Guidelines for Medication Administration at Camp
Authorized HPISD staff will assist in the administration of medications to students while at camp in accordance with HPISD medication guidelines and board policy.
A school employee designated by the principal may administer medications to students. Parent volunteers may not administer any type of medication to a student.
For medicine that is to be given daily, only the amount needed for the period of time the student is at camp should be sent. Since the daily dosage should be dispensed in the dosage amount prescribed by a physician, there should be nothing left over at the end of camp. NOTE: If your child takes medicine in the morning, be sure to give it at home the morning of departure for camp.
The medication dosage amount written on the prescription label is the dosage amount that will be given to the student. Labels that have been altered with a different time or a different amount will NOT be accepted.
All medicines must be in properly labeled containers. Your pharmacist can provide you with an empty bottle that is properly labeled for the medicine your child is taking. All inhalers must have labels on them.
Over-the-counter (OTC’s) must be in original container not expired. Over-the-counter meds will be given only in the amounts recommended on the label, NOT to exceed the recommended dose.
No medication containing aspirin products, such as Pepto Bismol, Excedrin, etc, will be given without written permission (as a prescription) from the student’s physician.
Please avoid herbal and supplements- this includes melatonin.
Please make sure that all medications are current, especially Inhalers, Nebulizer meds, and Epi Pens. Expired meds will NOT be given.
All required Medication Forms, Health and Emergency Forms, Allergy Action Plans and Asthma Action Plans can be accessed online.
Go to the HPISD website and click on Health Services. Click on Health Forms and then select and print the form(s) you need. Please pay close attention to detail and sign the form(s) that you are sending.
A separate Medication Administration Form has to be filled out for each medicine that your child is taking. Do not put more than one medicine on a form.
Bring medications and completed forms to the school clinic. We must have all medications and forms in the clinic on the following dates with no exceptions:
October 25th for the group going November 6ththru November’ 8th.
November 20th for the group going December 4th thru December 6th