Phonics Homework
1 night complete the phonics dictation, 1 night complete one of the worksheets from the current unit found on edline or Wiki. 2 nights choose 1 activity from the trick word choice menu and 1 activity from the concept word choice menu to complete. Please staple any written component of the homework together and send to school on Friday. Included in this packet should be a sheet of paper listing the activities your child completed the two choice nights, the worksheet, and the dictation paper. If your child keeps choosing the same activities, encourage him/her to try some of the other activities.
All writing to prepare homework should be done by the student. Example: The student should make the cards to play memory or word hunt. The writing helps the student practice and learn the spelling of the words.
Directions for each choice from the menus
Spider - Have the words that you choose and 10 extra words in front of you when you play.
ABC Order - Choose 10 words - Write each word on a small piece of paper. Then put the words in ABC order.
Colorful Words- Choose 5 color crayons and write the words one after the other using a different color for each word. You do not leave spaces between the words. The different color lets you know that a new word is beginning.
Spelling City – computer website with activities for both trick words and concept words.
March and Cheer – Cheer out each word then march out each word.
Memory - Write each word on small pieces of paper to play memory with a family member.
Write – Write each word 5 times each
Word Hunt - Write each word on a small piece of paper. Then have a family member hide the words and you try to find them. When you find the word read it to your family member.
Shaving Cream – Write each word 3 times each in the shaving cream.
Rainbow writing –Choose 5 color crayons. Write the word once using the first color crayon. Then write it again – tracing over that same word with the next color crayon. Continue to trace the word until you used all 5 crayons. Then move on to the next word.
Chalk – Write each word 3 times each using sidewalk chalk or on a chalkboard.
_Trick Word Choice Menu
ABC Order - Choose 8 words - 3 words must be this week’s words .
Colorful Words- Use this week’s words.
Spelling City
March and Cheer - Choose 10 words -3 must be this week’s words.
Memory - Choose 6 words – 3 must be this week’s words.
Write – Choose 6 words – 3 of the words must be this week’s words.
Spider - Choose 10 words- 3 words must be this weeks trick words.
Word Hunt -Choose 10 words – 3 words must be this week’s trick words.
Shaving Cream - Choose 6 words -3 must be this week’s trick words.
Rainbow writing – choose 5 words – 3 words must be this week’s words.
Concept Word Choice Menu
Colorful Words - Choose 5 words.
Spelling City
Memory - Choose 6 words
March and Cheer - Choose 10 words
Word Hunt - Choose 10 words.
Write - Choose 6 words to write 5 times each.
Spider - Choose 10 words.
ABC Order - Choose 10 words
Wipe board – Choose 6 words
Shaving Cream - Choose 5 words to write 3 times each using shaving cream.
Chalk - Choose 6 words
Rainbow writing – choose 6