21 February 2012
In / Mr Steve Gniel / Chair, Education & Training DirectorateAttendance / Ms Kerrie Heath / Manager Disability Education
Mr Paul Wyles / Therapy ACT
Ms Vivienne Pearce / ACT Council of P & C Associations Inc
Mr Glenn Fowler / Australian Education Union
Ms Sue Healey / National Disability Services
Ms Gay von Ess / Autism Asperger ACT Inc
Ms Rosemaree Wills / Parent Group – Children with vision impairment
Dr Chris Kilham / Australian Association Of Special Education
Ms Fiona McIntosh / Disability ACT
Ms Amanda Childs / Disability ACT
Ms Miriana Hart / Education & Training Directorate (secretariat)
Ms Cathy Smith / Australian Education Union
Dr Rhonda Faragher / ACT Down Syndrome Association
Jean Walker / Early Childhood Education
1. / Welcome and apologies (Steve Gniel)
Mr Gniel welcomed members. Introductions were made and apologies noted.
2. / Minutes of previous meeting – matters arising
- Terms of Reference have now been posted on the ETD website.
- Early Intervention Review - Early Childhood Education section has given the reason for limited consultation that the review was an internal one. Mr Gniel conveyed to ECE that DERG members expected involvement in the review process.
- Ms Sue Healey should have been noted as an apology at the last meeting.
3. / Business Arising
As above.
4. / Terms of Reference
Mr Gniel reiterated the purpose and functions of the Reference Group. Appointment and membership requirements were discussed.
Action 1. A report from the group to be prepared for the Director General, and distributed to the members in draft form.
Action 2. Mr Gniel to look into practices of other groups regarding membership of Executive Officers, and report back to group.
5. / Disability Education Update
- ILP Review – The consultation process is still in the early stages. Feedback from DERG members and their organisations, as well as community groups and parents will be facilitated. Links to future pathways and career planning is being considered as part of this process.
- Parent Guide – It is expected that the latest version of the draft will go to the working group in the near future. Ms Pearce advised that the P&C council is also looking at producing a similar guide, and expressed concern that duplication could occur. Ms Pearce will contact Ms Heath to discuss further.
Action 4. Different levels of need in the Guide to be looked at by Ms Heath.
- Parent Sessions – The parent workshops are continuing and have been widely publicised. The next workshop will be held on 13 March.
- Disability Funding Review – Recommendations are being drafted for the Director General.
6. / National Partnership: Disability Education Coordinators and Online Learning Module
Your school our Future – help for students with a disability overview document distributed to DERG members.
Ms Heath gave an update on the funding for two major projects;
- An on-line learning module for school staff to build understanding of obligations under the Disability Standards for Education. Phase one is aimed at the college level.
- Designated Disability Education Coordinator (DECO) role in each ACT government school to build school capacity to meet the needs of and improve learning outcomes for students with disabilities, and to meet schools’ legislative requirements. An update is to be provided at the next DERG meeting.
7. / Disability Awareness Program Discussion Paper
Copies of Everyone, Everyday a curriculum resource to raise awareness about disability in ACT Schools Discussion Paper were distributed to DERG members.
Ms McIntosh gave a comprehensive overview of the Discussion Paper, a curriculum resource for ACT teachers.
The trial of the resource is set to take place later this year. Five schools that have agreed to be part of the trial so far are Namadgi School, Garran Primary, Gowrie Primary, Turner School and Blue Gum School.
7 proposed student learning outcomes for the resource are detailed on page 12 of the Discussion Paper.
Mr Gniel noted that there was a risk of the curriculum resource appearing more like the actual curriculum. DERG would recommend that someone from Curriculum Section be involved in developing the guide.
Ms von Ess and Ms Pearce raised concerns that ASD and the P&C council were not directly approached and issued copies of the Discussion Paper.
Additional copies of the Paper and details of a competition for school students can be obtained from
A consultation forum for Education and Training staff is to be held on 7 March 2012.
Consultation period will end on Friday 30 March 2011.
Action 5. Ms Heath to meet with Ms McIntosh to develop a cross-sectoral approach to this resource.
8. / Therapy Assistant Pilot Project
Mr Wyles recapped the progress of the Pilot Project, and advised that the evaluation of the first six months was provided to the Minister prior to Christmas.
The budget process to secure ongoing funding is currently underway.
All feedback to date has been positive, and the Minister appears keen to continue with the Project.
Evaluation was also provided to ETD and the Catholic Education Office, with support for the Project expected even if the funding bid proves unsuccessful.
Action 6. Mr Wyles to email copy of evaluation to Ms Hart for distribution to DERG members.
9. / Special Needs Transport
Mr Gniel acknowledged the effort of Ms Nancye Burkevics and her team, along with all the transport providers, for a successful start to the new school year.
- Lateness of renewals continues to be an issue
- 495 students started on SNT at the beginning of the year, as well as 50 Introductory English Centre students
- The cost of SNT is expected to reach $5 million this financial year
- Buses are operating at full capacity, despite the addition of a new Southside bus this year
- No vacancies exist on wheelchair accessible buses and taxis
- Current review of SNT approvals, complaints and appeals processes to be informed by the client survey
- Second workshop for bus drivers and attendants was held in January 2012
Next Meeting :
Tuesday , 15 May