Structured Learning Experience
Provider Duties and Responsibilities
Thank you for serving as aStructured Learning Experience provider. As a SLE provider, you will assist students in making valuable career decisions through hands-on learning. The students will gain a better understanding of your career area, thus gaining a better understanding of the requirements necessary to pursue a career in the chosen field.
The requirements are that the students be evaluated based upon their performance each session. They will record their weekly activities into their field book, which should be initialed by you at the end of the week. There is a final analysis checklist form with numerical ratings. This analysis form will be provided to you for each student to be completed by the last meeting.
Also, the students must complete a final written report about their Structured Learning Experience in which they will present a copyof their report to you. The report must reflect aspects of the Structured Learning Experience including tasks and an overall analysis. If the Structured Learning Experience includes a tangible project, this could be used in lieu of the final report.
Students are also responsible for attendance. They must call you if they are going to miss time in advance (24 hours). There are some days which may conflict due to spring break. They should discuss this with you in advance to set up make up days. The Structured Learning Experiences will end byMay31, 2016.
If students are not working within the goals of your SLE experience as expected, please let usknow immediately. We will discuss the situation with the student, and if there is no improvement, we may find an alternate experience for the student.
Once again, thanks for being here for our students.
Please call me at (609) 978 –8439 ext. 4002 if you have any questions. Our fax number is (609) 978-8540 to fax forms, etc….
E-mail us at
MATES – OCVTS Structured Learning Experience
Contact Sheet
The following contact information is important information.
195 Cedar Bridge Road
Manahawkin, NJ 08050
MATES: (609) 978 – 8439 ext. 4002 (Dr. Wnek)
MATES: (609) 978 – 8439 ext. 4001 (Mrs. Carroll, Principal)
Emergency Contact: (732) 814-6644 (Dr. Wnek’s Cell)
Structured Learning Experience Contact: ______(Your immediate supervisor)
Structured Learning Experience Contact Number: (___)______
Emergency Number: ( )______(number to call if you are not going as a result of an emergency, last-minute reason)
If you know you are going to be absent, you are responsible to call the extern provider 24 hours prior to your absence. A make-up time must be worked out between you and the provider. Please contact me if you are absent from the Structured Learning Experience for that day prior to 8:30 a.m.
During the spring break, please make arrangements with the SLE provider. They may expect you, but it is up to you to work out a schedule arrangement.
Your field book will be used for Structured Learning Experience progress. This will be checked every two weeks. Be detailed and record all information that you obtain. You are responsible to complete a report or project that has a tangible outcome.
You should have two contact pages: 1)at home and; 2) in your locker and keep information that you could use for later career opportunities.
Structured Learning Experience Driving Permission Request
Name of Driver:______Date:______
Driver’s License #______
Owner of Car______
Address of Owner ______
Car Color ______Make ______Model ______Year ______
Insurance Company Name:______
Insurance Co. Address: ______
In order to complete this request, the students must have the parents sign the parental permission part of the form, sign the statement below, and obtain the signature of an administrator at the OceanCountyVocationalTechnicalSchool (MATES).
I understand the conditions set forth by the OceanCountyVocationalTechnicalSchool and will abide by them as this privilege can be revoked at any time.
I will park my car only in the designated parking areas at OCVTS-MATES and the SLE provider.
I am allowed to travel with another classmate to and from a Structured Learning Experience as long as he/she abides by the N.J. legal driving requirements. Student riding with other students must secure permission from their parents and parents of the driver.
Parental permission allows the student to drive to, and from, the Structured Learning Experience each week.
Parent’s SignatureStudent’s Signature
Date Building Administrator OCVTS
If the above named student is age 17 when the Structured Learning Experience begins, parent must sign below to allow student to drive to, and from the Structured Learning Experience, “not holding the Ocean County Vocational Technical School responsible for the any accident and/or problems incurred by student while driving.”
Signature of Parent Signature of MATES Administrator
Approved( ) Disapproved( )
OceanCounty Vocational TechnicalSchool
MATES “Partnerships in Education”
Student Learning Experience Agreement
Hereby mutually agree with the other, that the Ocean County Vocational Technical
School is to send students for a Structured Learning Experience (SLE) under terms and policies of this affiliation agreement.
1. The term of experience is to cover one or more school days per week per individual student. The length of time per individual may vary upon mutual agreement as stated on the “Partnership Agreement” form.
2. The hours per day for the shadowing experience shall be no less than one and
one-half hours per day and no more than four hours. The student will conduct an SLE a minimum of one day per week and maximum of four days per week.
3. Students involved will be from the MATES school at the affiliate site. Students participating during the school year will be senior level and will be selected through instructor recommendation, with a minimum age of seventeen years. All SLE sites must be approved for a SLE.
4. Experience designated for student participation will be mutually agreed upon by the administration of the MATES program and the affiliated organizations. It should be made clear that Structured Learning Experience is the observation of a person during the performances of their duties, followed by practical hands-on experience and/or a project.
5. During the time designated for the Structured Learning Experience, students will be under the supervision of the affiliated organization’s personnel, but subject to all rules of the Ocean County Vocational School and the Structured Learning Experience provider.
6. If at any time, the conduct of the student learner should in any way impair his/her usefulness, or in any way adversely affect the Structured Learning Experience environment and individuals working within it, the student will be immediately returned to the Ocean County Vocational Technical School for any action deemed necessary per the rule and guidelines of student behavior.
7. If at any time the residents, management or OceanCountyVocationalTechnicalSchool is dissatisfied with this Structured Learning Experience, all parties will agree to void this agreement.
8. The affiliated organization shall provide emergency response in case of an accident. Each student will be covered by school insurance, or group coverage through parent or guardian. The school nurse will be immediately notified in case of an accident.
- During the Structured Learning Experience, if a student should
break any personal possession of the provider, it will be the responsibility of the student to replace or pay for the item in question.
10. Student must have a driving pass through MATES. In no circumstance should an Ocean County Vocational Technical School student be allowed to drive any motor vehicle belonging to an SLE provider.
11. This agreement is entered into for the 2016/2017 school year and will be in effect during this and successive school years as voted upon by the Board of Education and agreed by the SLE provider.
Administrator/Affiliating Organization Superintendent, OCVTS
Date Date
Company Name
Company’s Comp. Insurance Co. Name and Policy Number ______
A signed copy will be submitted to the provider once all parties have signed the agreement.
This STRUCTURED LEARNING EXPERIENCE program seeks to improve the all-around development of our students, but especially to insure their ability to enter and meet the sophisticated technical demands of business and career opportunities. In order to make the program fully effective, each student must agree to fulfill the following responsibilities…
1. To be regular in attendance at the cooperating STRUCTURED LEARNING EXPERIENCE provider site. All problems must be coordinated with the provider directly.
2.To be on time and follow the structured scheduling of that visit.
3.To notify your supervisor and instructor when it is necessary for you to be
absent for any reason (at least twenty-four hours is required unless an extreme emergency).
4.To carry out training on the site in such a manner that you will be a credit to
yourself, OceanCountyVocationalTechnicalSchool, the MarineAcademy of -
Technology and Environmental Science, and the STRUCTURED LEARNING
EXPERIENCE provider.
5.To complete any/all responsibilities by the provider. This includes daily entries into STRUCTURED LEARNING EXPERIENCE journal (field book) which must be signed during each visit by the SLE provider. It will be checked bi-weekly by the MATES SLE supervisor.
6.To realize that you are under the jurisdiction of the OceanCounty Vocational
TechnicalSchool and the cooperating STRUCTURED LEARNING EXPERIENCE
provider site. Make sure that you are following their rules and regulations for dress,
communication, and cell phone policies.
7.To follow all safety rules established by both the OceanCounty Vocational
TechnicalSchool and the cooperating job STRUCTURED LEARNING EXPERIENCE provider. Proper attire is an essential part of the STRUCTURED LEARNING EXPERIENCE.
8.To complete a student driving registration form and comply with all stated
parking/driving rules and regulations. No student may drive any vehicle associated with the STRUCTURED LEARNING EXPERIENCE
9.To consult with the SLE supervisor about any difficulties that you may encounter at the STRUCTURED LEARNING EXPERIENCE site, and make no changes without such consultation. I will report any concerns raised by my child or ward regarding the Structured Learning Experience to the SLE supervisor.
10. I will assist and encourage my child or ward to keep on schedule and to develop an understanding of the necessity of developing good work habitats.
“I understand that this unpaid, school-sponsored Structured Learning Experience is not employment and that the student is not entitled to wages or a promise of employment at the completion of the Structured Learning Experience, as per the NJ Department of Labor Laws, Subchapter 18, 12:56-18., School-to-Work Program. I fully understand the above statements and agree to cooperate to the best of my ability.”
Student Signature Date
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
SLE Provider Date
MATES SLE CoordinatorDate
School Administrator Date
OceanCounty Vocational TechnicalSchool
Marine Academy of Technology and Environmental Science
Student Completion Student Learning Experience Evaluation Form
Structured Learning Experience Provider:______
Please choose the appropriate number designation to rate the student extern.
1 – poor to 5 – outstanding. N/A means not applicable. A comment section is available at the end of the section.
Behavior and Attitude:
Performs tasks according to instructions12345n/a
Is organized and prioritizes assignments12345n/a
Demonstrates Initiative12345n/a
Is dependable and on-time12345n/a
Demonstrates a willingness to learn12345n/a
Interpersonal Skills & Professional Image:
Cooperates with others12345n/a
Responds positively to constructive
Presents themselves well12345n/a
OCVTS MATES Student Completion SLE Evaluation FormSecond Page
Student: ______
Work Safety:
Identifies and uses safe practices12345n/a
Follows appropriate security procedures12345n/a
Cleans & maintains tools, equipment, etc12345n/a
Gives clear information12345n/a
Identifies and uses job related terminology12345n/a
Prepares written communication12345n/a
Uses the computer12345n/a
Communicates well with others12345n/a
Additional comments:
The above information has been provided by
______on ______
(N.J.A.C. 12:56-18, School-to-Work Program and N.J.A.C. 6A:6A:19-4, Structured Learning Experiences)
Student Name: ______Student#: ______Date of Birth: ______
Student Address: ______City: ______State: _____ Zip: ______
SLE Teacher Supervisor: ______Student Emergency Phone #: ______
EMERGENCY CONTACT INFO: Name:______Relalation:______
Business/Agency Name:______Employer ID #:______
SLE Site Address:______City: ______State: ____ Zip: ______
SLE Site Telephone: ______Fax:______E-mail: ______
SLE Start Date: ______End Date: ______Work Site Mentor: ______
SLE Hours of SLE Activities: ______to ______
√All That Apply: Mon.____ Tue ____ Wed ____ Thus ____ Fri ___
Student will report to the SLE site: Daily ____ Every (day of week)______Other: ______
Consistent with the New Jersey Department of Education administrative code, N.J.A.C. 6A:19-4,Structured Learning Experiences, the school district agrees to ensure the following:
(1)All structured learning experiences shall adhere to applicable State and Federal Child Labor Laws and other regulations of the Federal and State Departments of Education and Labor, (N.J.A.C. 6A:19-4.1(c)).
(2)The district will provide the appropriate student supervision through district employees and/or contracted services. The district may also be responsible for providing other services as required by rule or statute, (N.J.A.C. 6A:19-4.1(b)).
(3)The student will be placed in training sites deemed non-hazardous, (N.J.A.C. 6A:19-4.1(c)).
(4)The student will be supervised by the appropriately licensed teacher or other designated district employee holding the appropriate license, (N.J.A.C. 6A:19-4.3)
(5)The district will maintain the student’s records reflecting the unpaid, career orientation structured learning experience, (N.J.A.C. 6A:19-4.1(d)).
Consistent with the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development Child Labor Regulations, N.J.A.C.12:56-18.2, School-to-Work Programs, the school district and business/agency understand that an unpaid structured learning experience taking place at a work site must include all of the following elements to be consistent with a “learning experience” and not be considered “employment.” We agree to ensure that the structured learning experience meets the following regulatory requirements:
(1)The student shall be at least 16 years of age;
(2)The SLE activities must be related to a formal training plan (attached to this form) for the student;
(3)There is collaboration and planning between worksite staff and school staff resulting in clearly
(4)identified learning objectives related to the activities that will be contained in the student training plan;
(5)Any productive work is incidental to the student achieving the planned learning objectives;
(6)The student is expected to achieve the learning objectives and will receive a grade/credit for time spent at the worksite;
(7)The student is supervised by an appropriately licensed school official and a workplace mentor;
(8)The unpaid SLE is of a limited duration, related to an educational purpose and there is no guarantee or expectation that the activity will result in employment; and
(9)The student does not replace an employee.
In addition, the school district, business/agency, student, and parent/guardian understand that the student is not entitled to wages or an offer of employment at the conclusion of the unpaid, school-sponsored structured learning experience.
Name/Title of School Administrator ______
Date: ______District/School Code______Name of District:______
Mailing Address:______Phone______Fax______
Name/Title of Business/Agency Officer ______
Business Mailing Address______Phone______Fax______
PART 3: INSURANCE STATEMENT: The school district and the employer/agency agree to provide copies of their respective insurance certificates prior to the start of the unpaid, school-sponsored structured learning experience. In addition, the parties agree to the scope, nature, and responsibilities for insurance coverage of this unpaid structured learning experience.
I agree to follow the conditions of the unpaid, school-sponsored structured learning experience (SLE) listed below:
(1)I will maintain regular attendance both in school and at the SLE site. I will notify the school and the appropriate employer/agency contact person if I will be tardy arriving to or if I am unable to report to my SLE site.
(2)I will keep a daily record of my time and activities at my SLE site, and I will submit my completed SLE reports as required.
(3)I will demonstrate honesty, punctuality, courtesy, cooperative attitude, proper health and grooming habits, appropriate dress and a willingness to learn.
(4)I will obey the rules and regulations of my SLE site and comply with the business/agency’s business practices and procedures.
(5)I will talk to my SLE teacher supervisor and/or my workplace mentor about any difficulties arising during the structured learning experience.
(6)I will work to acquire the knowledge and skills as outlined in my SLE student training plan.*
(7)I will furnish my SLE teacher supervisor with all necessary information pertaining to my unpaid SLE, including all SLE-related assignments and reports. I understand that my SLE grade or credit will be based upon the satisfactory completion of my SLE assignments, time and activity reports, and evaluations.
I understand that this structured learning experience is not employment and I am not entitled to wages or a promise of employment at the completion of the unpaid structured learning experience, as per the NJ Department of Labor Child Labor Laws, Subchapter 18, 12:56-18.2, School-to-Work Program.
Date: ______
* The unpaid SLE student training plan is attached to this student training agreement.
I agree to the following conditions of the unpaid, school sponsored structured learning experience (SLE) listed below:
(1)I will encourage my child or ward to effectively carry out the SLE assignments and responsibilities as outlined in the student training plan.*
(2)I will assist my child or ward to keep on schedule and to develop an understanding of the necessity of developing good work habits.
(3)I will report any concerns raised by my child or ward regarding the structured learning experience to the SLE teacher supervisor.
I understand that this unpaid, school-sponsored structured learning experience is not employment and that the student is not entitled to wages or a promise of employment at the completion of the structured learning experience, as per the NJ Department of Labor Child Labor Laws, Subchapter 18, 12:56-18.2, School-to-Work Program.
I hereby give my consent for ______to participate in unpaid structured learning experience activities during the current school year.
Date: ______
* The unpaid SLE student training plan is attached to this student training agreement.