Mann Elementary School

PTO Minutes

October 10 2016


Members In Attendance

Venus Johnson / Carmen Hauser
Liz Ragen / Faith Cole
RonikaBriesch / Liesl Field
Nancy Ibraham / Karla Munoz
Rachel Petty / David Gullo
Doug Rainey / Val Desiderio
Dan Moroney / Heidi Mucha
Beth Fregel
Steve Wandel
Michael Jefferson

Approval of Sept 1 2016 Minutes by unanimous voice vote

Principal's Report

* Principal Cole asked music teacher Carmen Hauser to address the Board regarding her initiative & request for PTO funding of the purchase of ukuleles for music for 4th5th grade music class. Ms. Hauser requested the purchase of 30 instruments for $2500. The initiative to spend $2500 was moved, seconded and approved by unanimous voice vote.

* Mrs Cole reported she was monitoring the "Creepy Clown" phenomenon on social media and would have support for students available if necessary.

* She reported on the comments made by parent during Curriculum Night that some non air-conditioned classrooms were too warm. She reviewed the current plan for use of cooler areas in school such as the auditorium or lunch room when classroom temps are over 83-84 degrees. Further discussion ensued regarding the potential for updating HVAC capabilities and limitations due to lack of electrical power. Dan Moroney offered to assist in a review of the capacity power issue with inspection by a local contractor.

* There was review of new lunch room procedures which have now have grades K, 1 & 4 together followed by grades 2, 3 & 5.

* Picture Day is Sept 30.

* Halloween Parade will be Monday October 31. It's a food-free celebration.

* The Auditorium Sound System is fully installed and operational.

Student Support Specialist

* Mrs Sullivan was absent due to her husband's birthday.

* Principal Cole reviewed for her the Passport Reading program for grades K-3. The program is financially supported by the PTO with the addition of a part-time tutor to allow for smaller group sizes.

* She also reported that the staff was very pleased with the roll out of the 2nd Step program.

President's Report

* Co-Presidents reported on a successful Curriculum Night and New Family Potluck.

* Upcoming events that require volunteers and/or support:

The Book Fair Oct 17-21

Teacher's Luncheon Oct 20

* Venus Hurd Johnson noted that District 97 school board are interested in hosting a presentation at Mann for the proposed April 2017 referendum.

* She reported that the Mann School Boy Scouts asked that the PTO become a community sponsor for their state charter application.

* She asked that all sign a get well card for Mrs Vincent who recently broke her hip and will be out of school.

* Reported that there is a revamped check request form for teachers requesting funds.

Treasurer's Report

* Treasurers Rogers & Moroney reported that 90% of the students have paid their PTO class fees.

* The sale of Mannapalooza fundraiser tickets has reached 200 -- a sell out is expected.

Fundraising Report

* Although the Mannapalooza chairs were absent there was a call for volunteers to decorate the Wire on the afternoon of November 12.

* There was a discussion of the message for the event and it was agreed that "tangible results" are very important. Results that would include ongoing support of academic programs and equipment for the building such the recent addition of the auditorium sound system.

Volunteering Coordination

* Sarah Roberts reported that all classes have a full compliment of room parents.

* Requested volunteers for the following events:

International Funfest & Geo-Bee November 17

1 mile Turkey Trot November 3


* Reports that 230 students are participating in Mannpower programs.

Special Events

* Liz Ragen reported that she attended an event that promoted performers & ideas for School Assemblies. There was a discussion of previous assemblies. There are 3 planned assemblies for the school year.

Green Initiatives

* Review of upcoming Bike/Walk week October 3-7

* Report on the challenges and success with separating refuse and recycling materials in the lunch room

* Discussion of possible expansion of the garden areas

Old Business

* President Johnson & the Board thanked Val Desiderio for hosted new and former Board members at her home

New Business

  • Fundraising question was brought up regarding the possibly of adding more "named bricks" to the area in front of the main entrance.
  • Dan Moroney announced that his name will be circulated as a candidate for Village of Oak Park Trustee.


* Meeting was adjourned at 7:40PM