Dillard Elementary School

School Advisory Council

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

6:00 pm

Meeting Agenda

  1. Welcome and Roll Call
  1. SAC Composition and By Laws
  1. Principal Updates
  1. Literacy Night
  2. New Initiatives
  3. Red Ribbon Week
  4. iReady
  5. Kiwanis Book Give-Away
  1. Accountability and School Recognition Funds
  1. Title I Information
  1. Meeting Adjournment

Next Meeting Date:

November16, 2016

Time: 3:30 pm

Dillard Elementary School

School Advisory Council Minutes

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

6:00 pm

The meeting was called to order by G. Brown and seconded by Ms. Evans

Principal Brown welcomed everyone to the second SAC meeting

The last meeting’s minutes were read and reviewed, a motion was made to adopt them as read, motion seconded. Minutes from September were adopted.

SAC Composition was discussed, parents were encouraged to bring others to the next meeting to add to the membership.

SAC By-Laws were reviewed and shared. Co-Chair Model was explained and agreed upon for the next 2 years. This will help to share the responsibilities with more than one person.

Principal Updates:

October 26th Literacy Night—The theme will be “A Night in Seussville”. A light dinner will be served, the students can dress in non-scarry costumes, the drumline and dance team will be performing, a master storyteller will be reading stories, the parents will be provided reading information and all students will receive a book.

Red Ribbon Week was a success. The student’s completed activities that related to saying no to drugs.

Ms. Atkins-Brown stressed the use of iReady at home. An online tutorial.

The local Kiwanis Club donated dictionaries to the third grades and thesauruses to the fourth graders.

Early Release: October 27th and Planning Day 28th

School Improvement Development

School Improvement Plan has been put on hold.

Accountability and School Recognition Funds

Principal Brown asked if accountability and school recognition funds can be used for student incentives. The SAC members present unanimously voted yes.

Title I Information:

The school level Parental Involvement Plan is available to view on our website and a hard copy by request. This plan outlines the roles and expectations for parents as partners in the education process.

The meeting was adjourned by Ms. Grace, seconded by Dukes.

Next meeting: November16that 3:30 pm