Directory of Parish Life & Ministries
Our parish mission is to grow: to grow in faith, to grow in love, to grow in numbers. Our Pastoral and Finance Councils work to help us fulfill our mission. Open your hearts to God and let the Holy Spirit show you that you an important part in fulfilling our mission to grow.
Let the Holy Spirit guide you as you discover how YOUR gifts and talents are a vital part of our mission!
PARISH PASTORAL COUNCILserves as the primary representative and consultative voice of parishioners, which assists the Pastor and Staff in the pastoral and spiritual life of the parish. Members are elected by parishioners.
PARISH FINANCE COUNCILmonitors and sets the budget for the parish to ensure they are in alignment with the best interest of St. Ann Parish and School. Members are appointed by the Pastor.
LEADERSHIP MINISTRIES:How we organize & put our gifts into action.
BUILDING & GROUNDS COMMISSIONis responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of parish facilities. There are occasional workdays, and those with professional skills are called upon to assist with projects as they arise.
CEMETERY COMMISSIONoverseesthe care and maintenance of St. Ann Parish Cemetery bycaring for the grounds, managing the database, and scheduling clean up days in spring and fall.
SCHOOL EDUCATION COMMISSION assists the Principal with keeping our school growing in love for God and the Church, and in keeping our academic level high.
EVANGELIZATION AND CATECHSIS COMMISSION helps adults to turn their hearts and minds to God, and to learn more about our faith.
HUMAN CONCERNS COMMISSION implements and oversees programs and projects that serve the needs of parishioners and reach beyond St. Ann’s to serve others in need.
LITURGY COMMISSION plans our seasonal liturgical celebrations by reflecting on the scriptures and drawing upon tradition, ritual, song, and the visual arts to enhance our parish prayer.
STEWARDSHIP COMMISSIONsupports and promotes the sharing of our gifts of time, talent, and treasure by developing and implementing tools and methods that encourage good stewardship.
VOCATIONS COMMISSION promotesprayer for vocations and raises awareness of the need for people to answer their baptismal call to serve; particularly through the priesthood and religious life.
SPIRITUAL LIFE:How we grow in our faith.
CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE WEEKEND (CEW)is an opportunity to leave our busy world behind for a couple of days to
reflecton our relationship with God and others. Through a series of prepared talks, small group discussions, and
prayer;participantscan grow spiritually.
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS is an organization for Catholic men 18 and older, dedicated to promoting the Gospel. The
Knights sponsor and participate in many parish activities, such as leading the Rosary at 7:30AM on Sundays, and Lenten Fish Fries.
MEN’S FAITH SHARING GROUP meets Thursdays at 6:30 AM, year round, to read and discuss faith-based books.
There is a particular emphasis on the integration of what we learn into our daily relationships with our families,
friends, co-workers, and the world.
RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS: ‘RCIA’ is the process by which individuals are initiated into, or
complete their initiation into the Catholic Church. The process also gives those who wish to explore or renew
their faith the opportunity to do so by participating in a series of informal discussion and sharing sessions.
Parishioners assist in this process as team members or as potential sponsors.
MAN Up!Is acombined St Ann/HMC men's ministry that enriches our faith lives by examining the Catholic
Church of today. We listen to Catholic speakers like Mathew Kelly and discuss issues we face through our small
group discussions. The group meetson Wednesday mornings from 6:00 AM – 7:30 AM at HMC Church in Oregon.
WOMEN’S FAITH SHARING GROUPmeets weekly onWednesdays at 6:45 PM to share faith, fellowship, and
laughter. Books are selected by the group to focus the discussions and increase knowledge of our faith.
LORD TEACH ME TO PRAY is based on St. Ignatius of Loyola’s spiritual exercises. Parts 1 & 2 may be offered in the
MINISTRY OF PRAYER FOR SPECIAL NEEDS is for those who can commit time in prayer for a variety of people and
needs. Participants receive emails requesting prayer from fellow parishioners.
HUMAN CONCERNS MINSTRIES: How we care for others.
ACTION TEAM is made up of parishioners willing to make a meal, give a ride, or do other various household activities
for a family or individual in need. Quick turn-around is often needed for people who may be suffering as a result of a death in the family, health issues,loss of job, or other family crises.
CARE TEAM MINISTRY is a faith-centered program that helps individuals cope with varying needs by providing
compassionate and caring help.Individualteam members are matched with a person in need. Team
members must have good listening skills, respect for confidentiality, and a desire to develop a relationship that is likely to be ongoing for weeks or months.
FUNERAL LUNCHEON volunteers provide and serve a meal following parish funerals as a service for those who have suffered the loss of a loved one. Volunteers help bake, make salads, serve the meal, or clean-up.
GRIEF SUPPORT MINISTRYoffers support and prayer for those who are grieving the loss of loved ones. Members
facilitate a grief support group, hold a special All Souls Day Mass to remember, honor, and pray for
the deceased; and send cards through “Circle of Friends.”
HEALTH AND WELLNESS TEAMconducts blood pressure screening once a month on Hospitality Sundays after the
8:00 and 10:30 Masses in order to help parishioners become aware of the importance of maintaining a blood
pressure within accepted limits. Members answer other health related questions or suggest someone who
might help. Volunteers are always welcome, and a medical backgroundis helpful but not essential.
MULTI-CULTURAL CENTER MEAL volunteers help with preparing and serving meals at theMulti-Cultural Center in
Madison; which serves free meals as part of their mission to foster social justice.
“OUR DAILY BREAD” MEAL is a nutritious free meal served to those in need each month, which our parishioners
providetwo times per year at First Lutheran Church. Volunteers help with publicity, preparing and serving the
meal, clean-up, giving rides, and most importantly, welcoming each guest as Christ in our midst.
PRAYERS ON WHEELS is a group of “Pray-ers” who gather as needed to pray for the special needs of people facing
challenging situations, i.e. surgery or family crisis. Time in prayer is spent either in the Prayer & Meditation Chapel at St.Ann’s or members carpool to a location related to the need, such as a hospital chapel.
PRISON MINISTRY serves people who have recently been released from prison. In conjunction with Madison Urban
Ministry;members assist individuals in the transition to life in the community. For approximately six months, the team meets weekly with the individual to help set long term goals, and deal with any issues that arise.
ST. VINCENT DEPAUL SOCIETY, ST. ANN CONFERENCEgives aid to people in need, with clothing, furniture, and
Funds,to help with rent deposits, utility bills, and medicine. Members make home visits, assess needs, and help
clientsto connect with resources in the community. To support this ministry, the group sponsors various
fundraisers such as bake sales.
MEMBERSHIP/ HOSPITALITY MINISTRIES: How we welcome others & build community.
- THEMEMBERSHIP/HOSPITALITY COMMISSIONdevelops, facilitates, and oversees events that build community and
welcomes new members. Ongoing projects/activities include:
- WELCOMING new parishioners
- Helping with monthly ‘HOSPITALITY SUNDAYS’ by serving coffee & donuts
- BAKING/COOKING/SERVINGfor parish events (or organizing other parishioners to do so)
PARISH FALL FESTIVAL, held each year on the 3rd full weekend of September, serves as the parish’s major
community-building event and largest fund-raiser. Under the leadership of a chairperson, volunteers plan,
coordinate, and oversee different aspects of the event.
“OUR FAITH STORIES” is a monthly event where parishioners share their journeys of faith. People are needed
to speak, provide snacks and help with set up / clean up.
CATECHETICAL MINISTRIES: How we teach & pass on the Faith.
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM:Catechists (teachers), aides, substitutes, small group leaders, and presenters
for “Liturgy of the Word for Children,” share faith with the children and teens of our parish, Pre-K thru 12th grade. Training, materials, and lesson plans are provided.
ST. ANN SCHOOLis dedicated to theeducation and Catholic faith formation of our children; many of whom are the
children or grandchildren of SAS alumni.This mission is shared by every parishioner, andvolunteers are welcome to assist with tutoring,alumni connections, etc.
JOINT PARISH/SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE consists of Home School members working with Parish
membersand a Diocesan consultant, to establish long-term funding strategies forthe financial stability of St. Ann Parish School. The committee focuses on financial development goals, cultivating relationships with alumni, friends, and potential donors; and creating a financial development plan.Members are expected to attend meetings, contribute to strategy development, and assist with funding development plan implementation.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL is held each summer for children age 5 thru 5th grade. Adults and teens 6th grade and
older,serve as crew leaders or volunteer in the following areas: crafts, science, games, music, or snacks.
Journey of the Heart (high school)is a mission trip for teens and adult chaperones during July to help people in disadvantaged areas of the country. The group holds numerous fund-raisers to finance their trip.
Love Begins Here (middle & high school) is a mission trip for teens and adult chaperones to a Parish in the Diocese to provide service to that community. The group holds one fundraiser to help support this Diocesan program.
Small group leaders for “Theology of the Body” for 9th gradehelp students discuss the most common issues that teens experience today. St. John Paul II wrote 129 short talks over the span of 5 yrs. to provide a beautiful vision of human sexuality. Adults are needed to be small group leaders for 6 wks on Wed. nights beginning in January.Each group has2 adult leaders who facilitate discussion after a viewing of the DVD presentation.
Small group leaders for Confirmationmeet monthly on Sunday evenings with10th11th graders and facilitate a small group discussion of our Catholic faith and issues concerningour faith in the world.
“City on a Hill” High School Youth Group is for high school teens to talk about their faith and join together for fun activities and socializing.
“Souper Suppers” are held during Lent as a sacrifice of a full meal. Adult helpers work with our teen volunteers.
All who work with children/teens in any capacity in our Parish MUSTattend a “Protecting God’s Children” session. (tba)
ENRICHMENT:How we increase our faith through learning.
- PARISH LENDING LIBRARY volunteers maintain the library located in the gathering area, check in-books, and process donations.
- MOTHERS OF PRESCHOOLERS,(MOPS,) is a national organization, that provides a welcoming atmosphere for mothers of young children; meeting on the 3rd Thursday of the month in Healy Hall. Cost per meeting is $2
- PARISH NEWSLETTER is a means of telling the stories of faith and service that are so vital to our Parish. Articles and pictures are just some of the ways you can assist in this ministry.
- MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER is the largest pro-marriage organizationin the world and promotes Weekendexperiences for couples who want tomake their good marriage even better.
- RETROUVAILLEis a program for hurting couples to find hope for their marriages through weekend experiences and follow-up work.
MAINTENANCE & OFFICE MINISTRIES: How we care for our spiritual home.
Church Cleaningvolunteers work in teams about 1-2 hours every other month to clean the Church.
Vacuumingvolunteers ‘split’ church into small areas for individuals to do on their own time.
Rectory Cleaningvolunteers clean on a monthly basis.
PLANT & FLOWER CARE volunteers can choose to care for the plants/flowers inside the building, or care for outside flowerbeds around church, at the rectory, or in the courtyard.
CHAPEL VOTIVE CANDLE CARE volunteers keep the ‘fires burning’ by replacing the votive candles in the Chapel as they burn out, cleaning the glass holders, and making sure donations are secure, etc.
PROFESSIONAL SKILLSof all kinds are needed for the many different projects and repair jobs that emerge, requiring the help of electricians, carpenters, plumbers, painters, ITexperts, and more; so it is important to have a pool of people available to call upon when those needs arise.
OFFICE VOLUNTEERShelp with mailings, ‘stuffing’ the weekly bulletins with inserts, fill-in answering phones, or help with Religious Ed. crafts preparation and other misc. related tasks as needed.
LITURGICAL MINISTRIES: How we worship together.
CHURCH DECORATING & ‘SET-UP’ is first planned by the Liturgy Commission and then implemented by‘crew’ members who bring artistic talent or a myriad of skills such as carpentry, sewing, flower arranging, willingness to climb a ladder, iron, paint, organize, or simply carry things in and out of storage.
DRAMA is used through the church year, particularly during Lent and Holy Week, and includes acting out the Passion on Palm Sunday, being an apostle in the “Living Last Supper,” portraying a character in the Good Friday “Were You There” service or many other ways to bring the gospel alive during the church year.
VIDEO RECORDING for weekend Masses, school Masses and other liturgical celebrations such as “Living Stations,” and “Living Last Supper,” will provide footage to be aired on our local cable TV station. Equipment is provided,
but people are needed to do the recording.
ALTAR SERVERS are girls and boys, women and men from 5th grade to adult, who assist at the Altar.
EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION help distribute the Eucharist at Mass and/or to the sick and shut in.’ Training on the diocesan and parish levels is required. Must be a confirmed Catholic in good standing.
GIFT-BEARERS are individuals, family groups, etc., who present the gifts at the offertory time of Mass.
GREETERSare the first people towelcome parishioners and guests as they come to worship.
LECTORSare people of prayer and skilled in public speaking, who proclaim the scripture for Mass.
SACRISTANSprepare the vessels, bread, wine, and books used for Mass, and make sure all ministers are in place.
USHERSare men, women, &teens, who greet and assist all who come to worship; helping them find a place, take up the collection, distribute bulletins, and tidy the worship space after Mass.
VESTMENTS & LINENS CARE, divided among several volunteers, involves laundering the linens used for Mass, making sure server albs priest’s vestments are clean and in good condition.
MINISTERING TO OUR SISTERS AND BROTHERS IN NURSING HOMES is bringing ‘church’ to those who are not able to
cometo church. There are many opportunities to ‘be with,’ ‘pray with,’ and share faith with those in
nursing homes, assisted living, orin their homes.
Wed. Eve.Prayer Servicesheld at the care facilities in Stoughton, rotating with 6 otherStoughton churches from6-6:30 PM on Wed. evenings. St. Ann’s is assigned for 6 months of the year, usually every other month.
Bi-Weekly Prayer time at Nazareth House: Volunteers lead Rosary or lead prayer desired by residents.
Thursday11:00 AMMass at Nazareth House: Volunteers read, help with singing, or help the residents.
Monthly (3rd Tues.@ 10:15 AM)Mass at Skaalen Home:Volunteers help with music, reading, etc,
Taking Communion to the sick, homebound, and nursing homes.(see EMHC under Liturgical Ministries-above)
MUSIC MINISTRIES: How we pray through song.
- ANGEL CHOIRis open to all children of the parish in grades 1t-6. The group sings once per month, and on Christmas Eve, & Easter morning. Practices are on Tuesdays, 3:15 -4:00 PM. Adult helpers also needed.
- ADULT CHOIRleadsprayer thru song, and rehearses Weds, 6:45 -8:15 PM and sings most weekends of the year, except during the summer. Open to High School junior thru adult. No audition required!
- FUNERAL CHOIRsings forparish funerals, with practice normally a half hour before funeral. All singers welcome.
- YOUTH CHOIR/ENSEMBLEis open to allteens in grades 7-12 who sing or play an instrument. Members plan, prepare, and provide music for the 5:15 Mass the 3rd weekend of the month. Practice is Wed. 5:30 to 6:25 PM.
- PIANISTSand GUITARISTSare crucial to the St. Ann music ministry to accompany song leaders and choirs.
- SONGLEADERS help the community to lift up their voices in praise and INSTRUMENTALISTS--from violinists to percussionists--enhance our song and add joy to our celebrations!