Registration :

  1. All exhibitors and attendees must register by sending the registration form and a check to Ronald Peltier. The registration form is in the June 2015 ADS Bulletin and is on the MichiganDahlia Association website. A registration/exhibitor number will be assigned to you upon confirmation of registration.
  2. Please register before August 15, to avoid late charges.Although registrations are permitted at the show, the caterer requires the lunch and dinner reservations 7 days in advance of the event. Thanks for your understanding.
  3. All exhibitors must be a member of one of the 18 Midwest DahliaConference Societies.


  1. New grower: A grower who is inexperienced in showing dahlias may exhibit in this category for up to three years. A new grower may not enter single blooms in any other section except: BMO, FY, DP,and all special classes.
  2. Small grower: A grower who has 100 or less dahlia plants of AA,A,B,or BB growing under his direction. Seedlings are excluded in this count. Small growers may showin sections: SM, OP (Peony through Mignon singles ),OP3, OP5, V, BK, AR, S, BMO, FY, DP and all special classes .
  3. Large grower: A grower who has101 or more dahlia plants of AA,A, B, or BB growing under his direction. Seedlings are excluded in this count. This category is also for any one growing under cloth,shade cloth, plastic or lath houses----- no matter how many plants are grown! Large growers may show in sections LG, OP, OP3, OP5, V, BK, AR, S, BMO, FY, DP, and all special classes.


  1. Each grower shall decide what type of exhibitor he/she is by referring to the listing above.
  2. All dahlias entered in competition must have been grown by the exhibitor except for the seedling and arrangement classes.
  3. No bloom shall be shown that measures over 36 inches from the bottom of the container to the top of the bloom , except in the case of a large bloom ( AA-A-B ) while trying to display a second pair of leaves. Second pair of leaves must be within 1 inch of top of container.
  4. Stems on single and multiple bloom entries must contain at least one pair of leaves above the rim of the container.
  5. An exhibitor is allowed more than one entry in a class unless otherwise stated.
  6. Exhibitors must use the standard MidwestDahlia Conference show tags. Tags must be correctly filled out showing section, ADS class number, name of variety and exhibitor’s
  7. number and name, using blue or black ink.This area will remain covered until judging has been completed.
  8. The latest American Dahlia Society Classification shall be used by exhibitors and judges. Named dahlias that are not listed in any classification manual and undisseminated, named dahlias wishing to be exhibited must be referred to the classification committee and bear the mark of this committee in order to be judged. The committee will decide into which class the entry will be placed. The exhibitor has sole responsibilityto place the entry in the correct section and class.
  9. Undisseminated varieties must be entered in the OP sections.
  10. Wiring of stems or artificial support of blooms is prohibited.
  11. Wedges are permitted , trying to keep wedges no more than 1 inch above container. Oasis blocks must not be visible above the containers .
  12. Containers for the single and multiple bloom categories will be provided, except baskets and vases.If the entry is particularly large, the exhibitor may wish to bring his or her own, Labeled containers not owned by the M.D.A. will be returned to the owner if at all possible.


1.The show committee will not be responsible for the loss or damage to exhibits or personal property but will exercise the utmost care in the protection of all exhibits.

2. All blooms shall become the property of the show committee to be disposed of at the end of the show . No exhibit shall be removed prior to the closing of the show with out the consent of the show committee.

3. Please remove your personal containers at teardown time on Sunday

Judging :

  1. The judges shall award a first,second and third stickers in each class as they deem the entry deserves. No first need be given in any class, even in classes where only a second and third is awarded.


  1. Blooms will be judged with no penalty or premium for being oversize or undersize. l
  2. Multiple bloom entries must be staged in one container. When the number of blooms is specified, a greater or lesser number will DISQUALIFY the entry!
  3. Judges MAY NOT participate in the judging of classes containing their own entries.
  4. Entries misplaced as to size, type,or color may be properly placed or reentered prior to judging if the section has not been judged. It may not be moved to a section that has already been judged.
  5. Blooms competing for special awards must have been blue ribbon winners in their initial section and class. One exception is the Largest Bloom in the show which is picked simply from the blue ribbon winners.
  6. Decisions of the judges are final!! Protests regarding judging must be in writing to the show committeeno more than two hours after the completion of the judging.

Exhibition Sections

Section: NG New grower. A single bloom entry is required. The bloom is to be placed, with its completed tag, into its proper class (0001-9715 ). Judges will judge to color class. A special award is given to the best large bloom AA-A-B (0001-2515 ) and the best small bloom BB –MS (3515-9715 ) and both taken to the Honor table.

Section: SM Small grower. ( YELLOW SIGNS ) A single bloom is required of sizes AA thru WL (0001-7315 ). The best AA thru WL will go to the honor table. Judges are to judge to color class. A special award to be given to each form. AA 0001- MIN 4515. Then select the best, from the 6 specials in each class to go on to the Honor Table. Ball 6001 thru WL 7315 are simply judged to color class with the best in each section going to the honor table.

Section: LG Large Grower ( BLUE SIGNS) A single bloom is required of sizes AA thru WL ( 0001- 7315) .The best AA thru WL will go to the honor table. Judges are to judge to color class. A special award to be given in each form. AA 0001 – MIN 4515. Then select the best, from the 6 specials in the each class to go on to the Honor table. Ball 6001 thru WL 7315 are simply judged to color class with the best in the each section going to the Honor Table.

Section : OP Open ( BLUE SIGNS ) A single bloom is required of sizes Poeny 8001 thru MS 9715. Judges are to judge to color class with the best in each section going to the Honor table.

Section: OP3 Open to all growers . This section is for 3 bloom entries, all of the same variety in a single container without a handle and have at least one pair of leaves of all 19 classes AA thru MS . Remember in filling out your tag, the section is OP3 and your class is the class the dahlia is registered in the ADS handbook with a “ 3 “ in front of it. For example, if you have a set of 3 Robin Hood,put the section as OP3 and the class as 3-6013 on the tag. You then write the name, Robin Hood. Judges will judge each entry to its class and select the best of each of the 19 sections to go to the Honor Table.

Section: OP5 Open to all growers. This section is for 5 bloom entries, all of the same variety in a single container without a handle and have at least one pair of leaves of the following 13 classes: 5AA, 5A, 5B, 5BB, 5Min, 5Ba, 5Mba, 5Pom 5 WL, 5 (ST – Nx ), 5 (Pe –An ), 5 ( No- CO – O – Ot ), and 5 ( S-MS ) Remember when filling out your tag, the section is OP5 and your class is the class the dahlia is registered in the ADS handbook with a “ 5 “ in front of it ( see example above ).. Judges will judge each entry to its class and select the best of each of the 13 sections to go to the Honor Table.

Section : V (vase) Open to all exhibitors. 5 or more blooms of mixed varieties are displayed in a vase The term “vase” is to be interpreted in a very broad sense to include any suitable container without a handle. Non-dahlia greenery or blooms are not allowed. There may be no visible mechanical distractions such as oasis or wire. A vase is for viewing from all sides. Winner of this section will go to the Honor Table.

Section: BK (basket) Open to all exhibitors. 9 or more blooms of the same variety are displayed in a basket. Florist containers may be used in lieu of woven baskets, but all must have a handle. Natural foliage and greens are permitted. Leaves do not necessarily need to be on the bottom row of flowers. A basket is for viewing from the front or from all sides. Winner of this section will go to the Honor Table.

Section : FY ( flower of the year ) Every year the Michigan Dahlia Association picks a single dahlia as the flower of the year. This year the section requires a single bloom entry of any size WHITE dahlia. This section is open to all and the most outstanding bloom will be placed on the Honor table

Largest in the show: Any single bloom that has won a blue ribbon is eligible for this award. The judges will find this dahlia by multiplying the depth by the diameter. The greatest total is the largest bloom and will go to the Honor table.

Section : ADS ( ADS bench evaluation ) The American Dahlia bench evaluation requires three identical blooms in one container for the entry. Show officials and exhibitors must read and adhere to the rules for entries and judging as printed in the current ADS Classification and Handbook of Dahlias. The entry with the highest average score over 85 points goes to the Honor table. See show chairperson for special tag.

Section: MO ( Midwest Origination ) This section requires three blooms of the same dahlia shown in one container. The dahlia must be an origination from the Midwest. The Best exhibit will go to the Honor table.

Section: WLD ( Worlds largest dahlia ) No leaves required, standing on its own stem. Measured width only. May be less than show quality. Results reported to Ken Masurat. LETS HAVE SOME FUN WITH THIS !!

Section: PH ( Photography ) Photography contest is open to all members. Black and white or color photographs are to be 4 X 6 or 5 X 7, matted, no glass or frames.Exhibitors name, address and exhibitors number must be on the back of the entry. Exhibitors may enter a maximum of two photographs in each of the following classes.

  1. Single dahlia blooms
  2. Multiple dahlia blooms
  3. A dahlia garden or show
  4. Dahlias using artistic / creative license …such as effects, fading, filters, ect.

The judges shall award first, second and third in each class as they deem the entry deserves, then select the best from the first place winners Best photograph to go to the Honor table.

Section: AR ( Artistic arrangement ) Open to all exhibitors. Dahlias must be present and predominate in all arrangements. Additional greens and accents may be used. Creativity is encouraged. Designs may not exceed 24” wide or 36” in height. Arrangements must be made by exhibitor making the entry. However, the flowers or other plant material need not have been grown by the exhibitor. Containers and other properties used must be provided by the exhibitor and should be marked with owners name.

This section of the show will be judged buy accredited dahlia show judges. The judges show card for artistic arrangements is as follows:

Design elements and principles 40 points

Color principles 20 points

Distinction 20 points

Expression 20 points

The judges’ decisions are final. The best will go to the Honor table.