February 27, 2009

Location: Radisson Hotel and Suites, St. Cloud, MN

Present: / Rebecca Thiesfeld, President
Jennifer Gryte, Past President
David Tabert, Scholarship Coordinator
Brad Lindow, Salary Survey
Rachael Redenius, Membership Director / Jody Bjerke, Secretary
Kim Carlson, Fall Conference Chair
Teresa Jacobson, Business Partner Liaison
Celeste Gardner, Region 3
Absent: / Maritza DeJesus, Treasurer
Karmen Reid, ASHHRA Liaison
Leah Nelson, Education Coordinator
Marit Brock, Marketing Director
Sarah Fredrickson, President Elect
Sarah Carlson, Spring Conference Coordinator / Sandy Shea, Region 2
Stacey Lhotka, Region 3
Kim O’Neil, Region 4
Beth Dittbenner, Region 6
Tammie Hudspith, Region 6

The meeting was called to order by President Thiesfeld at 10:03 a.m.

Secretary’s Report

Jody Bjerke presented the January 30, 2009 minutes. The minutes were approved 3-0 with approved corrections.

Treasurer’s Report

There was no report. The board discussed the present concerns with the financials and transition management. Several suggestions were presented and a decision was made that Becky Thiesfeld, Jennifer Gryte, Dave Talbert and Maritza DeJesus would meet to review the organization’s financial position and options.

HHRAM Tax Filing

$3,971 was paid to the IRS. We are requesting the IRS return the penalty portion. The 2008 tax return needs to be prepared.

Spring Conference

Theresa Jacobson reported that we have approximately 15 business partners signed up. The board discussed having a registration form on the web page and the ability for the partners to pay online. There was also discussion on business partners’ requests for sponsorship and if we should send registration forms to Nurse Managers.

Fall 2009 Conference

Kim Carlson, Karmen Reid, Sarah Fredrickson and one other Mayo employee are working together to plan the Fall Conference, which will be held in Rochester at the Radisson Hotel (soon to be Hilton Doubletree) on August 26 – 28th. Several individuals/organizations were suggested for speakers: Legislators on current state of Health Care, Quint Studer, Dr. LaVeen, and the Blake-Hayes group. The following items were discussed: Wednesday morning Mayo tours, business partners, vendor sponsored President reception on Wednesday night, breakouts, tours and golf on Thursday, presentation with MOLN, street entertainment Thursday night, business meeting. Friday again will have a legal update. There was strong support that we concentrate on linking business and HR.

2009 Organizational Chart

Region 1, 2 and 5 are still open for representatives. We will ask for volunteers for the positions of Regional Representatives at the Spring Conference.

Website Update

Rachel Redenius reported for Marit. The board reviewed the new website and will continue to respond with suggestions. There will be a separate section for conference planners for communication between planners. Region Chairs will also have access and can invite region members to events. There will be a training guide. The board discussed the use of names versus ID numbers for members to access.

MOLN Partnership

Becky and Jennifer had a conference call with MOLN. The first educational roll out series (“Healthy Behavior in the Workplace”) will possibly be in June for the northern and metro areas. This will be a 4-part series as a train-the trainer with HR, Nurse Leaders, and Physician Leaders. More information will be presented at the Spring Conference.

Financial Reporting

No Report. The board discussed creating a budget for TEAM to control our expenses. Another suggestion to control costs was to put all of the conference information on a CD for conference attendees versus paper handouts. This would cut copy and shipping costs.


The board discussed what information was needed to send to ASHHRA for awards etc.

The Chapter Leadership Conference (May) was discussed. The president Elect usually goes but it is unlikely that Sarah will be able to attend this year.

ASHHRA National Conference is the first week in November. All the officers except the past president are funded to go ($1200 each).

ASHHRA is sponsoring one $1,000 scholarship for each region to attend the ASHHRA National Conference.


Leah Nelson has set up one account with HRCI (Human Resource Certification Institute) for HHRAM. All requests for credit will go through her. She must have all information (outline of objectives, speaker profile etc) a minimum of 4 weeks ahead of time to get credit approval.

Regional Director Report

Celeste Gardner, Region 3, was present to report on their FMLA/ADA seminar and the costs of the seminar. They plan to have another seminar in May regarding the new regulations. She suggested that all money not used by in-active regions be available for active regions, possibly by submitting an application of need. It will be something to think about as the budget is developed.

Salary Survey Committee

Brad Lindow reported on the upcoming surveys that will be distributed. The salary survey committee reviews the survey and jobs, then adds/subtracts jobs. The board discussed how to get more global representation (more rural and out-state participation) and to market first time participants. There were approximately 200 MN participants last year. It was also suggested marketing through the regions.

Chapter Management

Theresa Jacobson reported that she is collecting information to recap the year and submit to ASHHRA, which can now be done electronically. It is due by June 5, 2009.


David Tabert has re-written the scholarship program announcement and will have it inserted in the next newsletter.


We have 205 members, (255 last year). We need to market at conferences, Region Meetings and through regions. Brochures are available by request.

Next meeting will be April 15, 2009 at 6:30 at the Timothy’s Northwoods Restaurant, Riverwood Inn & Conference Center in Otsego, MN.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by: Jody Bjerke, Secretary