Digital Inclusion Working Group (DIG) 28 November 2013.
Nigel Lewis: AbilityNet (Chair).
John Perkins BT.
Judith Graham: Digital Unite
Sharon Tynan Age UKLondon
Russell Taylor DWP
David Mortimer: Age UK
David Wilcox: Social Reporter/ Nominet Trust
David Sinclair: ILCUK
Sophie McKechnie: Hyde Housing
Nigel Houghton: Simplicity Computers
ElenaHensinger: At Home With IT
LeelaDamodaran: LoughboroughUniversity
Ian Lyons: The Shaw Trust.
Kevin Safford: IBM
John Bryant: Torbay and South Devon NHS Trust.
Mick Ord: BBC.
1) Introduction and Welcome
After a slightly disrupted start to our first virtual meeting Nigel welcomed everyone and after brief introductions noted apologies for absence.
2) Action Points from the previous meeting/ Update from the Age Action Alliance. Russell Taylor.
2.1)All actions from the previous meeting had been cleared. Specifically Nigel had written to Kevin confirming the Group’s support for the IBM application demonstrated at the last meeting. Russell also thanked members for the resources that are now available via the Group’s themed page. Reaction so far had been positive from those who had visited the site.
2.2) Alliance update.
Alliancemembership now approaching 500 organisations.
Increasing interest in the work of the Alliance, particularly in the media and across Government.
Twitter followers now over 2k.
Working Groups continue to produce practical outcomes. Russell highlighted the work of the Safe, Warm homes Group that was overseeing Energy Efficiency workshops being held across England Wales. The principal behind these is peer to peer support.
The photo competition will close at the end of November. Todate the secretariat has received circa 200 entries, some of which came in from outside the UK. NotablyIran and Austria. The winning entries will be shown at a gallery in London with plans to take to similar venues across the UK.
3)Big Lottery Fund – Digital Skills.
3.1) At the last meeting of the Working Group Nigel had taken an action point to write to members of the Group to see if there was interest in forming a consortium to bid for the digital skills funding. A healthy number confirmed an interest, notwithstanding that they may put in separate bids under different cover. Following Nigel, John and David Mortimer’s attendance at the Loneliness and Isolation Working Group, this number had been swelled considerably. In total Nigel had received 18 expressions of interest from across the two working groups. The deadline to submit an expression of interest to the Big Lottery is 24/01/2013.
3.2) Nigel felt there were 3 basic questions.
1)What fundamentally should the bid consist of and are we really going to do this?
2)Subject to 1 - would members then still agree to form a consortium?
3)Who would be the lead organisation?
3.3) David Mortimer confirmed that Age UK, irrespective of the discussion today, would be submitting a bid. However, in principal, he felt that the Age UK bid could be submitted under and an Alliance banner as part of the consortium originally envisaged. Age UKcould take the role of lead organisation although David would need to confirm internally whether Age UK would take on the admin.
If members want to put in a bid which is different that will be up to them and indeed could be part of the Tinder bid.
Members felt that there would be no conflict of interest if the bid was headed by Age UK. All felt that individually they could contribute something to the consortium and deliver something to those they were trying to help.
3.4) Members agreed that on the basis of what they had heard today they were still happy to commit and move forward and submit an expression of interest in January.
AP) David to prepare some text for inclusion in the note of the meeting that could be shared with members of DIG not present and with those from the Loneliness and Isolation Group who have previously expressed an interest in the bid.
3.5) Russell confirmed that he will forward the note of the meeting to the other Alliance members who had previously expressed an interest in joining a consortium. Nigel and Russell will handle the mechanics of this process and keep members informed.
4) Age UKLondon’s Digital Campaign
Sharon confirmed that Age UK London, along with Positive Ageing in London, would like to invite members of DIG to a half-day digital inclusion event on Monday 27th January 2014 at the Coin Street Community Centre on the South Bank.
The event is in two parts:
1. The event will begin with lunch, followed by a facilitated workshop where Positive Ageing in London would like to gather older Londoners’ views and comments on what motivates and encourages them to go online. The workshop would be most suitable for any of your members or affiliates who are offline but interested in getting online. The comments and opinions of these older Londoners will then be brought together and shared with policy makers and funders in Part 2 of the event.
2. From 16.30, launch of Age UK London’s report and campaign on Digital Inclusion for older people - an in-depth digital inclusion research report will be presented with guest speakers and panel members including the Chair of the Age Action Alliance digital inclusion group (i.e. Nigel)
If any members are interested in attending, please get in touch with Sharon at Age UK London with your name and the group that you are involved with. You can attend either part or both parts – please say which! Telephone 020 78206776Email:
AP) Sharon confirmed that Coin Street had been booked for the workshop, however if a member would like to offer their support for the campaign through the provision of a venue please let Sharon know.
5) Feedback from the Loneliness and Isolation Working Group
John confirmed that Nigel and David Mortimer had attended the recent meeting of the Loneliness and Isolation Working Group. The meeting had been very productive with the opportunity taken to share the work of DIG and to explain the type of support the Group could provide. Members were particularly interested in BTs digital Champions programme.
There was also considerable interest in the digital skills fundinginitiative and this had prompted a number of members to subsequently express an interest in joining the consortium.
6) AOB
Time was against us so Nigel encouraged members to submit any AOB updates in writing. All felt that in spite of some initial teething problems the virtual meeting had been a success.
7) Date of next meeting to be aligned with next key stage of the bid process,