PRESENT: The Mayor, Councillor Ann Lloyd; Councillors K Armstrong-Braun;H D Beddow; T J Elliott; V Gay;D A Hope; T R Lloyd; M S Streeter and the Town Clerk.


Apologies were received from W Crawford; D Evans; E E Greensmith; P Jones; C P Streeter.

Prior to commencement of the meeting The Mayor presented Katie Poole with a cheque for £100 as a donation to The Stepping Stones Foundation and the Council congratulated her on her achievement.


RESOLVED: Thatsubject to the addition of the following words ‘Members who had inspected the bridge reported that it was in need of cleaning and painting. Councillor Armstrong-Braun told the Council that in the long term Flintshire County Council intended to remove the bridge and replace it with a Pelican Crossing.

RESOLVED: That Flintshire County Council be requested to inspect the bridge and repair and repaint as necessary.’ to Minute 86, the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 14 October, 2009be confirmed as a correct record.


The Mayor reported that:

  • she had attended the Remembrance Day Service at St Marks Church and had laid a wreath on behalf of the Town Council;
  • she had attended Buckley Town Ball;
  • she had attended at the Stonebridge Residents and Tenants Association Fun Day event;
  • the Civic Service at St Mark’s Church on Sunday, 18 October, had been most successful and had been followed by the presentation of the Civic Awards atthe Civic Reception and buffet afterwards at The Oddfellows. She thanked all those who had been so supportive;
  • arrangements for the Christmas Event and Parade had gathered pace and she asked Members if they could help as Stewards that evening. Those that could help were asked to contact Councillor Gay and give her the size ofsteward’s tabard they would require. The Parade would commence at 4pm and the road re-opened at 4.30pm;
  • she had congratulated Andy Jones from the Saltney Boxing Club on being chosen to go to the Commonwealth Games in 2010;
  • she had received a letter from Ms Mavis Crofts thanking the Town Council for her Civic Award;
  • she had received letters from the Post Office, informing the Town Council that the Post Office at Mainwaring Drive had been closed temporarily on 28 October and that they were doing everything possible to restore the service as soon as possible and from the Environment Agency Wales, with an invitation to attend a public exhibition at Sandycroft Community Centre on Thursday 19 November on the ways thatthe Agency were working to reduce the flood risk from the Broughton Brook and Pentre Drains.


PC Ian Millington attended the meeting and discussed the following points with Members:

  • there had been no reported incidents with regards to Bonfire Night or Halloween: the local youths were to be congratulated on their behaviour and the local shops for their cooperation in refusing to sell eggs or flour to youths during that period;
  • the environs of Park Avenue Playing Field (the Rec) were still causing a problem but this had reduced over the past two or three weeks, although Cheshire Police were reporting an increase in problems their side of the border;
  • the continued supply of alcohol to the young people. A continued check of the sources of supply suggested that it was still adults who were purchasing the alcohol for the young people. If there is a Police presence the supply of alcohol is cut off but customers and youths complain there was still a need for a CCTV camera in the vicinity of the shops on Victoria Road;
  • riding of motor bikes on the fields in Saltney Ferry was still a problem but there was still a reluctance by the public to report such incidents in time for the Police to take any action;
  • continued speeding on the High Street and on Sandy Lane was still a problem;
  • Members were asked to note and to make it known that PC Millington has now been trained to give a presentation to Parents/children/youth clubs etc on ‘on-line protection’ for those who use the internet;
  • Parking on Boundary Lane by the junction with Green Lane causing obstructions.


Members received the Minutes of the meeting of the County Forum held on 18 July, 2009 and discussed matters arising therein.

RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk be requested to write to the County Council with regards to the treatment of the ‘planning gain’ they have received from the recent developments in the Town.


The Town Clerk reported on the following planning applications received for comment from the County Council:

Planning Ref No: 046828

Proposal: Variation of Condition 14 of planning permission ref: 045999 to allow the extension of opening hours of the petrol filling station: Monday to Saturday 7.00am to 11.00pm, Sunday and Bank Holidays 8:00am to 8.00pm.

Location: Site at former Bramall Quicks/GT Owen Site, Chester Road, High Street, Saltney

For: Wm Morrison Supermarkets plc.

In the original planning consent from Flintshire County Council only the opening hours of the store itself were listed and Wm Morrison Supermarkets plc were wanting to clarify the proposed opening hours of the Petrol Filling Station within the planning consent.

Planning Ref No: 046794

Proposal: removal of condition no 10 and variation of condition 2 attached to planning permission 040811 in conjunction with condition no.2 of planning permission 96/00319 and condition no.1 of 35823 to allow for further 3 years for the submission of details and reserved matters

Location: Land at River Lane, Saltney

For: Hawarden Estate

The original outline planning application for industrial development had been made by Flintshire County Council although the land was actually owned by Hawarden Estates. This time Hawarden Estates were applying for outline planning consent themselves

RESOLVED:That (1) no objection be raised with regards to Planning Application No. 046828 above; (2) following a request for a named vote in accordance with Standing Order 9 (as set out below) the request of Hawarden Estates referred to at Planning Application No. 046794 referred to above be supported as the development of this land is part of the Town Council’s Draft Business Plan and The Hawarden Estates be informed of the Town Council’s support.

Named Vote.


K Armstrong-Braun

H D Beddow

T J Elliott

V Gay

D A Hope

A C Lloyd

T R Lloyd

M S Streeter


Councillor Streeter reported progress on the campaign to have a new railway station sited adjacent to the new Morrisons Superstore in the centre of the Town. She had set up a site on ‘facebook’-’We want a train stop in Saltney’ and over 300 people had joined so far. Support had been received from the local press and a number of people and organisations including Mark Tami who had written to the County Council asking for their support. It was expected that 4 new stations would be erected on this line in the future although at present Saltney was not on the list.

RESOLVED:That following a request for a named vote in accordance with Standing Order No. 9, (as set out below) the Town Council continue to press for a new railway station in Saltney adjacent to the new superstore; Morrisons and Cheshire West and Chester Council be asked for their support and Mr Dave Faulkner, Head of Highways and Transportation, Flintshire County Council be invited to attend the January meeting of the Town Council to give advice.

Named Vote.


K Armstrong-Braun

H D Beddow

T J Elliott

V Gay

D A Hope

A C Lloyd

T R Lloyd

M S Streeter


Further to Minute 68 the Town Clerk reported that he had received an e-mail to the effect that the County Council were willing to lease the former allotment site back to the Town Council and indicated the expected terms of the lease.

RESOLVED: That due to the fact that there would be no meeting of the Town Council in December the Finance and General Purposes Committee be delegated the power to act in this matter.


Members of the group liaising with Lafarge Industries and Airbus UK reported upon a rent meeting held at the Broughton Plant. The Town Clerk reported that he had received notification that the County Council had received a planning application (No. 046853) from Lafarge Industries requesting an extension to the time limit for the operation of the batching plant at Borders II Industrial Park. Members had been told at the meeting with Lafarge and Airbus that due to changes in the priority in completing the structure at the Airbus UK site, various parts of the construction programme had been re-sequenced with the result that the major requirements for concrete had not been called for at the times that they were originally programmed (i.e. during the second and fourth quarter of 2009) but that they were now required within the first and second quarter of 2010. Lafarge were requesting the extension of the current planning consent to enable the ready mixed concrete plant to remain on site and operate until 30 June 2010.

RESOLVED: That, having taken into consideration the reasons for the request for the extension to the planning consent, the Town Council raises no objections to the request for an extension.


The Town Clerk reported that he was in touch with the Health and Safety Executive who, having observed problems at the site, were pressing for a permanent solution. Meanwhile Cheshire West and Chester Council were making arrangements to further cut back the hedging in the area. It was also reported that Network Rail had in their programme a scheme to re-instate the second line on this track and upgrade the crossing at that time.

RESOLVED: That CWAC and Network Rail be continually pressed to upgrade this crossing and that the local MP’s of both Saltney and Chester be informed of the Town Council’s concerns.


The Town Clerk reported that a number of complaints had been received about the condition and use of this bus shelter. The shelter was one of those owned by the Town Council and a number of residents have asked if it could be upgraded to the same standard as the other shelters in Saltney. Members discussed the state of this old shelter. It impaired the profile of the High Street and due to the unhygienic state it had become a health hazard.

RESOLVED: That the County Council be informed of the concerns of the Town Council and be requested to share the funding of a replacement shelter.


The Town Clerk reported that Councillor T J Elliott was the Town Council’s representative on the Youth Centre Management Committee. Councillor Elliott had been informed that earlier this year, at an AGM of the Youth Centre Management Committee and without any consultation or notification to the Council, it had been decided to dissolve the Management Committee. Various e-mails from the Youth Leader to Councillor Elliott had been copied to the Town Clerk. Bearing in mind the Town Council’s sponsorship of the Friday evening meeting of the Youth Club, Members considered the future role of the Town Council in the management of the Youth Centre.

RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk be requested to write to the persons now indicated expressing the Town Council’s concerns as to how their representative has been treated and requesting an explanation and copies of the relevant Management Committee minutes and of the AGM.


The Town Clerk reported that the annual review of the Standing Orders; Financial Regulations and Complaints Procedure was due. It was suggested that, as previously, a small Working Party be formed to consider these matters and report back to the Council at the February meeting.

RESOLVED: That Councillors A C Lloyd; T J Elliott; V Gay; M S Streeter and T R Lloyd be appointed to the Working Party.


Further to Minute 210 Councillor Gay reported that the County Council had issued a New Schools Strategy and a Youth Strategy consultation document that was available for scrutiny on the County Council’s web-site. Funding for the new library site in the town could be 2 years away.


The Town Clerk reported that another RTA had demolished the new lamp standard belonging to the Town Council referred to in Minute 75. The lamp standard was again left in a dangerous condition and the Town Clerk called upon NWP and Scottish Power to make the column safe. NWP had been asked to replace the lamp standard. The Driver had been identified at the scene and the details be passed to the Town Council’s insurers. The costs will amount to approx £2500.

RESOLVED: That the report be received.


The Council authorised payment of the following accounts:


A ThornileySalary + Office (£50.00) October£958.81

HMRCTown Clerk’s Income Tax and NI£384.23

A ThornileyRemembrance Day Wreath£20.00

Excess postage charge£1.15£21.15

NWPOctober Maintenance Chge£245.84


Deeside Lodge Room Hire Council Meeting£15.00

Room Hire Civic Reception£15.00 £30.00

Community CentreHire of Committee Room £10.00

The Greyhound InnCivic Reception Buffet£490.00

RBH SoftwareSoftware Maintenance£79.00

VAT£11.85 £90.85

Blachere IlluminationChristmas Lights£3890.64



RESOLVED: That as there was to be no Council meeting in December, the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Finance and General Purposes Committee be authorised to make payments on behalf of the Council, subject to their actions being reported to the Council at the meeting in January, 2010.