A Program for Lay Discernment in Community
Fall, 2017
Christians in the Anglican tradition believe that all members of the community of faith are called into service in the body of Christ and in the world by virtue of their baptismal covenant. At every celebration of Holy Baptism, the congregation joins the baptized or those speaking on his or her behalf in reaffirming their commitment to proclaim the Good News by word and example, to seek and serve Christ in all persons, and to respect the dignity of every human being. Thus the fundamental discernment question is not “Am I called to God’s work?”, but rather, “What is the work to which God calls me?”
Discerning Our Christian Callis a lay-focused program that is designed to guide groups through a process of reflection, community awareness, self-assessment, and synthesis to define each individual’s call to service. The course helpsparticipants learn about a broad array of lay ministry possibilities and how those can align with their own gifts and talents. It also benefits the community of faith by providing a window into the special ministry opportunities and possibilities that it could undertake based on the calls and resources of its members.
Discerning Our Christian Call may be structured as a six-part weekly or bi-weekly discussion (for example, as an Advent or Lenten study or an Adult Education program), or as a weekend retreat. Materials provided include a comprehensive annotated book list and access instructions to online assessment tools and further resources.
The program utilizes a combination of discussions and individual self-assessment activities, all grounded in Scripture and the sacramental traditions of Anglican Christianity. The seriesprovides a framework for exploring and sorting through questions related to God’s work in the world today, drawing on spiritual practices that support discernment, identifying the gifts and opportunities for service that God presents to us, and determining whether a particular call is of God and intended for usin this place and time. A broad range of self-exploration tools, books, and online resources is offered to provide information that may be used in the process.
Discerning Our Christian Call was developed in the Diocese of Eau Claire under the direction of the Commission on Ministry, and pilot-tested in spring, 2017, at St. Paul’s Church, Hudson. Although each participantcame to a different understanding of their personal call, most saidat the conclusion of the program that they had arrived at a clearer insight into how God was callingthem to serve. Participants also said they had gained tools and direction to help them continue their discernment after the program ended.
For more information contact Rev. Jo Glasser at 608-788-9177 (office number with secure voice mail) or via email at .