Enrollment Contract


(Name of Child)(Birth date)

(Name of Parent/Guardian)(Relationship)

Social Security # Grade Level:


I/we understand that to fulfill the enrollment requirements, I/we must complete and sign this contract and return it to the school with the non-refundable registration fee according to the current fee schedule.

I/we agree to assume full responsibility for the total annual charges in the event of withdrawal, or absence of the student before the end of the school year and acknowledge that no reduction will be made in these circumstances.

I/we acknowledge that Shareef Academy reserves the right in its sole discretion to dismiss the above-named student from school if and when his/her presence at the school is judged to be detrimental to the welfare of the school, or if and when he/she fails to maintain the academic standards of the school.


I/we understand that tuition can be paid using one of three payment plans as follows:

  • Plan A —Full Payment – Apply a 2% discount to annual tuition paid by August 16, 2017.
  • Plan B —Bi-Annual Payments – Apply a 1% discount to annual tuition. Payments due August 16, 2017 & January 1, 2018.
  • Plan C —Monthly payment (cash or check) – Payment is due on the fifth day of each month. Payments begin on August 16, 2017 through May 5, 2018.

I/we agree to pay all other charges within thirty (30) days of presentation. If tuition is not paid by the 5th of each month, a late fee of $20.00 will be charged to the account. I/we recognize that if any outstanding balance remains unpaid by June 2, 2018 the student will not be re-enrolled for the coming school year. A $25.00 handling fee of any returned checks will be charged.


By signing this contract, I/we give permission for the student named above to take part in all school activities, including sports and field trips, and I/we waive and release Shareef Academy or any of its officers, agents or employees from all claims of liability for any injury incurred by the student at school or during any school activity except for any injury caused by willful maleficence by the school or any of its agents.

I/we accept and support the school mission, school policies, standards of discipline, the rules of behavior, and the dress code adopted by the school.

I/we understand that it is my/our responsibility to notify the school office promptly of any change in my/our address, telephone number and place of employment.

I/we have read, understand and agree to all of the terms and conditions of this enrollment contract. By signing this contract, I/we represent and warrant that I/we have fall authority to sign this contract. I/we are fully authorized to enter into this agreement.

Signature of Parent/Guardian ______Date ______

Signature of Parent/Guardian Date

Accepted by the School Head Date

7605 Sierra Ave, Fontana CA