Weekly Format
Day 1 (30 minutes)
•Directed drawing using step by step directions
•Use the directed drawing picture as your graphic organizer
•Read expository text and add content vocabulary/phrases to the graphic organizer
Day 2
•Read additional expository text and add content vocabulary to the graphic organizer
•Orally rehearse the vocabulary and phrases on the graphic organizer (10 minutes)
GENERATION-SSI with frames: can, have, are
•Provide a topic sentence for all students
•Have the students return to their seats to write and read the topic sentence
•Students then write additional sentences
independently as they orally rehearse at their seats (20 minutes)
•Periodically have students pause and reread what they have written.
Day 3
Repeat facilitation and generation
•Oral language rehearsal on the floor combining like phrases (10 minutes)
•Bears are mammals. Bears give live birth and produce milk. (conjunctions)
• Frogs hop, swim, and eat insects. (commas in a series)
•Students return to their seats and reread what they have already written from day 2, then begin writing new sentences. (20 minutes)
Day 4
•Students reread their work and add any additional information.
•Check for capital letters and end punctuation.
•Students can partner read what they wrote.
•Collect all papers.
•Adults type with corrections for final copy.
Day 5
•Pass out student’s typed work and do the guided drawing again to complete the final copy.
•Demonstrate how to create the habitat around the animal so no white space is showing in the box.
•Post on student work wall.
Additional Details
•Structured facilitated talk- teacher is controlling the oral rehearsal of vocabulary and phrases from the graphic organizer
•can, are, have provide additional support
•Color coding the words is a scaffold
•Sentence frames are appropriate for all students in the beginning, but especially students with limited language
•Sticky notes are another scaffold for students who can’t hold the orally rehearsed sentence in their head
•Continually monitor the students to draw attention to sentences that are not complete. Frogs long sticky tongue. No verb
•Frequently encourage students to stop and reread what they have written
•Sentences need to be complete and maybe extended Bears are mammals because they give live birth.