Date:9 February 2010
To:Athletic Union Presidents / Sports Officers
Re:Squash Individual Championships – First Round Match Times & Reserve List
Please find attached the first round match times for the Men’s and Women’s Squash Individual Championships.
Men’s Reserve List
You will note that BUCS has received a record number of male entries this year and as a result, there are a large number of competitors that will find themselves in a lower draw than in previous years or only placed on the reserve list. The draws and seedings were done with help from England Squash & Racketball and from the information provided on each individual entry form.
The entry criteria for the Championships state that each university has a guaranteed two entries into the men’s and women’s event, but all other entries are non-guaranteed. The BUCS Squash Management Group has tried its best to identify the stronger male competitors and has given them places in the draw. This is not an exact process and inevitably some people on the reserve list will feel that they are stronger than players in the draw, but we can only go on the information that was provided to us on the entry form, with many forms not providing. There were also a number of universities that failed to submit their entries to the BUCS office on time, so they will find that a large number of their competitors have not made the main draw.
All players that have not made the main draw will be placed on the reserve list and names will be drawn at random when an individual withdrawals. The BUCS office will inform both the AU and the individual (if they have provided a valid email address on their entry form) and will give them 24 hours to respond before offering the place to another individual. Please note that if one of the competitors from your institution withdrawals, this does not mean that another individual from your university who is on the reserve list will be offered the place.
Any player that is on reserve and does not get offered a place in the main draw will be given a full refund of the entry fee.
As you will appreciate from the reserve list, there are quite a few male competitors that have not made the draw but would still be keen to take part. If you have a member of your club that is in the main draw but is now unable to take part, please can you inform Aaron Campbell in the BUCS office immediately () so that this place can be offered to another competitors.
Should you have any queries then please do not hesitate to contact me.
Aaron Campbell
Sports Programme Manager