Management Measure– Conservation Plans
In general, of the 1,128 producers in the 2counties, what percentage do you think would be interested in a conservation plan?
- 0-15%
- 15-30%
- 30-45%
- 45-60%
- 60-75%
- >75%
Of the 1,128 producers, what percentage of landowners would be interested in getting a conservation plan if fencing of the stream is NOT included?
- 0-15%
- 15-30%
- 30-45%
- 45-60%
- 60-75%
- >75%
Of the 1,128producers, what percentage of landowners would be interested in getting a conservation plan if fencing the stream IS included?
- 0-15%
- 15-30%
- 30-45%
- 45-60%
- 60-75%
- >75%
Management Measure - Feral Hogs
There are approximately 9,000 feral hogs in the watershed, if money is provided, what percent reduction in the population would be feasible?
- 0-15%
- 15-30%
- 30-45%
- 45-60%
- 60-75%
- >75%
What percent of landowners do you think would be interested in receiving assistance for feral hog removal?
- 0-15%
- 15-30%
- 30-45%
- 45-60%
- 60-75%
- >75%
Management Measure 5.0 – OSSF
We estimate that there are just over 1,588 Septic Systems in the area, about what percentage do you think are failing?
- 0-15%
- 15-30%
- 30-45%
- 45-60%
- 60-75%
- >75%
What percent of homeowners would allow inspections to their septic systems?
- 0-15%
- 15-30%
- 30-45%
- 45-60%
- 60-75%
- >75%
What percent of homeowners would upgrade or replace their septic system if partial funding is provided
- 0-15%
- 15-30%
- 30-45%
- 45-60%
- 60-75%
- >75%
Best Management PracticeSurvey
Management PracticeNRCS Code (xxx) / Focus Areas or Benefits / Do you think this practice is feasible to implement in this area? / Would you be Willing to Implement this Practice on Your Property? / Of the 1,128producers, what percent do you think has already adopted this practice? / What additional percent of landowners do you think would be willing to adopt this practice if financial assistance is provided?
0 = NO
1 = Maybe
2 = Yes / 0 = NO
1 = Maybe
2 = Yes
Livestock BMPs
Brush Management(314)
- Removal, reduction, or manipulation of non-herbaceous plants
- Mechanical, chemical, biological, prescribed burning, or combination
- Increased vegetation growth
Water Quality
Water Quantity
Fencing (Cross Fencing) (382)
- Helps facilitate the management and utilization of different land uses and land types
- Can be used to protect critical areas and prevents over grazing
Water Quality
Filter Strips (393)
- Permanent strip or area of herbaceous vegetation situated between cropland, grazing land, or disturbed land and environmentally sensitive areas
- Reduces sediment, nutrient and pathogen loading from the protected area
- Enhances herbaceous habitat for wildlife, beneficial insects and watershed function
Water Quality
Grade Stabilization Structures (410)
- Helps control channel erosion, prevents gully formation, reduces pollution hazards
- Reduces sediment loss, nutrient and pathogen pollution
Grazing Land Mechanical Treatment (548) (Aerating)
- Modify physical soil and/or plant conditions with mechanical tools by treatments such as pitting, contour furrowing, and ripping/sub-soiling
- Improve soil permeability, increase infiltration and reduce runoff while stimulating plant growth
Water Quality
Heavy Use Area Protection (562)
- Stabilizes areas frequently and intensively used by people, animals or vehicles
- Improves livestock health, reduces erosion and improves water quality
Water Quantity
Water Quality
Pond (378)
- Water impoundment made by constructing a dam or by excavating a pit or dugout
- Provide water for livestock, fish, wildlife, recreation, fire control and other uses
- Maintains or improves water quality
- Captures runoff and sediment
Water Quantity
Water Quality
Prescribed Burning (338)
- Controlled fire applied to a predetermined area; controls unwanted vegetation and plant disease while improving forage and seed production and quality
- Reduces wildfire hazards and promotes better grazing distribution
Water Quality
Prescribed Grazing (528)
- Managing the controlled harvest of vegetation with grazing animals
- Improve forage quality through proper utilization
- Reduces soil erosion and improves soil condition
Water Quality
Range/Pasture Planting (550 / 512)
- Establish native or introduced forages to improve or maintain livestock and wildlife nutrition while providing improved wildlife cover
- Reduces erosion and promotes infiltration
Water Quality
Shade Structure
- Provides an alternative source of shade
- Place away from riparian areas to minimize time spent near the creek
- Best when paired with alternative water and supplemental feeding
Water Quality
Stream Crossing (578)
- Stabilized area or structure constructed across a stream to provide a pathway for people, livestock, equipment or vehicles
- Reduces streambank and streambed erosion, sediment, nutrient and other pollutants
Water Quality
Supplemental Feeding Locations
- Situate supplemental feed away from the creek in under-utilized areas
- Promotes better grazing distribution, especially when paired with water and shade
Water Quality
Water Well (642)
- Well drilled to provide water for livestock, wildlife
- Promotes better grazing distribution and minimizes time spent near the creek
Water Quantity
Watering Facility (614)
- A device for providing animal access to water (tank, trough, other)
- Decreases amount of time animals spend near the creek
Water Quantity
Wildlife Habitat BMPs
Conservation Cover / CRP Land (327)
- Establishes permanent vegetative cover thus providing wildlife habitat
- Reduces soil erosion and improves water quality
Early Successional Habitat Development (647)
- Mange early colonizing plants that benefit wildlife
- Improves habitat by increasing plant diversity
Restore and Manage Declining Habitats (643)
- Restore or conserve rare or declining vegetative communities
- Protect native plant communities to promote wildlife habitat
Riparian Forest Buffer (391)
- Maintains riparian area stability thus minimizing soil erosion
- Provides shade and plant material for improved creek and riparian habitat
Upland Wildlife Habitat Management (645)
- Manage upland wildlife habitats to increase food and forage for wildlife
- Promotes improved infiltration and reduces runoff
Vegetative Barrier (601)
- Permanent stand of stiff, dense vegetation situated to reduce erosion
- Provides wildlife habitat and improves water quality
Wetland Wildlife Habitat Management (644)
- Retaining, developing, enhancing and managing habitat for wetland wildlife
Wildlife Watering Facility (648)
- Development, improvement or modification of watering systems for wildlife
- Provides adequate, clean drinking water to sustain wildlife during critical periods
- Creates or expands suitable habitat for wildlife
Water Quantity
Human Source BMPs
Hunting Camp Septic System
- Property owners or lessors ensure that hunting camps dispose of waste in a reasonable means
- Do not allow direct discharge of septage to a defined channel
Septic System Maintenance / Upgrade
- Inspect current system for proper functioning
- Perform routine maintenance to sustain functionality
- Repair or replace system as needed