Launch Activities

Week 1

Launch #1

3 things you covered in ELA class last year

2 things you feel confident about from last year's ELA class

1 thing you want to review/re-cover from last year's ELA class

Launch #2

1. What's the difference between a Round and Flat character?

2. What's the difference between a Dynamic and Static character?

Launch #3

1. Draw a Round character from a story you've read.

2. Draw a picture of a conflict that caused a character to become dynamic from a story.

Launch #4

  1. Identify 3-5 conflicts (internal or external and Man vs ______) you face in your life. You can invent conflicts if necessary.

Week 2

Launch #1

  1. Pair/Share: Identify the 5 steps of Close Reading.

Launch #2

Define the following terms and record them into your class notebook.
1. Analyze 2. Articulate 3. Examine
Launch #3

Create a sentence for each of the following terms that demonstrates your understanding of the concept.

1.) Analyze -

2.) Articulate -

3) Examine -

Launch #4

Illustrate the following analogy: Plot is to a story like blue prints are to a building Week Five

Launch #5

  1. Use iBrainstorm to identify your favorite and least favorite activity this week. Be sure to explain why

Week 3

Launch #1

1. Identify the words as having a postive or negative connotation

Gold, Love, Hate, Religion, Competition, Beating,

Money, Greed, Friend, Opponent


Find an emoji to represent each tone word below.

1. Disdain

2. Disgust

3. Fatalistic

4. Empowered

5. Exhuberant

6. Sassy

Launch #3

Unscramble the words below

  1. ednoaonttia 2. otaintnocon 3. omdo 4. nteo

Launch #4

Use an online Thesarus to find 3 synonyms for each of the following tone and mood words.










Week 4

Launch #1

Choose four adjectives that describe your mood today and use them to find or create a picture of your mood today.

Launch #2

Find and correct the errors in the following sentences.
1. Tom and me went to the store.
2. The brown dog, and the calico cat became the best of friends.
3. After leaving New York Tom got married, bought two dogs and had three kids.
4. Tom went to the grocery store and the three kids went to the movie and his wife took the dogs to the veterinarian's office.

Launch #3

Describe the following picture using a simple sentence, a compound sentence, and a complex sentence. (Sentence Types)

Launch #4

Analyze the cartoon about justice and in a 4-8 sentence paragraph summarize what message the artist is trying to convey and why you agree or disagree with that message.

Week 5

Launch #1

Using iBrainstorm define and then organize the following terms to reflect the organization of an essay.

1. Body Paragraphs
2. Introduction
3. Conclusion

4. Supporting Evidence

5. Main Idea

6. Concluding Sentence

7. Hook


Launch #2

For each picture write a brief hook and thesis that argues for it being the best or worst day ever.

Launch #3

Identify and annotate the following for the body paragraph in your handout.

1. Topic Sentence

2. Main Idea

3. Three (3) pieces of supporting evidence

4. Transitions at the beginning and end of the paragraph

5. Concluding Sentence

Launch #4

Download and explore Inspiration Maps. Use inspiration to make a family tree of your immediate family.

Week 6

Launch #1

Use the internet to search "How to write a concluding paragrah." Then, find and list 3 things a good conclusion should do.

Launch #2

With a partner make a list of 3 school rules you would change and 3 school rules you would keep.

Launch #3

Describe the following picture using 3 adjectives and 3 adverbs

Launch #4

Imagine a new monster or hero. Next, Draw a picture of your new character. Then, in a brief descriptive paragraph (5-7 sentences) detail the appearances of the character.

Week 7

Launch #1

1. Define "Infer" and "Inference"
2. Make 1 inference for each picture
3. Identify 3 pieces of evidence to support your inference

Launch #2

Create a Pros and Cons chart of the American Justice System

Launch #3

Download Worksheet and answer the questions.

Launch #4

Search the internet to find 3 pictures that symbolize happiness to you

Launch #5

Imagine a new monster or hero. Next, Draw a picture of your new character. Then, in a brief descriptive paragraph (5-7 sentences) detail the appearances of the character.

Week 8

Launch #1

Correct the following Sentences:

1. The lawyer was not asking questions, and not defending the boy on trial.

2. After hereing the case the judge order the jury to decide to guilt or innocence of the defendant

3. Juror #8 Juror #4 and Juror #2 voted not guilty.

4. The jury room was old and needed paint an it only had a men's restroom.

5. Before sitting down one juror always offered people gum and one juror always blew his nose.

Launch #2

Look at the picture carefully and make an inference about what is happening in the classroom. Then, in a descriptive paragraph (8-10 Sentences) explain what is happening.

Launch #3

Imagine that you walk into a dark room and turn on the lights. When you turn on the lights, you hear the scuffle of of scurrying feet. As you look around the room, you notice an astronaut suit, a chewed tennis ball, 13 empty bags of Doritos, 2 bags of M&Ms scattered around on the floor, and patches of green fur. Finally your eyes come to rest on a treasure chest filled with gold and tomato soup.

Use your writing skills to make an inference about what happened in the room above. Be sure to clarify on what evidence your inferences are based.

Launch #4

Use iBrainstorm to identify, define, and organize the three (3) main elements of a Concluding Paragraph.

Launch #5

Identify five pros and cons of having a fall break in your education.

Week 9

Launch #1

Kahoot Elements of an Essay. Log in using your first name.

No more Launches for week 9

Week 10

Launch #1

Create a student login on For All Rubrics

Launch #2

Write 2 compound sentences describing your weekend

Launch #3

Identify one strength and one weakness of your wrtitng skills.

Launch #4

1. Read the poem "Maybe Dats Your Pwoblem Too" by Jim Hall

2. Watch the youtube video about the same poem.

Launch #5

Click on the link below to enroll in the Class iTunes U course

Please refer to iTunes University to access past Launch activities.