Garden Island Lodge
Directions to Garden Island Lodge from the Central & Mid-Western States
There are several routes you can follow.
#1 Cross into Canada at The Peace Bridge at Buffalo/Fort Erie. Drive north on the Queen Elizabeth Way (QEW) through Hamilton and Burlington. Take #407 east (the cut off is about 2 miles past the Burlington Skyway Bridge. Get into the center lane while on the bridge). Follow # 407 east to #400 north ( the signs will read #400 N - Barrie). NOTE: IF YOU ARE TRAVELLING IN A VEHICLE OVER 10,000 POUNDS GVWR DO NOT TAKE #407!!! Stay on the QEW to highway #403 north at the Ford Motor Plant. Go north to highway #401 east. Continue on #401 east to #400 north ( the signs will read #400 N - Barrie).
#2 Cross into Canada at Detroit. Pick up #401 east to #407 east near Milton. Follow # 407 east to #400 north ( the signs will read #400 N - Barrie). NOTE: IF YOU ARE TRAVELLING IN A VEHICLE OVER 10,000 POUNDS GVWR DO NOT TAKE #407!!! Stay highway on #401 east. Continue on #401 east to #400 north ( the signs will read #400 N - Barrie).
#3 Cross into Canada at I-69 at Port Huron (this is my preferred route). I-69 becomes #402 at the border. Follow #402 east to #401 east at London. Follow # 401 east to #407 east at Milton Follow #407 east to #400 north ( the signs will read #400 N - Barrie). NOTE: IF YOU ARE TRAVELLING IN A VEHICLE OVER 10,000 POUNDS GVWR DO NOT TAKE #407!!! Stay on highway #401 east. Continue on #401 east to #400 north ( the signs will read #400 N - Barrie).
Follow #400 north just past Barrie. Follow the signs for #11 north to North Bay. At North Bay #11 joins #17 through the out-skirts of the city. Follow #11north. (Watch for the signs reading #11 to TIMMINS, if you see the STAPLES Store on your right you just missed the turn). Take #11 north for about 90 miles. You will see The Cobalt Truck Stop on your right. This is the last place for coffee if you are coming directly to the landing. 6 miles after the truck stop, you will see the sign 'Garden Island Lodge 20 km. You make the left turn onto #558 for about 12 miles.
#4 Cross into Canada at Sault Ste. Marie. Pick up # 17 east through Sudbury to a little town called VERNER (a UPI gas station will be on your left). Turn left onto #575 to Field. At Field pick up #64 north to #11 north. Stay on #11 north. You will see The Cobalt Truck Stop on your right. This is the last place for coffee if you are coming directly to the landing. 6 miles after the truck stop, you will see the sign 'Garden Island Lodge 20 km. You make the left turn onto #558 for about 12 miles. Put your gear on the dock, and drive back up the little rise, take the driveway int Mowatt Landing Cottages, drive behind the silver shed and park in there.