Matawan-Aberdeen Middle School
Home of the Huskies
Aaron S. EylerPrincipal / 469 Matawan Avenue, Cliffwood, NJ 07721
(732) 705-5400 FAX (732) 765-0894
Joseph G. Majka, J.D.,Superintendent of Schools / Richard J. Abrahamson
Assistant Principal
Mona Tobia
Assistant Principal
Social Studies
Ms. Hamilton
September 2016
Dear Students and Parents,
Welcome to 8th grade Social Studies! I am sure we are going to have a wonderful school year. We will be learning about and exploring topics such as ancient civilizations throughout the world, world religions, andthe foundational concepts and principles of Athenian Democracy and the Roman Republic that influenced the development of the United States Constitution. Please read the following explanation of what you can expect and what will be expected of you to ensure a successful and enjoyable year.
Each student is expected to have his/her own binder, assignment, textbook and pen in class everyday. All assignments must be in class on their due date. Students must arrive to class on time, and participate in class activities without disruption to other students.
Please have a three (3) ring binder for social studies class. The binder should be organized by unit. The binder will be checked periodically during each marking period. It must be neat, orderly and complete. The binder must be in class everyday. It should be taken home everyday for written homework and as an important study tool. Students are encouraged to have one three (3) ring binder for both social studies and science with a clear division of subjects.
Homework should be placed in the binder. It must be complete, in class and on time to receive credit. It will be checked regularly. No credit will be given for late or incomplete work, or work left in a locker.
Current Events: Additionally, students will be required to have a current events article or news story each week with a written summary of the topic being discussed. The summary should answer the questions who, what, where, when, why, and any outcome from the story. Format sheets are available at all times in class. The sources for these news stories may be a newspaper, magazine, television newscast, or any reputable site from the computer. The source of the current event must be clearly provided. If available, news articles should be attached to the written summary. If a specific topic for the current event is assigned, as will happen during certain units of study, a one week notice will be given on the topic. Otherwise topics should be of state, national, or international concern. This assignment will be due the first class meeting of every week beginning
September 19, 2016.
Quizzes may or may not be announced.
Tests will be announced at least one week in advance.
Projects will have clear and specific requirements that will be reviewed in class completely. Each project is expected to be the work of the student. Any plagiarism will result in loss of credit.
All assignments, including homework, upcoming quizzes, projects and/or tests will be posted on our homework board in our classroom and on my homework page of the district website. Please do not rely on the homework page of the district website in case there are any technological problems. Please make sure to copy the assignments from our classroom homework board into your agenda during the appropriate class time. No computer related exceptions or extensions will be given for any assignment.
Grades will be computed using the following criteria:
Tests & Projects 50%
Quizzes/Class Work 35%
Homework 15%
Absences and Late Work
If a student is absent, he/she is expected to visit the teacher the day he/she returns regardless of A/B Day. This will allow any work that is due to be handed in and any work that was assigned to be distributed and reviewed with the student.
If a project is not handed in on the due date and the student is present in school, the project will receive a minus ten points (-10) and will be due the next school day, not the next A/B Day. Any project handed in more than one day late, when the student is present in school, will result in grade of zero for the project. If a student is absent on the day a project is due, the project is to be turned in on the day of return to school, regardless of A/B Day.
Students are encouraged to use technology. However, computer related excuses will not be accepted for late projects/papers/homework. Media storage devices, such as flash drives, and submission of assignments by email will not be accepted in place of a printed copy without prior approval by the teacher. No pictures of assignments will be accepted for credit.
In class, students are welcome to use technology when appropriate. As a result of having laptops in the classroom, students should not being using cell phones in class. All cell phones, I-pads, I-pods and such should remain unseen and unheard, unless specifically instructed by the teacher to take them out. If a student is found to be using technology for use other than school assignments the device will be taken away, as per district policy.
Parent Portal
All grades will be posted on Parent Portal in a timely manner. Please check Parent Portal
on a regular basis to stay updated on student progress throughout the year.
I look forward to an exciting and rewarding year. If you have any questions or concerns
at any time please feel free to contact me. E-mail address: or
732-705-5400, which is the main number for the school.
There is a signature page attached. Please complete and return the signature page and keep this as a handy reference throughout the year.
Thank you,
Ms. Hamilton
Social Studies 2016-17 School Year
I have read and understand the expectations of me for the 2016-2017 school year. I agree
to follow the requirements as outlined on the attached pages.
Student signature______
I have read and understand the expectations of my child for the 2016-2017 school year. I
agree to help my child meet these requirements to the best of his/her ability.
Parent/guardian signature______
Please complete:
Parent/guardian name:______
Please complete the following information and indicate your preferred method of contact. Thank you.
______Home phone: ______
______Cell phone: ______
______Email: ______