North of England
Sun 11th Feb 2018 at Casterton School
Casterton, Kirby Lonsdale, LA6 2SG (Exit 36 off M6)
Shoot Swim Run
Competition will be run under 2018 rules, safety eye protection is mandatory for 7m shooting.
Please familiarise yourselves with the new scoring system. Full details are available on the PCUK website.
Classes- Age as at Jan 1st 2018 (except 8yr olds – to be 8 on the day)
1 MiniMini Girls & Boys (under 8) Beanbag Throw, swim 2 min, run 500m
2 Minimus Girls & Boys (age 8 & 9) Shoot two handed static 7m, swim 2min, run 1000m
3 Minimus Girls (age 10 & 11) Shoot two handed turning 7m, swim 2min, run 1000m
4 Minimus Boys (age 10 & 11) Shoot two handed turning 7m, swim 2min, run 1000m
5 Junior Girls (age14 and under) Shoot one handed turning 7m, swim 3min, run 1500m
6 Junior Boys (age14 and under) Shoot one handed turning 7m, swim 3min, run 1500
7 Open Girls (age25 and under) Shoot one handed turning 10m, swim 3min, run 1500m
8 Open Boys (age25 and under) Shoot one handed turning 10m, swim 4min, run 2000m
Class10 Teams - Class 1, 2, 3, 4 – mixed branch teams of boys and girls.
Branch teams of 3 or 4 members per team, (best 3 scores count) mark with T on entry form. No more than 2 boys per team.
Individuals not in a team will be placed randomly in a team where possible.
Class 11 Teams – Classes 5,6, 7, 8 - branch teams of boys or girls.
Branch teams of 3 or 4 members per team, (best 3 scores count) mark with T on entry form.
Individuals not in a team will be placed randomly in a team where possible.
Entry fee: £17.00 per competitor CLOSING DATE FRIDAY 2nd FEB 2018
Top Score Trophy – John Antins kindly presented a perpetual Trophy which is awarded to the Competitor gaining the highest score of the day. Rosettes and Team Rosettes to 6th depending on entries
A raffle will be held to raise funds for Northern Region Tetrathlon, donations of prizes will be gratefully received.
Casterton School has totally banned dogs from the site. NO DOGS ALLOWED
Legal liability: Neither the organisers nor any person acting on their behalf, accept any liability for any loss, damage, accident, injury, or illness to competitors, spectators, or any other persons or property whatsoever.
Health & safety: The organisers of this event have taken reasonable precautions to ensure the health & safety of everyone present. For these measures to be effective, everyone must take all reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents occurring and must obey the instructions of the organiser and all officials & stewards.
Triathlon – Casterton School Sunday 11th February, 2018
Please send entry form and forward with £17 per competitor (Tadpoles £10) to:
Catherine Wilcock, Hedrick Rigg, Marwood, Barnard Castle, DL12 8SG
(Cheques payable to Northern Region Tetrathlon)
Entries (via branch team trainers only please) close strictly on 2nd February 2018.
Times will be available Thursday 8th February 2018 on Northern Facebook and e-mailed to team trainers.
Team Trainer…………………………………………………………………………………
Class / Competitor / Age* / Gun share?
Who with? / Est. swim
(M) / Entry Fee
Total fee payable
Contact details (e-mail, phone)…………………………………………………………………
Please indicate Competitors sharing guns / left handed (LH), or needing an outside lane (OL)at the pool *Ages as of 01/01/18