Dim db As New NotesDatabase("","names.nsf")

Dim logdb As New NotesDatabase("<server name>","ClearContactsLog.nsf")

Dim view As NotesView

Dim doc As NotesDocument

Dim doc2 As NotesDocument

Dim logdoc As NotesDocument

Dim session As New NotesSession

Dim stream As NotesStream

Dim filename As String

Dim Response As Integer

Dim dateTime As New NotesDateTime( "" )

Dim nam As NotesName

Dim ErrorMsg As String

Dim Status As String

Dim item As NotesItem

On Error Resume Next

' Store the name of the user running this

Set nam = session.CreateName(session.UserName)

' Store the current date and time

dateTime.LSLocalTime = Now

' Create the entry for the log

Set logdoc = logdb.CreateDocument()

locdoc.Form = "Log Entry"

' Set the view to clear for the local contacts

Set view = db.GetView("(Recent Contacts)")

If view.AllEntries.Count > 0 Then

Set doc = view.GetFirstDocument

Do While Not (doc Is Nothing)

Set doc2 = doc

Set doc = view.GetNextDocument(doc)

Call doc2.RemovePermanently(True)


End If

If view.AllEntries.Count > 0 Then

Response = Msgbox("The view was not cleared successfully!" + Chr(10) + Chr(13) + "Click on OK to return to Notes then contact the Help Desk.",0 + 48,"Error During Clearing of Recent Contacts ")

' Store what is to be saved in the log

ErrorMsg = "Error During Clearing of Recent Contacts "

Status = "View not cleared"

End If

' Now, add the parameter line to the NOTES.INI

filename = Left(db.FilePath, Len(db.FilePath) - 14) + "NOTES.INI"

Set stream = session.CreateStream

' Use name of text file as subject

If Not stream.Open(filename, "ASCII") Then

Response = Msgbox("The process was aborted!" + Chr(10) + Chr(13) + "Click on OK to return to Notes then contact the Help Desk.",0 + 48,"Error During Clearing of Recent Contacts ")

' Store what is to be saved in the log

ErrorMsg = "Error During Clearing of Recent Contacts "

Status = "Cannot open INI file"

Exit Sub


' Write the correct line to the bottom of the NOTES.INI

stream.WriteText "DisableDPABProcessing=1" + Chr(10) + Chr(13)

Response = Msgbox("The process has completed." + Chr(10) + Chr(13) + "Click on OK to return to Notes then close Notes and re-open it.",0 + 64,"Clearing of Recent Contacts Completed")

' Store what is to be saved in the log

Status = "Success"

End If

' Write this information to the log file

Call logdoc.AppendItemValue("A$LOGTIME",Cdat(dateTime.DateOnly + " " + dateTime.TimeOnly))

Call logdoc.AppendItemValue("A$PROGNAME", "Clearing of Recent Contacts ")

Call logdoc.AppendItemValue("A$USER", nam.Common)

Call logdoc.AppendItemValue("A$ACTION", Status)

If ErrorMsg > "" Then

Call logdoc.AppendItemValue("A$ERRMSG", ErrorMsg)

End If

Call logdoc.Save(True,False)