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Plymouth Site Board

Date: January 5, 2017

Attendees: Sarah Stanley, Plymouth Site Director, Brynn Cooper, Eligibility Specialist, Scott Morrison, Case Manager

Board Members in Attendance: Kathy Sylvester, Bob Sylvester.

Guests: Kathleen Considine, Jean Childers, Liz Haughn, Phil Bombardier, Sheila Flaherty, Oonagh Brault, Barbara DeCunzo,

Recording: Nina Crasco

Topic / Discussion / Assignment/Task / Point Person / Notes
INTRODUCTIONS / Introductions were made.
Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes / Minutes from 10/6/16 meeting distributed and accepted.
SITE UPDATES / Sarah provided updates about the Site. The Plymouth DMH office is in the process of hiring two new case managers to replace departing case managers. The Plymouth DMH Site will be fully staffed again once the 2 case managers begin. Brynn Cooper, HSC-C began on 10/31/16 as the Site’s new Service Authorization Specialist/CM Supervisor (replacing Colleen DeGowin.) Brynn is actively involved in Plymouth’s Project Outreach and is operating the DMH/Mental Health Booth at the bi-weekly community drop-in nights. Brynn shared some additional information about Project Outreach.
TRAINING & PRESENTATIONS / Sarah shared that the first MHFA training for local police was held on 12/9 and was a successful, full class. The local police departments are interested in additional MHFA trainings for Plymouth County police. Kathy Considine asked if corrections could be invited. Sarah replied that a couple of corrections officers did attend and would also be invited to future Plymouth County MHFA law enforcement trainings.
The Community Conversations event on 12/8 went well. Sarah asked for ideas about the next one. Group ideas were discussed, with a consensus that the next one could be focused on youth/families and the local the school departments. Kathleen mentioned a possible speaker for the next one (Patrick form NAMI Allies.) Kathleen also shared that there is an upcoming Allies training for teachers at Silver Lake High School on the 17th of January. The first part is from 11-12 and the second part is from 1-2 p.m.
AWARENESS AND STIGMA REDUCTION / Sarah asked about other ideas to generate awareness and reduce stigma about mental health in the community (such as a comedy event.) Kathleen, Phil, Barbara, Jean, Liz, Nina, Brynn and Sarah would all be interested in working on planning an event with NAMI and the Plymouth County Suicide Prevention Coalition. A subsequent meeting with be coordinated to work on this.
EMERGENCY SERVICES / The Southeast Emergency Services are being eliminated, so there could be bumping within DMH. Emergency services for our catchment area will not be impacted because the Plymouth ESP is already operated by a vendor. The impact here would be if DMH staff here are bumped when the other emergency service sites close. MBHP will be overseeing the new vendor operated ESPs in the Southeast.
DMH BUDGET / Sarah was asked how to get more money to be given to the DMH budget for better and/or more services. Sarah said that people could advocate to their local legislators. Kathy Considine said that NAMI is advocating to restore the funding to mental health services.
OPEN DISCUSSION / Barbara DeCunzo asked about someone’s child who had a psychiatric break and if they would go immediately into DMH services. Sarah explained that they would first need to apply for services. Sarah explained the DMH eligibility process. First Area Office conducts the clinical eligibility and then if the person is clinically eligibility, Brynn Cooper meets with them and she does the needs and means to see what services they would need and what is available. The Plymouth DMH Site has Vinfen CBFS, case management services, clinical services, and the Clubhouse. DMH monitors the Vinfen contracted services.
Phil Bombardier asked if the Plymouth DMH Site had a website or brochures. We do not have a specific website just for Plymouth, but DMH has a general website.
Barbara DeCunzo asked why Pembroke Hospital doesn’t tell people inpatient there about services offered by DMH. They do have access to the applications and can help people fill out an application but some of the social workers do not.
Kathy Considine asked how we could increase awareness so more people would know.
DMH offers help to people filling out the applications..
Liz Haughn spoke again about advocacy. Kathy Considine said that they are planning to see Senator DeMacedo and they will be talking to him about funding.
Discussion about privatization and how it is only about money and it is spreading services thin.
Liz Haughn spoke about how she works with a home visiting program for first time young parents. They are talking about doing ACES, and the staff are uncomfortable about doing this. They want to have resources available to offer if they are going to be asking questions and issues arise. Liz asked if DMH would be able to help and get involved; Sarah can follow up with Liz and the DMH Child/Adolescent Services Department.
REGULATIONS / The 104 CMR Department of Mental Health regulations were handed out. Sarah spoke about how the Site Boards have a Chairman of the Board and that person takes the lead at the meetings and also reports to the Area Board about needs and concerns. The Chairman also participates in the review of the Area’s proposed annual budget and contract review meetings. The Area Board meetings are held quarterly as well as the Site Boards. The Chairman of the Board is a position that does require more from the member. Sarah asked members to consider if they would want to serve in this capacity. People can look over the regulations and follow up with Sarah and/or at the next meeting.
SPECIALTY COURTS / Information about the specialty courts were handed out and the flyer for the Plymouth Mental Health Court. Plymouth MH Court is at 10 a.m. every other Thursday and a board member could attend. The next sessions are the 12th and 26th of January on the third floor in courtroom E. There are also monthly Advisory Meetings a board member could participate in this also. The next Advisory Meeting in on January 26th at 1:00 p.m. in the Judges Lobby.
Phil Bombardier explained a little about how the mental health court referral process works after a person is arrested.
FRIENDS OF BMSC / Jack Ryan of the Brockton Board was going to attend the meeting tonight, but wasn’t able to make it. He was going to explain how their Board is run, and share about the “Friends of Brockton Multi Service Center” program. The Brockton Site Board operates the Friends of BMSC and they raise money and give turkeys and gift cards at the holidays for the clients, etc. They hold various fund raisers including a large gold tournament. Scott Morrison spoke about some of the thing the Friends do. Scott spoke about how DMH staff can’t organize or run these but can help out by selling tickets or participating in the tournaments. Jack will attend the next meeting and can speak to everyone about how they operate. Plymouth Site Board may consider doing something similar for Plymouth Area DMH clients.
COMEDY EVENT PLANNING / Emails will be sent out regarding the Comedy Event planning meeting, and the agenda of the next board meeting.
NEXT MEETING / Next Meeting April 6, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. / .

DMH staff: Minutes should be emailed to DMH-DL – Open Meeting Notices after they are approved by the Public Body.