U.S. Constitution

Internet Activity

Directions: Use the internet site to help you complete the following activities.


What did the Founders say?

Directions – Put the letter of the quote in the speech bubble of the Founding Father who said it.

Interactive Crossword

Directions – As you complete the crossword puzzle online, fill in the answers to the clues below. BEFORE YOU ANSWER THE LAST QUESTION OF THE CROSSWORD PUZZLE, I NEED TO CHECK YOUR PUZZLE!


2.  This is the name for the introduction to the Constitution

3.  The Supreme law of the land

5.  The number of articles the Constitution contains

6.  This person is considered the “father of the U.S. Constitution”

7. The Constitution was signed on ______17, 1787

9. State where the Constitutional Convention was held.

11. Article I Section 10 lists powers denied to the several ______.

12.  Article I, Section 8 says that Congress can regulate commerce with the Indian ______.


3. Article III deals with the Supreme ______.

14. The Constitution secures the blessings of ______.

Madison’s Notes are Missing

Directions – Click on the question you’d like to learn about first. Then click on a delegate to hear his thoughts. After listening/reading the opinion of each delegate, think about how you would have voted on this question if you had been at the convention then cast your vote. As you click on each delegate, answer each of the questions below.

1.  What should the executive branch look like, and how should it be chosen?

Randolph – Did he suggest a length in which the president should serve?

Wilson – How many years did he suggest that the president should serve?

Mason – How long did he say a president should serve? Did he think the executive should be able to run again?

Morris – How long did he say an executive should serve?

Hamilton - How long did he suggest the executive serve?

2.  How should members of Congress be elected?

Mason – He wanted one branch of Congress to be similar to what house in British Parliament?

Madison – Who did he say should elect one branch of Congress?

Gerry – Does he believe the people are smart enough to elect representatives to the National Legislature?

Sherman – Who does Sherman want to elect the National Legislature?

Wilson – Who does Wilson want to elect the National Legislature?

3.  What should be the basis for taxation and representation?

Hamilton – He believed that representation should be based on what?

Morris – How did he think African Americans should be counted within the population?

Pinckney – ______should be counted the same as ______, and population should determine a state’s ______in Congress.

Wilson – Representation should be according to who is taxed.

Davie – He is from the Carolinas. Why is he speaking in anger?

Gerry – Does he think slaves should be counted within a state’s population?

4.  How are you addressing slavery?

Mason – Who did he mention were the only southern states that had not banned the importing of slaves?

Pinckney – What did he suggest to do on the issue of importing slaves?

Madison – Is he for or against allowing the slave trade for 20 more years?

Randolph – He believed that how many states would NOT join the Union if the convention did not agree to allow the slave trade for 20 years?

Sherman – Does he believe the slave trade should continue?

5.  Why did three of you refuse to sign the Constitution?

Mason – Does he think the Congress has been given too much power?

Randolph – Which of the three branches of government was he questioning?

Gerry – List the 3 things he did not like about the U.S. Constitution:


