Diane R. Follingstad, Ph.D.
Director, Center for Research on Violence Against Women
Women’s Circle Endowed Chair, CRVAW
Professor/Clinical and Forensic Psychologist
Diplomate in Forensic Psychology, ABPP
Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Director and Women’s Circle Endowed Chair,
Center for Research on Violence Against Women
151 Bowman Hall
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40506
Telephone (859) 218-2610
FAX (859) 323-4848
Clinical and Forensic Psychology Professor
University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Department of Psychiatry
245 Fountain Court
Lexington, Kentucky 40509
Telephone (859) 323-5281
FAX (859) 323-1194
Licensure/Board Certification
Diplomate, Forensic Psychology, American Board of Professional Psychology #3992
Kentucky, License #1537, Certified as Health Service Provider, Psychologist
South Carolina, License # 209, to practice Clinical Psychology
North Carolina, License #3345, Certified as Health Service Provider, Psychologist
University of Colorado Ph.D., 12/1974, Clinical Psychology
Hall Psychiatric Institute Clinical Psychology Internship, 8/1972-8/1973
University of Colorado M.A., 8/1971, Clinical Psychology
Augsburg College B.A., 6/1969, Psychology and Sociology
Division of Student Affairs (University of Kentucky) Outstanding Faculty Partner 2016
Linda Saltzman Memorial Intimate Partner Violence Researcher Award – 2012 Award
by the Institute on Violence, Abuse, and Trauma
Distinguished Contributions in Forensic Psychology, 2009 Award by the American
Association of Forensic Psychology (American Board of Forensic Psychology)
Fellow, Division 41, American Psychological Association
Outstanding Teaching in Psychology Award (1993) by the South Carolina Psych. Assoc.
Nominated for Outstanding Professional Paper Award by the Southeastern Psychological Association, 2010
Visiting Scholar for Southeastern Psychological Association
Pi Gamma Mu - National Honor Society for the Social Sciences
Omicron Delta Kappa - National Leadership Society
Leadership Columbia/ Columbia Forum
University of Kentucky, Executive Director
Center for Research on Violence Against Women 8/14-present
University of Kentucky, Center for Research on Violence Against Women
Women’s Circle Endowed Chair 7/08-present
University of Kentucky, Dept. of Psychiatry, Medical College
Professor (Joint appointment in Psychology) 7/08-present
University of South Carolina, Department of Psychology, Columbia, SC
Distinguished Professor Emeritus 2008-present
Full time faculty 8/1973-3/2008
Full Professor 5/1989-present
Director of Clinical-Community Training 8/1995- 8/ssss2004
College of Charleston, Governor’s School, Charleston, SC
Selected Faculty Summers 1976, 1977
1 R01 HD 075783-01 (Follingstad & Coker – PIs) 9/15/2013 – 9/14/2018 2.40 calendar
NIH/NICHD $2,486,134
Evaluating the Long-term Effects of Green Dot on Teen Dating Violence Prevention
The goal of the project is to evaluate the longer term impact of Green Dot across the Bluegrass an active bystanding-based randomized intervention trial in 26 high schools across Kentucky designed to reduce dating and sexual violence focusing on college/noncollege status (and related factors) of 18-22 year olds as predictor variables for presence of intimate partner violence.
RFA-CE-15-001 (Coker & Bush) Co-I 9/1/2015 – 8/31/18 .60
R01 CDC $1,049,940
Randomized Trial Integrating Bystander-Based Violence PreventionModalities
UK Internal Funding President’s Office (Follingstad – PI) 10/15 – 6/20 3.0
Campus Climate/Violence Survey $950,000
Development, administration, analysis of survey given to ~26,000 UK students to assess perceptions of safety, knowledge of resources, adverse experiences, and barriers to reporting.
Follingstad & Renzetti - PI 11/1/16 – 10/31/18 3.0
NIJ $740,780
Longitudinal Cohort Study of Interpersonal Violence Among College-Aged Women and Men: Planning Phase
Renzetti & Follingstad – PI 1/1/17 – 12/31/19 .60
OVW Research & Evaluation Program $500,000
A Collaboration to Evaluate the Outcomes of a Therapeutic Horticulture Program at a Domestic Violence Shelter
5R01MD004598 - 05 (Coker) Co-I 9/25/2009 – 9/24/2014 1.20 calendar
NIH/NCI $1,860,000
Does Violence Against Women Result in Disparities in Cancer Care for Women?
The major goal of this project is to investigate the relationship between intimate partner violence and partner interfering behaviors and women’s cancer treatment, recovery, and quality of life.
SES-1341983 (Renzetti) Co-I 9/13/2013 – 9/12/2014
NSF/NIJ $50,000
Developing Effective Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Interventions to Prevent Intimate Partner Violence.
The major goal of this project is to conduct a scientific working conference for researchers involved in prevention efforts to prevent intimate partner violence.
Follingstad, D.R. (1994-1999). PI Prevention of physical violence in dating relationships.
NIMH. $1,200,000
Follingstad, D.R. (1991-1992). PI Interventions for the prevention of dating violence.
Carolina Venture Fund. $2300.
Follingstad, D.R. (1987-1988). PI Identification and prediction of patterns of wife abuse. Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation. $13,857.
Follingstad, D.R. (1986-1987). PI Identification and prediction of patterns of wife abuse. Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation. $21,064.
Follingstad, D.R. (1986). PI Pilot study for the identification and prediction of patterns of wife abuse. Carolina Venture Fund. $2,850.
Follingstad, D.R., & McCormick, M. (2002). Law and mental health professionals: South
Carolina. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association Press.
Renzetti, C.M., Follingstad, D.R., & Coker, A.L. (Eds.). (In press). Preventing intimate partner
violence: Interdisciplinary perspectives. Bristol, UK: University of Bristol Policy Press.
Braucht, N.G., Brakarsh, W.D., Follingstad, D.R. & Berry, K.L. (1973). Deviant drug use in
adolescence: A review of psychosocial correlates. Psychological Bulletin, 79, (2), 92-106.
Braucht, N.G., Follingstad, D.R., Brakarsh, W.D. & Berry, K.L. (1973). Drug education: A
review of goals, approaches and effectiveness and a paradigm for evaluation. Quarterly
Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 34, (4-A), 1279-1292.
Haynes, S.N., Follingstad, D.R., & McGowan, W.T. (1974). Insomnia: Sleep patterns and
anxiety level. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 18, 69-74.
Follingstad, D.R., Kilmann, P.R. & Robinson, E.A. (1976). Prediction of self-actualization in
male participants in a group conducted by female leaders. Journal of Clinical
Psychology, 32, 706-712.
Kilmann, P.R. Follingstad, D.R., Price, M.G., Rowland, K.F.& Robinson, E.A. (1976). Effects of a
marathon group on self-actualization and attitudes toward women. Journal of Clinical
Psychology, 32, 154-157.
Follingstad, D.R., Robinson, E.A., Pugh, M. (1977). Effects of consciousness-raising groups on
measures of feminism, self-esteem and desirability. Journal of Counseling Psychology,
24, (3) 223-230.
Sotile, W.M., Kilmann, P.R., & Follingstad, D.R. (1977). A sexual enhancement workshop:
Beyond group systematic desensitization for women's sexual anxiety. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 3, (4), 249-255.
Follingstad, D.R., Sullivan, J.C., & Haynes, S.N. (1978). Behavioral assessment of a dissatisfied
marital couple. In S.N. Haynes (Ed.), Principles of behavioral assessment. New York:
Gardner Press, 442-440.
Moreault, D. & Follingstad, D.R. (1978). Sexual fantasies of females as a function of sex guilt and experimental response cues. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 46, (6)
Follingstad, D.R. (1979). Effects of sex of pressuring group, perception of ability, and sex of
communicator influencing perceived ability on conformity of males and females.
Psychological Reports, 44, 719-726.
Follingstad, D.R. & Sullivan, J.C. (1979). Male aggression toward females as a function of
traditional and nontraditional cues and visibility of the target. Psychological Reports,
44, 1135-1142.
Haynes, S.N., Follingstad, D.R. & Sullivan, J.C. (1979). Assessment of marital satisfaction and
interaction. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 47, 789-791.
Follingstad, D.R. (1980). A reconceptualization of issues in the treatment of abused women: A
case study. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 17, 294-303.
Moseley, D., Follingstad, D.R., Harley, H., & Heckel, R.V. (1981). Psychological factors that
predict reaction to abortion. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 37, (2), 276-279.
Follingstad, D.R., Haynes, S.N., & Sullivan, J.C. (1981). Naturalistic observations of behavioral
marital therapy. Psychological Reports, 49, 320-330.
Hoddinott, E.A. & Follingstad, D.R. (1983). Effects of instructional set and personality variables
on the use of touching. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 56, 299-309.
Follingstad, D.R. (1984). Preparing the witness for courtroom testimony: Modifying negative
behavior through employment of psychological principles. Trial, 20, 50-58.
Follingstad, D.R. (1985). Jury selection: Current status, issues and techniques. In C. Ewing
(Ed.), Psychology, psychiatry and the law: A clinical and forensic handbook. Sarasota, FL: Professional Resource Exchange, Inc.
Follingstad, D.R. & Morgan, H.C. (1985). Little known uses of psychologists and psychiatrists in criminal cases. The Champion, June, 17-23.
Robinson, E.A. & Follingstad, D.R. (1985). Development and standardization of a behavioral
sex-role inventory. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 13, 691-713.
Follingstad, D.R. & Kimbrell, C.D. (1986). Sex fantasies revisited: An expansion and further
clarification of variables affecting sex fantasy production. Archives of Sexual Behavior,
15, 475-486.
Kilmann, P.R., Mills, K.H., Caid, C., Davidson, E., Bella, B., Milan, R., Drose, G., Boland, J.,
Follingstad, D.R., Montgomery, B., & Wanlass, R. (1986). The treatment of secondary
orgasmic dysfunction: An outcome study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 15, 211-229.
Boland, J. & Follingstad, D.R. (1987). The relationship between marital communication and
satisfaction: A review. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 13, 286-313.
Follingstad, D.R. (1988). Marital therapy flow chart. American Journal of Family Therapy, 16,
Follingstad, D.R., Neckerman, A., & Vormbrock, J. (1988). Reactions to victimization and
coping strategies of battered women: The ties that bind. Clinical Psychology Review, 8,
Kalichman, S.C., Craig, M.E., & Follingstad, D.R. (1988). Mental health professionals and
suspected cases of child abuse: An investigation of factors influencing reporting.
Journal of Family Violence, 3, 169-182.
Follingstad, D.R., Rutledge, L.L., Polek, D.S. & McNeill-Harkins, K. (1988). Factors associated
with patterns of dating violence toward college women. Journal of Family Violence, 3,
Follingstad, D.R., Polek, D.S., Hause, E.S., Deaton, L.H., Bulger, M.W. & Conway, Z.D. (1989).
Factors predicting verdicts in cases where battered women kill their husbands. Law and
Human Behavior, 13, 253-269.
Craig, M.E., Kalichman, S.C., & Follingstad, D.R. (1989). Verbal coercive sexual
behavior among college students. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 18, 421-434.
Kalichman, S.C., Craig, M.E., & Follingstad, D.R. (1989). Factors influencing the reporting of
father-child sexual abuse: Study of licensed practicing psychologists. Professional
Psychology: Research and Practice, 20, 84-89.
Follingstad, D.R. (1990). Methodological issues and new directions for research on violence in
relationships. In D. Besharov (Ed.), Family violence: Research and public policy issues.
Washington, DC: American Enterprise Institute Press.
Follingstad, D.R., Rutledge, L.L., Berg, B.J., Hause, E.S. & Polek, D.S. (1990). The role of
emotional abuse in physically abusive relationships. Journal of Family Violence, 5, 107-
Kalichman, S.C., Craig, M.E., & Follingstad, D.R. (1990). Professionals adherence to mandatory
child abuse reporting laws: Effects of responsibility attribution, confidence ratings and
situational factors. Child Abuse & Neglect, 14, 69-77.
Follingstad, D.R., Laughlin, J., Polek, D.S., Rutledge, L.L., & Hause, E.S. (1991). Identification
of patterns of wife abuse. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 6, 187-204.
Follingstad, D.R., Brennan, A.F., Hause, E.S., Polek, D.S., & Rutledge, L.L. (1991). Factors
moderating physical and psychological symptoms of battered women. Journal of Family Violence, 6, 81-95.
Follingstad, D.R., Wright, S., Lloyd, S., & Sebastian, J.A. (1991). Sex differences in motivations
and effects in dating violence. Family Relations, 40, 51-57.
Follingstad, D.R., Kalichman, S.C., Cafferty, T.P. & Vormbrock, J.K. (1992). Aggression levels
following frustration of abusing versus nonabusing college males. Journal of
Interpersonal Violence, 7, 3-18.
Kalichman, S.C., Craig, M.E., & Follingstad, D.R. (1992). Mental health professionals' treatment of child abuse: Why professionals may not report. In E. Viano (Ed.), Critical Issues in
Victimology: International Perspectives (p. 130-139). New York: Springer.
Follingstad, D.R., Rutledge, L.L., McNeill-Harkins, K. & Polek, D.S. (1992). Factors related to
physical violence in dating relationships. In E. Viano (Ed.), Intimate Violence: International Perspectives. Washington, DC: Hemisphere Pub.
Follingstad, D.R., Hause, E.S., Rutledge, L.L., & Polek, D.S. (1992). Effects of battered women's
early responses on later abuse patterns. Violence and Victims, 7, 109-128.
Kalichman, S. C., Craig, M. E., & Follingstad, D. R. (1993). Factors influencing the reporting of father-child sexual abuse: Study of licensed practicing psychologists. In J. A. Mindell (Ed.), Issues in clinical psychology. (pp. 130-152). Madison, WI England: Brown & Benchmark/Wm. C. Brown Publ.
Follingstad, D.R. & Breiter, H. (1994). Prescriptive treatments for battering men. In M. Hersen
& R.T. Ammerman (Eds.), Handbook of Prescriptive Treatments for Adults. New York:
Plenum Pub. Corp.
Follingstad, D.R. (1996). Forensic evaluations of battered women defendants: Relevant data to
be applied to elements of self-defense. Applied and Preventive Psychology, 5, 165-178.
Follingstad, D.R., Brondino, M.J., & Kleinfelter, K.J. (1996). Reputation and behavior of
battered women who kill their partners: Do these variables negate self-defense? Journal
of Family Violence, 11, 251-267.
Follingstad, D.R., Shillinglaw, R.D., DeHart, D.D., & Kleinfelter, K.J. (1997). The impact of
elements of self-defense and objective versus subjective instructions on jurors’ verdicts
for battered women defendants. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 12(5), 729-747.
DeHart, D.D., Kennerley, R.J., Burke, L.K., & Follingstad, D.R. (1999). Predictors of attrition in
a treatment program for battering men. Journal of Family Violence, 14(1), 19-34.
Follingstad, D.R., Bradley, R.G., Laughlin, J.E., & Burke, L. (1999). Risk factors and correlates
of dating violence: The relevance of examining frequency and severity levels in a college
sample. Violence and Victims, 14(4), 365-380.
Burke, L.K., & Follingstad, D.R. (1999). Violence in lesbian and gay relationships: Theory,
prevalence, and correlational factors. Clinical Psychology Review, 19(5), 487-512.
Follingstad, D.R. & DeHart, D.D. (2000). Defining psychological abuse of husbands toward
wives: Contexts, behaviors, and typologies. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 15(9),
Bradley, R.G., & Follingstad, D.R. (2001). Utilizing disclosure in the treatment of the sequelae
of childhood sexual abuse: A theoretical and empirical review. Clinical Psychology
Review, 21(1), 1-32.
Follingstad, D.R., Runge, M.M., Ace, A., Buzan, R., & Helff, C. (2001). Justifiability, sympathy
level, and internal/external locus of the reasons battered women remain in abusive
relationships. Violence and Victims, 16(6), 621-644.
Follingstad, D.R., Bradley, R.G., & Helff, C.M., & Laughlin, J.E. (2002). A model for predicting
dating violence in college students: Anxious attachment, angry temperament and need