Exercise 9-17

Word Pairs

Directions: Read each sentence that uses the words studied in Exercise 198. Circle the correct word that completes the sentence.

1. The use of the narrow (track tract) of land between the river and the interstate is the topic of tonight's council meeting debate.

2. Tonight the mayor will commend the (vice vise) squad on their breaking the drug ring.

3. Three balls were (throne thrown) before the pitcher curved a strike over home plate.

4. All (told tolled), we have more people here tonight than last night.

5. The prisoner's appeal was in (vain vane vein) as the governor had no intention of granting a reprieve.

6. Clamp the rod in the (vice vise) to hold it secure while I work on it.

7. I (to too two) want to appeal a parking ticket.

8. Joining together, we began to (troop troupe) down the street toward the mayor's office.

9. Just to get (thorough through) this course, I need additional incentive.

10. Major trade and nonaggression (treaties treatise) were signed when the two rulers met.

11. With this (vale veil) over my eyes, I'm having difficulty seeing.

12. Prior to admission to the gallery, we were asked to form (to too two) lines.

13. The (treaties treatise) assigned for reading details selected writings on diplomacy.

14. Do a (thorough through) job, or you will need to do it again.

15. The weather (vain vane vein) on top of the barn shows the wind is blowing from a northerly direction.

16. When the bells loudly (told tolled), I was awakened from a sound sleep.

17. When the queen dies, who ascends to the (throne thrown)?

18. The (vains vanes veins) in Frank O'Leary's arms stand out; they make drawing blood easy.

19. Despite the threatening storm, we were able to (toe tow) the stranded boat to shore.

20. Deposit your paper plates in the trash container, located (their there they're) by the sidewalk.

21. (Their There They're) such a happy couple!

22. The (toe tow) of my stocking always seems to wear out first.

23. Does this bus go (to too two) the mall?

24. Finally, all the children are settled in (their there they're) beds.

25. A magnificent view of the (vale veil) appeared as we rounded the mountainous curve.

26. Follow the deer (track tract) if you want to see some beautiful animals.

27. The musical (troop troupe) will play tonight in the Orpheum Theater.

Exercise 9-18

Word Pairs

Directions: Read each sentence that uses the words studied in Exercise 199. Circle the correct word that completes the sentence.

1. (Who's Whose) going to assume my responsibilities while I'm on vacation?

2. It's (your you're) responsibility to find someone.

3. On the (way weigh) home from the mall, we stopped for ice cream.

4. The (weather whether) this winter produced a record snowfall.

5. The patient is feeling (well will) after a serious case of influenza.

6. A lot of food that could be donated to Food and Shelter Coalitions goes to (waist waste).

7. Joe Carrera tries to guess the (wait weight) of willing people at the carnival.

8. The person (who whom) is most qualified is the one our committee will select.

9. Although Christmas is coming, you'll still have to (wait weight) a few weeks for it.

10. Francisca began to (waive wave) frantically when she saw her friend driving down the street.

11. Next (weak week) in class, we will discuss letter writing.

12. I am saying you (well will) submit your homework on time.

13. (Weather Whether) it is done correctly or not, we must submit this assignment on time.

14. To fit into these pants, I need to trim my (waist waste) a bit.

15. A (waiver waver) was granted that allowed Marilyn to forego the language course.

16. (Who's Whose) position did you take when you joined the firm?

17. The accused (waived waved) his right to a trial when he signed the statement.

18. Check your chainlink fence to be sure you have no (weak week) links.

19. Clothing and other (wares wears) are available at the bazaar.

20. Weight watchers are asked to (way weigh) themselves at least three times a week.

21. Looking out of the airplane, I began to (waiver waver) in my determination to jump.

22. To (who whom) should I give the book?

23. Since you have been on your diet, you certainly (ware wear) your clothing well.

24. (Your You're) the one selected for the grand-prize award.

Chapter 9Page 1