Results: / It is unclear how the desired results will work together to develop student understanding of the big idea. / The desired results provide a general focus for the understandings, skills and knowledge students will develop, and appear to be loosely connected to help guide students toward understanding of an in-depth, broad, conceptual big idea for the unit. / The desired results are clearly-defined and provide students opportunities to engage in sustained exploration of essential questions, linked to the development of the identified knowledge and skills, in order to demonstrate an understanding of the big idea. / The desired results are clearly-defined, allow for differentiation to meet student needs, and demand that students engage in sustained inquiry, driven by the essential questions and requiring the application of targeted knowledge and skills, in order to demonstrate a multi-faceted understanding of the central idea.
Assessment Evidence: / It is unclear how unit assessments are connected to the desired results of the unit. / Assessment criteria, tasks and tools have been partially-defined and are loosely-connected to the desired results of the unit. / Assessment criteria, tasks and tools are clearly-defined to provide measurable data that indicates the extent to which students are demonstrating the desired results of the unit. / Assessment criteria, tasks and tools are clearly-defined to provide varied, measurable data that indicates the extent to which students are demonstrating desired results through multiple facets of understanding, and allow for differentiation to meet student needs.
Learning Experiences: / There is a list of activities for students to complete during the unit which do not appear to be intentionally connected to unit assessments or student development of desired results. / Learning experiences are generally linked to unit assessments and are sequenced to guide students towards development of unit knowledge, skills and understandings. / Learning experiences are clearly-linked to assessment criteria for the unit, build on students' background knowledge, and are organized to engage them in authentic inquiry directed towards development of desired results. / Learning experiences are clearly-linked to assessment criteria and desired results for the unit, tailored to meet individual student needs, build on students' background knowledge, and inspire students to inquire and take action based on their learning.
Technology Integration: / Technology is an add-on during the unit, with no clear connection to the development of desired results (technology applied for the sake of using technology). / Technology is used by the teacher and/or students in mostly traditional ways (word processing, facts practice, PowerPoint presentations, etc…) related to student development of the desired results. / Technology tools and resources have been adapted throughout the unit to help students apply the NET standards to achieve the desired results. / Technology tools and resources have been fully integrated to allow students to transform their learning through application of the NET standards, achieve desired results, and address their unique learning needs.
Digital Educator Program Unit Evaluation Rubric