satisfaction knowing you FINALLY did it!

One More Thing I Almost Forgot…

We already told you our basic program takes just 13 weeks. That’s when you officially become a working copywriter! But it doesn’t end there. Join us for 3 BONUS SESSIONS dedicated to Getting Clients, Writing B2B Copy, and Writing for the Web.

Our Bonus Session Getting Clients will help take the fear out of your biggest challenge as a new copywriter.

Writing B2B CopyWriting for the Web will help you zero in on a copywriting niche that interests you. So you can put your focus there. And you’ll learn how to quickly get paying clients in that niche!

So hurry! We start our “live” sessions soon. Sign up now before our special rate offer expires!

In a few short weeks, you can be well on your way to earning an income more deserving of your effort…andbuilding a lifestyle friends and family can only envy…while leaving co-workers stunned at your departure, butrealizing you were right all along.

And yes.

They will ALL look at you in amazement. Because, you finally “made it”!

Fill out the order card and mail it today to accept our invitation to participate in your personal coaching program, Accelerated Program Live Companion Series.

Or if you prefer… call Barb, Pat, Debbie, or Jacqui in Member Services toll-free at 1-866-879-2924 to sign up.

And when you finish successfully in 13 weeks, you can bet I’ll be congratulating you on your renewedmomentum, and saying…

WELCOME to Six-Figure Copywriting… BOSS!

Katie Yeakle

Executive Director, AWAI


StillNot Sure This is For You?

There’s an Easy Way to Find Out

Put our offer to the test!

As with all programs AWAI offers, your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.

Try Accelerated Program Live Companion Seriesrisk-free for 30 days.That’s 4 weeks of test-driving the “live” sessions. Prove to yourself that making progress is as easy as we say.

If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your progress, simply call Member Services and we’ll issue you a prompt refund in full- no questions asked!


I expect by now you trust Live Companion Series can give you the momentum you need to move your dream forward- fast! Life-changing momentum, like what Ron M.recently experienced.

Ron wrote us shortly after completing our program… “Yesterday, I got my first client.”

Crediting his success to the Accelerated Program Live Companion Series, Ron continued:

  • "I've had the Accelerated Copywriting Program for a long time (I'm embarrassed to tell you how long) and never finished it. But I've been able to get myself back on track with the Companion Series… This Series has also been a catalyst for me to do other things. During these 16 weeks, I have also written the copy for and put up two websites for myself.”

Why delay your success any further? Reclaim momentum toward your dreamof being your own boss by filling out the order card and mailing it today. Or call us toll-free at 1-866-879-2924.

We look forward to continuing to serve you!