
DirectX is what SkyNet is currently built on. A bonus to using it is: it’s easy to implement with VS 2005 and C#:

Included with the December 2005 DirectX SDK is updated support for the .NET Framework 2.0 in Managed DirectX. This assembly addresses the issues users were having with using Managed DirectX in Visual Studio 2005. It also includes new features designed to take full advantage of the features included in the .NET Framework 2.0 such as generics.

To use the new assembly, load up Visual Studio 2005, and after creating a new project add a reference to "Microsoft.DirectX.dll" You may see multiple versions of this assembly depending on any past DirectX SDK's you've installed, so add the reference to the one with the version The namespaces you'll find in this assembly are:

·  Microsoft.DirectX - Which includes all of the common math structures, as well as the new GraphicsBuffer class which replaces the GraphicsStream class from the original Managed DirectX

·  Microsoft.DirectX.Diagnostics - DxDiag functionality

·  Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D - Direct3D and D3DX functionality

·  Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound - DirectSound functionality

·  Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput - Direct Input functionality

·  Microsoft.DirectX.Xact - XACT audio functionality

·  Microsoft.DirectX.XInput - XInput functionality

NoteManaged DirectX for .NET Framework 2.0 is an early beta; complete samples and documentation will be provided in a later release of the DirectX SDK.

Human Interaction:

Without being able to run SkyNet and “mess” around with it, I am not able to do anything yet with human interaction, but this department of the project can definitely wait until later on.