University of Aberdeen

Disability Equality Scheme Annual Report

December 2007

1. Introduction

In the first year of our Disability Equality Scheme, much has been achieved. We are continually striving to enhance the working and learning environment for disabled staff and students.

The Scheme (which can be found at is an important piece of work which allowed us to set out our goals and objectives for achieving and promoting equality for disabled people at the University of Aberdeen. The ambitious Action Plan produced in our first Scheme reflected the University’s commitment to taking positive action which will make a meaningful difference to disabled staff, students and visitors.

The Scheme forms part of a full and positive agenda on Equality and Diversity that aims to deliver true equality through our inclusive approach. The specific work on disability equality remains a key priority for the University and assists us in embedding the wider principles of equality. We appreciate that the full impact of the Disability Equality Scheme can only be assessed over a longer period. However, we believe that as we fulfil our commitments there will be clear outcomes for our University.

This report provides a summary of the progress against the issues which we identified as being of most importance to us. There is then a deeper explanation of progress in relation to the objectives of the Action Plan. The momentum to continue the work already undertaken will drive through 2007/08 and beyond to ensure that the whole University engages with the disability equality agenda.

2.  Summary of actions to date

2.1.  The actions and priorities identified throughout the development of the Disability Equality Scheme were intended to address the general, as well as the specific, duties set out in the Disability Equality Duty. It has since been recognised that the link between the scheme and the general duties was not apparent. The original action plan has been updated to indicate which of the general duties each action will work towards.

2.2.  Detail of what action has been taken under each of the aims in the action plan is provided in Appendix I. It is generally felt that, although progress in many of the areas has been slower than anticipated, much has been achieved in the first year of the scheme. Actual progress will be easier to assess at the end of this academic year as this will be the first full academic cycle since the publication of the first scheme in December 2006. The priority areas for the first year, as detailed in Section 16.3 of the Disability Equality Scheme, are specifically addressed in this report.

2.3.  Improving mechanisms for data collection and information gathering to ensure that the experiences of disabled people are properly assessed and the outcomes are accurately measured (AP2.1 and 3.1):

- The University is engaged in a major project relating to storing of and access to student data which involves the creation of a data warehouse and the implementation of a management information approach based on the use of Oracle Discoverer. The new approach is due for implementation in early 2008 and will allow reporting on key areas for students i.e.

·  The student body

·  Student retention and progression

·  Admissions

A number of prepared formats will be set up for standard reporting, at University, College and School level to cover the main reporting requirements. Work has started on specifying reporting requirements relating to disability and the other equality areas. In addition to the standard reports, it will be fairly easy for managers to generate ad-hoc reports in relation to particular information requirements. There will be a slight delay in data on disability being added to the student data but this is expected to be added in Spring 2008.

The data warehouse described above will also contain HR data and similar standard reporting booklets are being developed. Data on the disability status of staff should be included in the data warehouse HR management area and statistical reports generated.

-  There is still significant under-reporting of disability by staff and a questionnaire will shortly be distributed to all staff to enable information about the experiences of disabled staff to be gathered. This questionnaire will also be used to ask staff if they consider themselves to be disabled, if they have disclosed their impairment to the University and if not, reasons for non-disclosure. It is hoped that this method will lead to an improved understanding of the numbers of staff who consider themselves to be disabled and the reasons of the under-reporting.

-  Data relating to the outcomes for disabled students in academic year 06-07, is provided in Appendix II.

2.4.  Improving mechanisms for ensuring meaningful involvement of disabled people in decision-making processes and policy development at all levels (AP 1.1):

-  Regular Open Meetings have been held at the University on disability issues. Although open to anyone, it is explicitly stated that disabled staff and students are particularly invited;

-  An Access Panel of disabled staff and students has been created to advise the Estates section on improvements to the accessibility of the campus. This has also linked with the Access Panel from Aberdeen City Council to ensure that a wide range of views are heard;

-  The publication of the Disability Equality Scheme was announced to all members of the University community and in the local press, with an invitation for feedback;

-  The Senior Disability Adviser feeds comments from disabled students into disability-related discussions and committees at all levels;

-  The views of disabled students on their experiences at the University are explicitly sought on an ongoing basis through emails, questionnaires and direct contact.

2.5.  Improving the experiences of disabled students in learning and teaching as well as non-academic activities (AP 2.4 and 2.7):

-  Awareness of support available for disabled students has been improved (e.g. at applicant days, through improved web pages and posters in each School; presentations to Careers Scotland and local guidance teachers; links with local voluntary groups);

-  The Senior Disability Adviser has worked with Schools and Registry to improve the communication mechanisms for informing Schools of the requirements of disabled students;

-  The Disability Advisers have contributed to training and discussions in Schools on specific issues relating to disability-related provision (e.g. alternative means of assessment, mental health awareness);

-  The University has committed to the post of Assistive Technology Adviser as a full-time and permanent post;

-  The Senior Disability Adviser has worked with the Students’ Association to ensure that Clubs and Societies actively promote equality of opportunity for disabled students;

-  The Disability Advisers have worked with the Careers Service to ensure that material to local businesses encouraging the creation of work placements explicitly state that the University is committed to ensuring that all activities are fully accessible and available to disabled students. This will include ongoing advice to placement providers throughout any placement period.

2.6.  Improving the experiences of disabled staff, including the development of a robust and well-publicised mechanism for accessing support (AP 3.3)

-  The involvement of disabled members of staff in open sessions and on the Access Panel is actively encouraged;

-  The pilot of the Positive about Disabled People Scheme has been extended and will be reviewed in Nov/Dec 2007;

-  Priority has been given to addressing low disclosure from disabled members of staff. This has included improvements to the Equal Opportunities in Recruitment and Selection course, the development of a questionnaire aimed at collecting qualitative and quantitative information about the experiences of staff on several issues relating to equality and diversity and linking with DisabledGo to enable all University vacancies to be advertised on a website which is aimed specifically at disabled people.

2.7.  Conducting a number of impact assessments on key areas and policies (AP 1.4)

-  Clerks and conveners of all key committees have received training on impact assessment;

-  Each year, one meeting of the Equality and Diversity Committee will consider impact assessments which have been conducted;

-  Impact assessments to date have focused on particular areas:

o  Student experience on placement (School of Education)

o  Staff recruitment (School of Divinity, History and Philosophy)

o  Student support mechanisms (School of Medical Sciences)

o  Staff Induction process (School of Education)

o  Additional guidance has been produced to assist Heads of School in prioritisation and carrying out Impact Assessments.

3.  Future priorities

3.1  Data Collection

We fully recognise that robust data collection and analysis mechanisms are essential if we are to measure the success of our equality promotion strategies.

We intend to improve our data collection by:

·  Ensuring that equality reporting requirements form part of the scope of the new management information system (Discoverer).

·  Ensuring that, while Discoverer is being developed, interim measures are in place to ensure that relevant data is collected in the coming academic year.

·  Using a number of mechanisms to improve the disclosure rate among disabled employees (equality and diversity questionnaire, requesting information to be updated on the staff portal and sending a specific request to staff to disclose their disability).

·  Aiming to be able to report on the following at the end of the academic year 2007-2008:

o  Student applicant data by programme

o  Student offer data by programme

o  Student achievement by course and School

o  Student progression by programme (true progression rates year on year)

o  Student retention by programme and School

o  Staff applicant data

o  Data on the uptake of the Guaranteed Interview Scheme

o  Data on disabled staff

3.2  Involvement of Disabled People

The input of disabled people to the progress and development of policy and practice related to disability equality remains a key priority. We fully recognise and appreciate the value this can add to the University.

We intend to continue the involvement of disabled people in a number of ways:

·  The University has held a number of open sessions on equality topics. There have been three lively and useful sessions so far on disability and the plan is to continue to invite staff and students to attend sessions to provide feedback, ask questions or contribute to policy development.

·  The Disability Advisory Group which was established to assist in the development of the Disability Equality Scheme will be re-convened in 2008. We believe this to be extremely important in terms of monitoring our performance and setting future objectives.

·  The Access Panel will be consulted on all major Estates projects.

·  The questionnaire which was sent to all staff in 2006 resulted in the development of an e-mail contact group. The group are consulted on equality policy. The questionnaire which is due to be issued in December 2007 will ask staff to join this group and it is hoped that more staff will be inspired to do so.

·  The Disabled Students Satisfaction Survey will be conducted on an annual basis.

·  There is a commitment to establishing Employee Consultation Groups for each of the equality strands. Ultimately this would lead to representation from these groups on the Joint Committee on Equality and Diversity.

·  The Senior Disability Adviser will work with the Students’ Association to promote greater involvement of disabled students in the Association itself.

4.  Action Plan

In the light of the findings of this report, a decision has been taken that a redrafted Action Plan would be useful to reflect our intentions for the remaining duration of the first Disability Equality Scheme. This will commence immediately after the publication of this report and the redrafted Action Plan will be published early in 2008.

Appendix I – summary of actions to date under each of the aims from the Action Plan

Appendix II – Summary of data on disabled students

Appendix I - Update on Progress on the Disability Action Plan

1. Governance and Management Decision Making

Objective: To ensure that disability matters are fully considered in the governance, management and administration of the University.

1.1  To involve disabled people in decision-making processes at all levels

·  Successful input from Disability Advisory Group

Disabled staff and students were involved in the development of the Scheme through the Disability Advisory Group, chaired by Anne Begg MP. This group will be reconvened in order to review the progress of the Scheme and to provide further input where necessary.

·  Open sessions for staff and students

Two open sessions for staff and students were held during 2006/07 in order to hear views about disability equality at the University. Many useful comments were made and will inform future decision-making. Further sessions are planned for Nov/Dec 07.

·  Access Panel

An Access Panel, consisting of disabled students and members of staff, has been created to advise Estates on all aspects of improving the accessibility of the physical estate. As well as engaging in general discussions, this panel has been consulted on major projects, such as the design plans for the new library. External parties, including architects and members of Aberdeen City Council’s Access Panel have also attended.

·  Electronic Discussion Forum

Initial research has indicated that careful consideration is required in terms of assessing how the forum would operate. As it was not one of the priority actions, this will be revisited at a later date, if there is sufficient feedback that this is desired by disabled users.

1.2  To ensure clear communication of the University’s commitment to equality of opportunity

·  Equality and Diversity website to be improved

Work is currently being undertaken to produce a comprehensive Equality and Diversity website for the University. This will be fully promoted throughout the University and will be accessible from a range of internal sites. A specific section for disabled staff will be created, providing a clear pathway for staff to access information and support. The corporate style of the University web-pages is currently under review. Actions relating to links between the various pages and the accessibility of all pages will be addressed as part of this activity. New web pages created by the Web Team are fully accessible.