Parish: Deanery:
Please give supporting information for your application as stated below:
Details of the work to be put in hand, cost of work, grant requested and proposed timetable1
Evidence of necessity of the work, including the name of any architects involved in identifying the need (If identified by a Quinquennial Inspection, please give the date of the QI) 2
Details of Grants from third parties3
Please indicate your parish’s commitment to the principles of Christian Stewardship and self-help4
I certify that the parish will pay its future Parish Share apportionment in full
Name: Position:
Email address:
Signature: Date:
Archdeacon’s approval:
Signature: Date:
Please return this application form to the Director of Finance and Administration, Coventry DBF, Diocesan Offices, 1 Hill Top, Coventry, CV1 5AB, or telephone 024 7652 1200 with any queries.
Applications for grants will be considered from parishes to: -
i) help meet the cost of repairs to the fabric of each church in the Diocese. Repairs are defined as: -
‘The major items of maintenance of the structure of the Church including heating and lighting systems, but do not include work on organ or bells, new works, furnishings, decorations (other than consequential decorations) and any work to churchyards or churchyard walls’
ii) help meet the cost of necessary works required to cover Health and Safety regulations in church buildings.
Applications for grants are considered by the Diocesan Finance Group (DFG) of the Coventry Diocesan Board of Finance (the dates on which the DFG meets are stated in the Diocesan Directory, or can be supplied by the Diocesan Office).
1The maximum single grant will be £5,000, and no more than £5,000 will be given to any parish* per quinquennium (i.e. 5 year period). Unless the work is urgent, grants will not be given for work which has been carried out. Urgent work which has been carried out is eligible, provided the work was identified no more than 6 months before the application is submitted. A timetable must be supplied for the proposed work.
2Applications are normally based on work specified by a Quinquennial Inspection. Applications relating to work not identified by a Quinquennial Inspection shall normally be eligible for only 50% of the grant which they would otherwise be eligible for, unless the work is urgent.
3Grants will only normally be considered if applications have been made for the appropriate help from statutory and other bodies. Grants from the fund are limited to 50% of the total remaining cost of the work (excluding VAT**) after deduction of third party grants.
4In considering applications for grants and/or loans the Group will take into consideration the commitment of the parish to the principles of Christian Stewardship and self-help. Grants will only be made where Parish Shares have been paid in full for the previous two years and are subject to an understanding that future Parish Shares will be paid in full.
5Once received, completed forms together with any accompanying documentation will be passed to the relevant Archdeacon for approval prior to submission to the Diocesan Finance Group.
Payment of Grants
Grants will only be paid on production of either an Architect’s Certificate or the Contractor’s Accounts certified by the Church Architect, surveyor or special advisor (or if no architect, surveyor or special advisor was overseeing the work, a Churchwarden). Payment will also only be made if faculty or routine works permission has been granted if necessary. Payments will be made on the basis of 50% of each application** until the full grant has been taken up.
Any grants not claimed within 3 years following the approval of the DFG will lapse and the parish will need to make a new application.
*For the purpose of applications to the fund, churches in a Team Ministry will be treated in the same way as parishes in a multi-parish benefice.
**The 50% will be based on the costs of repairs before VAT, as VAT should under most circumstances be able to be reclaimed by way of a grant under the Listed Places of Worship Grants Scheme (see www.lpwscheme.org.uk). Where parishes are not able to reclaim VAT (ie. their church building is not listed), the grant will be based on the cost including VAT.
Updated 15 April 2015