Diocesan Jubilee Annual Report
Jubilee Ministry Mandate
To be a “ministry of joint discipleship in Christ with poor and oppressed people, wherever they are found, to meet basic human needs and to build a just society.” This is at the heart of the mission of the church.
DJO Name:
DJO Contact information: (Mailing address, phone numbers, email address)
Number of Jubilee Centers in your diocese:
New this year:
How many existing Jubilee Ministries did you visit this year?
Please list who you visited, and describe those visits:
Were there any Jubilee Ministry sites that you did not visit this year? If so, please describe any other contacts (phone calls or emails) you’ve had with these ministries.
How many potential new Jubilee Ministries did you visit this year?
Please describe those visits, if any.
How else have you promoted Jubilee Ministry in your diocese this year? (Examples: booth at Diocesan Convention, presentations in parishes, creation of brochures, etc.
Did you participate in any national, regional or diocesan gatherings to learn more about Jubilee Ministries, or to promote networking, training and sharing? Did you serve on any national or provincial committees to promote the work of Jubilee? Please describe, making special note of anything that was especially useful or that you would like to see repeated:
Did any of the ministries in your diocese apply for Jubilee Ministry grants this year? Were they successful? Please describe your experiences. How could the process have been improved?
Do you have a letter of agreement in place with your bishop?
Please describe how you have communicated with your bishop about the work of Jubilee Ministries in your diocese.
Were there any major changes in any of the ministries in your diocese this year? (Example: new executive directors, new programs launched, noteworthy accomplishments, or ministries that no longer qualify for Jubilee status.) Please describe:
Please provide updated contact information for each Jubilee Ministry in your diocese, including website, and telephone and email information for the appropriate contact person at each ministry. (If all the information currently listed in the Center Directory remains current, please note that.)
Are there any challenges you’ve faced this year that you’d like help with? Are there areas that you’d like more training in?
Revised 12/14/09.