School Executive Standards for 21st Century Leaders
360 Process Steps B
Preparatory Step 1: Assign a 360 facilitator to facilitate the process. The 360 facilitator should not be a member of the leadership team. Leadership provides initial training and expectations for facilitator.
Preparatory Step 2:Principal or designee distributes school executive leadership standards with I-SS evidences to faculty and staff with the instructions for each person to read it carefully and place a tentative rating for each element by checking all the boxes that apply at least 2 weeks prior to the consensus meeting.Each participant should independently rate the school leadership team (360 facilitator should clearly define) that is being studied. In ISS, that is the principal, assistant principal, freshmen academy coordinator, and instructional facilitator positions. Each participant circles the heading for each item under each standard that best describes the leadership team’s current level of performance on the rubric. (10 minutes)
Preparatory Step 3: Facilitator attends district professional development for the facilitation of the 360 degree process.
Consensus Process
Step 1Each participant shall bring their rubric with their initial rating and reread the rubric. Discuss and clarify any terms that may not be clear with your table. If unable to clarify with table, report out to full group at end of activity for clarification by the leadership team and/or facilitator. The principal and/or members of the leadership may be present at this time to answer any questions. The principal and members of the leadership team leave after step 1 but will be available in close proximity or by phone for any questions for which the group needs clarification. (15 minutes)
Step 2The 360 facilitator will assign an individual to record responses from the group.
Step 3Starting with Standard 1, each participant will share evidences and /or suggestions for improvement that support the statements on the rubric. These will be captured on chart paper by the recorder and the facilitator will keep the conversation moving. Participants use the evidences collected to refine/revise the ratings they made individually. (60 minutes)
Step 4The facilitator collects all the individual ratings and aggregates the ratings to determine the collective rating of the group. The collective list of evidences and the collective ratings shall be recorded on the electronic “Leadership Team Evidence Form” and sent to the principal and the superintendent. The facilitator shall also provide the individual rating sheets to the principal. (30 minutes)
Post Step 1A random sampling of participants will receive a survey to determine if fidelity to the process was achieved.
Revised 4-02-09