Pony (Rookie) Rules
1. No infield fly rule.
2. 5 - run limit per inning. All games will be played the entire six innings but not to exceed a 2 hourtime limit. You should not start an inning after the 2 hour time limit has occurred.
3. No stealing of any base.
4. Each team must field a minimum of 8 players or the game will be forfeited.
5. A fourth player may be used in the outfield.
6. All players on the team who report for a game must be included in the batting order throughout theentire game whether he is in the field or not. If a player shows up late, he will be put at the bottomof the batting order.
7. Each player must play at least 4 innings in the field.
8. Unlimited substitution will be allowed.
9. Players must slide on any close play.
10. A pitcher may pitch only 3 innings per game. These must be in consecutive order. One (1) full day of rest is required after pitching between one (1)
and three (3) innings in a game. If three or more games are played in a week, pitchers are
permitted a total of nine (9) innings during the week, (rest rule requirements apply).
- 9 YEAR OLDS PITCHING IN PONIES: The total of all nine (9) year old pitchers are limited to a total of two (2) innings per game and may not pitch after the fourth (4) inning in any game. One (1) pitch constitutes an inning.
(i.e. you can pitch 2 nine year olds one inning each or 1 nine year old 2 innings)
Also a 9 year old in limited to pitching a total of 4 innings per week total.
10a. Prior to the start of the game, coaches should discuss whether or not a hit batter is awarded first base OR if they should stay in to bat and go right to coach pitch. Ifa kid pitcher hits two batters in an inning, he/she must be pulled from the game as pitcher.
11. Bunting is allowed.
12. There will not be any walks.
13. If the pitcher is a player and pitches four balls to a batter, the coach will finish pitching to that batteruntil the batter reaches base or strikes out. The player will then resume pitching to the next batter. The coach of the batting team will stand behind the pitcher and call balls and strikes. That coachwill pitch to his own team, if four balls are called.
14. If a batter has a full count and ball four is called, when the coach resumes pitching, the count will bereduced to 1 strike.
15. All players pitching will pitch from 40 feet.
16. On an overthrow, players may advance a maximum of one (1) base at each base overthrown.
Players advance at their own risk.
Note: for safety of the players, whenever there might be concern of darkness, weather conditions, time, etc.,the coaches will discuss the matter and decide whether or not to continue the game.