AKC Sanctioned BOB Match
Saturday, October 10th, 2015
held at
Orleans County 4-H Fairgrounds
12690 State Hwy 31, Albion, NY 14411

Directions from the NYS Thruway (I-90):

West: Pembroke exit 48A.Take Rt 77North 7 mi, then Rt 63 North for 8.7 mi., turn right onto Hwy 31East 4.3 mi. to destination

East: Batavia exit 48.Take Rt 98 North, 15.8 miles, turn left onto Hwy 31 West 5.9 miles to destination.

Judging will be indoors & outdoors!

Match hours: 8:00 am — 5:00 pm.

Registration: 8:30 am until 15 minutes prior to Judging

Obedience &Rally (Open to Mixed Breeds) 9:30am

Junior Showmanship and Adult Handling 9:30 am

Puppy Sweeps and Veteran Sweeps 10:30 am

Conformation 12:00 pm

Every Winner gets a prize to Take Home!!

Many raffles to enter!!

Food will be available by the Orleans County 4-H Heelers.

4-H Fundraiser Chicken BBQ is $10 / (cash or check) & $10.50 credit card.

For more information please call Jacklynn Gingerich at 716-870-4539 or Mary Teeling 585-813-8141

Additional info at:

Match Show classes offered:

  • Obedience Classes for breed specific & Mixed breed:

Beginner Novice A & B: Judge Kathy Zipkin, Novice A & B: Judge Marge Crane CPDT-KA,

Open A&B, Utility A & B: Judge George Plummer

  • Rally Classes for breed specific & mixed breed:

Novice A & B, Advanced A & B, Excellent A & B: Judge Kim Alexander-Thomson

  • Junior Showmanship: 8-10, 11-13, 14-16 and 17-18 yrs.: Judge Krista Hanson
  • Adult Handling: Ladies and Men (No Professional Handlers): Judge Julie Schaffer
  • Puppy Sweepstakes Classes:

3-6 mo.: Judge Julie Shaffer, 6-9 mo.: Judge Karen Drumm, 9-12 mo.: Judge Krista Hanson

Best Puppy in Sweepstakes: Karen Drumm

  • Veteran Sweepstakes Classes:

7-9 yrs: Judge Karen Drumm, 9-11 yrs.: Judge Krista Hanson,11+ yrs: Judge Julie Schaffer

Best Veteran in Sweepstakes: Judge Julie Schaffer

  • Conformation Breed Classes: 3-6 mo., 6-9mo., 9-12 mo., & Adult, (Open for dogs and bitches)

Sporting, Terrier, Toy: Judge Karen Drumm

Herding, Nonsporting: Judge Krista Hanson

Hound, Working: Judge Julie Schaffer

  • Best Puppy in Match: Judge Julie Schaffer
  • & Best Adult in Match: Judge Krista Hanson

Puppy Sweeps must be entered in Regular Classes. Entry fees:$7.00 for first entry of a dog, second entry$5.00 except Sweeps and Junior Handling as a second entry are $4.00.Payment can be made with check, cash or Charge card (new this year for an additional $0.50 fee) – No Pre-Entries


The Match giving club and all club members of the Tonawanda Valley Kennel Club, Inc. assume no responsibility for any loss, damage or injury sustained byexhibitors, handlers or to any of their dogs or property and further assumes no responsibility for injury to children. Please note: TVKC reserves the right to appoint additional judges and or change assignments when necessary and delaythe starting times if entries require. Dogs with major points are ineligible for breed classes. Dogs with two legs in obedience must compete in the next higher class. Canadian titles will be considered the same as AKC titles. Professional handlers may exhibit only their own dogs.