E-board Minutes

8-30-07 – 7:59 to 9:09

Attendance: AM, Matt, Craig, Brad, Eric, Lara, Ke, Sarah

Upcoming Dates:

Storage Unit Organizing Party

Labor Day BBQ

1st Mock Camp


1st Day Camp (Water Camp)

Director Training Session

Diamondbacks Game

Car Wash

Under the Sea Day Camp

9/2 at 10am

9/2 at 5pm at HonorsBeach

9/9 at 5pm in MU 224

9/12 at 6pm at Hassayampa

9/14 at Balsz

9/16 after general mtg


9/22 at 8am

9/28 at Thew

  1. Recruitment Wrap-up
  2. Could/Should have been more high-energy
  3. Bigger room could have made it easier to do more movement activities
  4. DVD – too soft cause it played through laptop speakers
  1. New Members
  2. Lara has new member sheets – they were read by her
  3. 13 new members – all were passed
  1. Labor Day BBQ
  2. AM and Eric are shopping Sat. at noon – anyone is welcome
  3. Craig needs treasurer stuff before he can reimburse people
  4. Games
  5. Lara and Eric will bring board games
  6. (anyone who has some, bring them)
  7. Volleyball – AM will rent one from SRC
  8. Recruitment Table
  9. Trifold, scrapbooks, information packets (?), bookmark schedules, sign-up sheets, flyers for next general mtg
  10. Food
  11. Tables? – get one from storage Sun. morning
  12. Tables and chairs in courtyard – Lara will contact honors person

e. Posters

i. AM will make them – she and Ke will print and hang them Fri.


  1. EdFest
  2. Game Ideas
  3. Conserving water game
  4. Notecards
  5. ex: “You didn’t turn off the water while brushing your teeth. You wasted __ amt of water.” / “You took a 5 minute shower. You conserved __ amt of water. Have a piece of candy!”
  6. Water balloon toss
  7. Ke trivia question
  8. Guess how much water evaporates from TempeTownLake every day
  9. Paper airplane toss
  10. Stack of paper, fold your own, compete in twos for extra candy, measure each toss and give grand prize of the night
  11. *we need activity that is short, active, carnival-y (not too educational)
  12. Evenings in Education
  13. We were invited to host a session / do a mock camp there
  14. Wed., Sept. 26 – we can do an extra mock camp for Under the Sea camp
  15. 4:40-6:00pm
  16. Everyone thinks we should do it
  17. Sarah H. will e-mail Raquel and Sara A. to get their approval
  18. Updating Trifold Hand-out
  19. Ke needs more info about what she should change/update
  20. Suggestions
  21. Change the logo, add new pictures, put in e-mail
  22. *Everyone should add cs dot (position)@asu.edu to their aliases
  23. Special Directors
  24. When should we pick directors for Big Camp and Silent Auction?
  25. Silent Auction – end of fall semester
  26. could be earlier if Matt wants to do Tempe Art Festival
  27. it’s up to Matt how he delegates this position
  28. bring it up at general mtg / ask specific people / add to newsletter
  29. AM thinks we need to start early cause whoever does it will have a lot to learn and putting extra work into it will make it better (finding a better speaker)
  30. Big Camp
  31. We need to start thinking about this immediately, especially finding a camp
  32. If we decide to do multiple camps, we need to conserve money, but CampCivitan was too horrible to go back
  33. We need to find out if any camps give discounts for back-to-back camping
  34. CampWildcat, in particular
  35. Eric will contact them
  36. One possibility would be to ask Griffith to fundraise half of the money if they really want to go
  37. Write grants / Get sponsor for Big Camp?
  38. We can check on doing concessions for football games again
  39. The problem is that we can’t sell alcohol like we could at Cardinals games
  40. Sarah will look at Big Camp location options
  41. Additional Business
  42. Newsletters – a brilliant new idea by Sarah H!
  43. Every position send AM updates early in week, AM will send out newsletter, then we can read what’s going on before our Thurs. mtg to make mtgs more efficient
  44. At Thurs. mtgs we should come up with one newsletter to send to general members (instead of sending tons of different e-mails separately), make highlights of e-board mtgs available to all members, make announcements about things to remember more efficient
  45. Eric will be in charge of sending out general member newsletter
  46. E-board members will be responsible for getting their info to Eric by our Thurs. night mtg each week
  47. Budgeting
  48. Brad’s budget may be too small if we do football (that’s $80)
  49. General members usually pay a small fee to be on the team
  50. Labor Day BBQ budget
  51. Pass it now or let Brad spend and see how much he needs