Thursday, October 26 is your vocabulary test. The format of the test will be as follows: You will be given a sentence with a gap in it. Underneath the gap, you will have the synonyms of the vocabulary word. A word bank of all 25 words will be at the top of the paper. Here are the words and synonyms used. Study carefully.

Week 10

Dire – baleful, ominous, doomy, foreboding, sinister

Malice – hatefulness, spite, despite, nastiness, meanness

Scruples – glimmer, ace, dab, shade, shred

Clamored – claim, demand, command, enjoin, insist

Quenched – douse, put out, extinguish, stamp out, blow out

Week 9

Chastise – baste, berate, scold, dress down, lecture

Lavish – extravagant, fancy, insane, overdue, excessive

Surmise – guess, shot, supposition, conjecture, thesis

Trifle – nothing, small change, bagatelle, triviality, shuck

Carousing – bender, binge, bust, drunk, spree

Week 8

Usurp – convert, pirate, seize, take over, commandeer

Predecessor – foregoer, forerunner, ancestor, originator, precursor

Admonition – advice, counsel, guidance, input

Sooth – truth, verity, trueness, honesty, reliability

Deign – stoop, condescend, degrade, demean, disgrace

Week 7

Resilience – flexible, springy, bouncy, adaptable, pliable

Implicit – implied, unspoken, unvoiced, wordless, inferred

Compulsion – force, pressure, bullying, arm-twisting, intimidate

Reaffirmation – reclaim, re-avowal, re-insistence, re-declaration

Dogma – canon, doctrine, belief, credo, principle

Week 6

Truncate – abbreviate, cut back, shorten, sum up summarize

Phantasmagoric – changing or shifting

Vicarious – in place of, alternation

perchance – maybe, perhaps, possibly, conceivably, likely

whence – source, cause, by reason of which fact