Disability Equipment Program Procedure

Ordering and Payment

Target Audience

Areas applicable:Approved Prescribers and Aged and Disability Program Staff.


To outline the process forthe ordering and payment ofDisability Equipment Programaids and equipment.

Personnel able to perform procedures

DEP Work Unit staff

DEP Cost Centre Managers


This procedure is to be actioned in accordance with Northern Territory Government Procurement Directions and relevant components of the DEP Policy and Procedure Manual.


  1. The DEP Work Unit receive prescriptions after they are actioned by the Aged and Disability Program (A&DP) Intake Officer, DEP Clinical Leader or Prescription Advisory Committee (as required)and the DEP Cost Centre Manager.
  2. Client files are established, prescription and equipment details are captured, and outcome letters are provided to the client as outlined in the PR-3 Prescription and Approval Procedure.

2.Establish Job Cost Profile

DEP uses the Government Accounting System (GAS) Job Cost system for coding of payments. This system allows for a unique code to be assigned to each client to enable greater reporting functionality.

  1. The DEP Work Unit checks for existing client profiles using the GAS JC220 screen. Refer to GAS Job Cost – Inquiries User Guide.
  1. The JC220 screen includes:

Field Name / Entry/Selection
Project ID / 70TM
Task ID / X (Region Code 1 digit)
(8 digits total) / XXXXXXX (Client ID 7 digits)

The Full Job Cost Code String is made up of several components to ensure that expenditure is able to be registered against the DEP Work Unit, region and client. Refer to the DEP JCG Job Cost Coding Guidelines for Region Codes.

  1. The DEP Work Unit creates a client profile by adding a Task using the GAS JC220 screen. Refer to GAS Job Cost – Project/Task Maintenance User Guide.
  1. The JC220 screen includes:

Field Name / Entry/Selection
Project ID / 70TM
Task ID / X (Region Code 1 digit)
(8 digits total) / XXXXXXX (Client ID 7 digits)
Task ID Desc / Client Surname, First Name
GL Acct Mask / 70-XXXX-E (DEP Cost Centre 4 digits)
Status / All fields ‘O’ for Open

The Full Job Cost Code String is made up of several components to ensure that expenditure is able to be registered against the DEP Work Unit, region and client. Refer to the Job Cost Coding Guidelinesfor Region Codes.

3.Confirm Items to Be Ordered

  1. The DEP Work Unit consider all approved equipment items and confirm if they are instock or require an individual order.
  2. Items available from stock are issued in accordance with the DEP PR-7 Trial and Issue Procedure.
  3. Items that are non-stock or not available in stock are ordered by the DEP Work Unit.
  1. Approved Prescribers order items specifically for trial in accordance with the Trial and Issue Procedure.


Quotes for non-stock items are sourced by the Approved Prescriber prior to DEP Work Unit processing. DEP Work Units seek quotes for replenishment of stock or replacement items.

  1. Quotes are sought in accordance with Procurement Directions.
  1. The Request for Quote template is used to seek quotes to ensure that possible suppliers are provided consistent information on which to base their quote. No client identifiers are used in the quoting process.
  2. Quotes submitted to DEP must reflect final recommended items.
  3. A minimum of three quotes will be sought for orders in excess of $15 000 as they are a Tier 2 Procurement activity.
  4. Where three quotes are required for a wheeled mobility item, the Seating Equipment Assessment and Technical (SEAT) Service is consulted to assist in determining the most appropriate quote.
  5. Where an item is not available within the Territory, consultation must occur with the Industry Capability Network Northern Territory (ICNNT) who will provide a Consultation Number.
  6. Quotes for home modifications must be sought from Registered Builders. Refer to DEP CG-9 Clinical Guideline for Home Modifications.
  7. DEP require a copy of the builder’s Certificate of Registration before any works are agreed to. Certificates received are saved electronically for future reference in the DEP NT Wide shared electronic drive.
  8. The DEP Work Unit checks all Certificates received against the online register maintained by the Building Practitioner’s Board. For more information refer to http://www.ntlis.nt.gov.au/building-practitioners/. If this cannot be done for whatever reason, a certified copy of the Certificate is required.
  9. Quotes from some suppliers may include freight to the supplier/NorthernTerritory. The Approved Prescriber and DEP Work Unit include this freight and any applicable GST when calculating the Total Cost for the quote/order and client contribution (if required).
  1. Upon receipt of the quote, the Approved Prescriber or DEP Work Unit carry out a brief analysis considering:

Local development and value adding;



Price; and

Any specific analysis requirements as outlined in other DEP procedures such as DEP PR9 Triage and Repair Procedure.

  1. The Repair and Maintenance (R&M) Contractor is only required to quote for repairs that cost more than $300 (non-powered) and $500 (powered). Quotes under this amount are not required as agreed in the R&M Contract. Quotes for Cyclical Maintenance are not required as agreed in the R&M Contract.
  1. The DEP Work Unit may query timeframes for services that are significantly different to those agreed in the R&M Contract.

5.Update Equipment Details

The DEP Work Unit enters Equipment Items on the Community Care Information System (CCIS) upon receipt of aprescription as outlined in the Prescription and Approval Procedure.

  1. The DEP Work Unit updates equipment details for all items approved prior to ordering or issue of stock to ensure all equipment and payment information is captured.
  2. The DEP Work Unit creates an Equipment Order Action and records the funding source/s on CCIS. Refer to CCIS Training Resources – DEP (TIME Scheme).
  1. New Equipment Order tab includes:

Field Name / Entry/Selection
Supplier / As detailed on Prescription/Quote (includes option for stock)
Order Type / IR/TIMES IR/Other (for stock)
Order/IR No. / As detailed on IR (Field not required for TIMES IR)
Order Date / Date Ordered
Order Quantity / As detailed on Quote
Measure / As detailed on Quote
Expected Delivery Date / As detailed on Quote
Invoice No. / Not entered at this time
Freight Company / Entered as necessary
Freight Warrant No. / Entered as necessary
Notes / Entered as necessary
Eg. Specific delivery instructions or approval progress.

The Invoice No. is not entered at this time as the invoice is generally issued by the supplier at the time of or soon after delivery. Freight Company, Freight Warrant No. and Notes fields are entered as necessary.

  1. New Equipment Funding tab includes:

Field Name / Entry/Selection
Funding Source / As detailed on Prescription
Funding Value / As detailed on Prescription
THS cost code / 70 XXXX 359301 (DEP Cost Centre 4 digits)
Client cost code / Full Job Cost Code String
(16 digits total) / 70TM X (Region Code 1 digit)
XXXXXXX (Client ID 7 digits)
XXXX (Job Cost Code 4 digits)
Notes / Entered as necessary

The Full Job Cost Code String is made up of several components to ensure that expenditure is able to be registered against the DEP Work Unit, region and client. Refer to the Job Cost Coding Guidelinesfor Region and Job Cost Codes.


  1. The DEP Work Unit prints theIR from CCIS by selecting and printing the Order from the Actions tab. IRs are not required for some services such as those included in the R&M Contract. This varies regionally.
  1. Where a client contribution is required, the item is not ordered until the signed DEP A5 Client Contribution Agreement is returned in accordance with the DEP PR-5 Client Contribution Procedure.
  2. The printed IR is updated as required to ensure that all fields are completed:

Field Name / Entry/Selection
Contact Name / As detailed on Prescription
Phone / As detailed on Prescription
Description Equipment Type / Additional information entered as necessary
Attachments / Selected as necessary
Actions / Selected as necessary
Cost Code / X (Region Code 1 digit)
(16 digits total) / XXXX (Job Cost Code 4 digits)
Client Name / Additional information entered as necessary
Client contribution details (see below)
Rate / As detailed on Quote (cost per unit)
Cost / As detailed on Quote (total cost per Equipment Subtype)
DEP contribution amount (see below)
GST / Selected as necessary
Additional Costs / Entered as necessary
Client contribution amount (see below)
Total / As detailed on Quote (total cost for IR)
DEP contribution amount (see below)
Additional Information / Entered as necessary
To ensure invoices are directed appropriately, note instructions and DEP address for submitting invoices
Eg. Please forward invoice directly to DEP to ensure prompt payment. DEP address
Date / Update as necessary to date of signing

The Full Job Cost Code String is made up of several components to ensure that expenditure is able to be registered against the DEP Work Unit, region and client. Refer to the Job Cost Coding Guidelinesfor Region and Job Cost Codes.

  1. For orders that require a client contribution, additional information is to be added to the following fields:

Field Name / Entry/Selection
Client Name / To ensure client contribution process is clear, note instructions for client contribution
Eg. Supplier to contact client for payment of client contribution amount
Cost / DEP contribution amount
Additional Costs / Client contribution amount
Eg. Additional Costs: Client Contribution $250
Total / DEP contribution amount
  1. For some orders such as replenishment of stock that are not client specific, the IR is manually prepared using the standard Departmental process. IRs of this nature are coded to the regional DEP Work Unit through the Job Cost system. Refer to the Job Cost Coding Guidelinesfor Regional IDs.
  1. The DEP Work Unit forwards IRs and any supporting documentation such as quotes to the DEP Cost Centre Manager or other financial delegate for approval. The approved DEP P-B Prescription Form Part B authorising the order is attached for their information.

7.DEP Cost Centre Manager Approval/Endorsement

The DEP Cost Centre Manager can approve expenditure up to their delegated level. Where this is sufficient to purchase the prescribed item/s, no further approval is required. DEP Cost Centre Managers can delegate their role to other DEP Work Unit staff however Departmental Financial Delegations still apply.

The DEP Cost Centre Manager is responsible for DEP expenditure in their region and regularly reviews budget and expenditure reports.

  1. The DEP Cost Centre Manager refers to the DEP P-B Prescription Form Part B and confirms the item ordered has been approved for purchase and is within their financial delegation before signing the IR.
  2. The DEP Cost Centre Manager forwards signed IRsto the DEP Work Unit for further processing.
  3. If the approval is in excess of the DEP Cost Centre Manager’s financial delegation, Senior Manager/Director approval is sought when processing the order in accordance with the Ordering and Payment Procedure.

8.Senior Manager Approval/Endorsement

  1. Senior Managers have financial delegation up to $20 000 for the purchase of DEP equipment. Items above this amount require Director approval.
  2. The DEP Work Unit prepare a covering Memo using the MEMO Director Financial Approval Over $20K template.
  3. All other financial transactions are conducted in accordance with Departmental Financial Delegations.

9.Purchase Order and Outcome Notification

  1. The DEP Work Unit forwards the completed IR to Procurement via email. Procurement generates a General Purchase Order (GPO) that is sent to the supplier with a copy to the DEP Work Unit. The GPOis formal acceptance of the supplier’s quote.
  2. The DEP Work Unit provides any unsuccessful quote responses to the supplier or contractor in writing using the applicable LTR-Q2/3QuoteLetter template. In accordance with Procurement Directions, unsuccessful quote responses are mandated for all Tier 2 Procurement activity.
  3. The Seating Equipment Assessment and Technical Service(SEAT) are notified of any wheeled mobility equipment items ordered using the DEP EA-1 Equipment Advice to SEAT.
  1. The Equipment Advice to SEAT is also used to provide updates on any changes or delays to orders.
  1. The DEP Work Unit notify Approved Prescribers when an order has been placed using the DEP ACT-1 Approved Prescriber Action Advice.


  1. The DEP Work Unit process payment upon receipt of an invoice.
  1. Invoices are generally per client and are received by the DEP Work Unit at the time of or soon after service/delivery. Invoices for contracted services such as cleaning are often for multiple clients and may be received monthly or less frequently as per contract arrangements.
  2. The method of payment used by DEP Work Units varies regionally depending on the type and volume of payments, and contract and staffing arrangements. Refer to system administrators and/or trainers for instructions and advice about how to use payment systems such as Electronic Invoice Management System (EIMS) or Agency Payables Entry System (APeS) and the Government Accounting System (GAS).
  1. The DEP Work Unit stamps the date received on all invoices.
  1. Payment is required to be processed within 30 days of receipt in accordance with Procurement Directions.
  1. The DEP Work Unit confirms item delivery before actioning any payments. This varies based on the method of delivery and item type.
  1. The contractor or Approved Prescriber ensures that the DEP EI-R Equipment Receipt signed at the time of delivery is returned to the DEP Work Unit.
  2. SEAT takedelivery of all wheeled mobility aids. Upon receipt of an item, SEAT forward a copy of the Packing Slip with delivery detailsto the DEP Work Unit. Refer to DEP PR-11 Pick Up/Delivery and Cleaning Procedure.
  1. The DEP Work Unit carries out a brief analysis of the invoice comparing:

Specifications and cost detailed on the Prescription/quote/IR/GPO

Service information and cost detailed on the Job Sheet (for R&M services only)

  1. Where no anomalies are present, the DEP Work Unit codes the invoice by writing the Full Job Cost Code String (16 digit total). Refer to the Job Cost Coding Guidelines. If the GPO Number is not on the invoice, this should also be added.
  2. The DEP Work Unit updates the Equipment Item details on CCIS. All details are entered as outlined in the Prescription and Approval Procedure with the exception of the following fields.
  1. View Equipment Order screen includes:

Field Name / Entry/Selection
Invoice No. / As detailed on Invoice
  1. The DEP Work Unit forwards all invoices relating to an IR/GPO to Procurement for payment. No further approval for the invoice is required.
  2. All other invoices are processed in accordance with regional payment methods.

Additional Information

DEP Policy and Procedure Manual

Northern Territory Government Procurement Directions

Departmental Financial Delegations

Associated Documents

DEP CG-9 Clinical Guidelines for Home Modifications

DEP PR-3 Prescription and Approval Procedure

DEP PR-5 Client Contribution Procedure

DEP PR-7 Trial and Issue Procedure

DEP PR-9 Triage and Repair Procedure

DEP PR-11 Pick Up/Delivery and Cleaning Procedure

DEP ACT-1 Approved Prescriber Action Advice

DEP EA-1 Equipment Advice to SEAT

DEP EI-R Equipment Receipt

DEP P-B Prescription Form Part B

Request for Quote T1

DEP-LTR-Q2/Q3 Quote Letters

Key Legislation, Acts & Standards

NT Disability Services Act

NT Disability Service Standards


Author / Contributors

Name / Position / Service/Program
Christine McCallum / Senior Policy Officer / Aged and Disability Program
Susan Esmonde / TIMES/SEAT Review Project Officer / Aged and Disability Program
DEP Operational Committee / DEP Work Unit Managers and Administration Officers / Aged and Disability Program

Alternative Search Words

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DEP PR-6 Ordering & Payment Procedure March 2013 | Review: March 2014

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