Supplemental Instruction
Iowa State University / Leader: / Chelsea P
Course: / AnS 214
Instructor: / Keating
Date: / 4/27/17
Digestive System
1. The digestive system is made up of two groups of organs the ______which includes the esophagus and stomach and the ______digestive organs which includes the teeth and tongue. The six processes involved in digestion are ______, ______, ______, ______, ______, and ______. Saliva contains ______for starch digestion and ______which is activated by stomach acid. Salivation can be triggered by ______, ______, and ______of food during the ______phase. This stage also includes ______secretions and ______. After food has been broken down and moistened in the mouth it moves into the ______in the form of a bolus. The bolus is then pushed along by contractions called ______. It then reaches the stomach where chemical digestion of ______and ______begins. When food enters the stomach a ______response occurs where the stomach resists stretch, but then relaxes to allow space for the food. In the gastric pits are ______cells that produce HCl and intrinsic factor and ______cells that secrete inactive pepsinogen. HCl activates ______and ______which begin digestion of proteins and fats. ______cells control the mixing of food and chemicals by regulating the frequency of peristaltic waves. This makes up the ______phase of digestion. The final intestinal phase begins when food moves into the ______which is made up of three parts the duodenum, ______, and ______. The ______secretes bile which is then stored in the ______. Bile is then injected into the small intestine where ______function to emulsify and absorb fats. The pancreas functions in protein digestions by secreting ______, ______, and ______into the small intestine. The small intestine has structural modifications such as ______, ______, and ______that increase its ability to absorb nutrients. Food is moved along through the process of intestinal ______. This process includes ______and peristaltic ______. Contents of the small intestine are moved along towards the ______. The presence of food in the ______causes the large intestine to undergo mass movements in the ______. This forces feces into the ______. ______control allows the external anal sphincter to relax, while a ______is responsible for the relaxation of the internal anal sphincter. This process is called ______.
Nutrient Digestion
2. Carbohydrate digestion begins in the ______. However, it is halted in the stomach due to the inactivation of ______by acid. ______amylase resumes carbohydrate digestion in the small intestine. Other ______enzymes act on other sugars such as fructose. Protein digestion begins in the ______due to the action of ______(inactive). This inactive form is activated by ______. In the small intestine the enzymes ______, ______, and ______continue protein digestion. Fat digestion takes place in the ______. Bile salts ______fat globules. Pancreatic ______then breaks down the fat into free ______and monoglycerides. They combine with bile salts to form ______which ferry the components to the intestinal mucosa. The fatty acids and monoglycerides leave the ______and enter epithelial cells. They then form ______. These are extruded by ______and enter ______. Finally they are carried away by ______.
Respiratory System
3. The upper respiratory system which is also the ______zone has three functions: ______, ______, and ______inhaled air. Cells in this zone secrete ______to trap any foreign particles. If a particle makes it past this area it will come into contact with the ______which will result in a coughing reflex to expel it. The final part of the respiratory system, which resides in the respiratory zone, is the ______. This is where ______occurs. ______is the amount of air moving in and out during normal respiration. ______is the maximum amount of air inspired after maximal expiration. Dead space is the space in the ______where air remains and cannot undergo gas exchange. ______dead space also includes ______dead space. Alveolar ventilation rate is ______X ______. The respiratory system has three characteristics: ______which is the ability to stretch, ______which is the tendency to return to original size and shape, and ______which is the attraction between like molecules. Due to Boyle’s Law (______) air can enter the lungs. Inspiration is an ______process, but expiration is a ______process. The pressure of each gas on the lungs is dependent upon is proportion in the total mixture. This is ______Law. ______Law says that the amount of gas dissolved in a liquid depends on the solubility, ______, and ______of the gas. Oxygen is transported in the blood by ______which can load ____ oxygen molecules at a time. Carbon dioxide is primarily transported as ______.
4. Diagram the production of HCl.
5. Diagram an alveolus.
6. Describe what is happening in the diagram below.
7. Review the table of digestive substances.
Inactive Hormone (if applicable) / Activating Factor / Active Substance / Function / LocationTrypsinogen / Enterokinase, trypsin / Trypsin / Protein digestion, activation of other hormones / Brush border
Chymotrypsinogen / Trypsin / Chymotrypsin / Protein digestion / Brush border
Procarboxypeptidase / Trypsin / Carboxypeptidase / Protein digestion at carboxyl end / Brush border
None / Acid and fat in small intestine / CCK / Inhibit gastric secretion and motility / Duodenum
None / Acid and fat in small intestine / Secretin / Inhibit gastric secretion and motility / Duodenum
None / Increase in stomach pH / Gastrin / Increase stomach secretions / G cells
None / Food / Salivary Amylase / Starch digestion / Mouth
None / Carbohydrates / Pancreatic Amylase / Starch digestion / Pancreas
Pepsinogen / HCl / Pepsin / Protein digestion / Chief cells/ stomach
None / Proteins / Aminopeptidase / Protein digestion at amine end / Brush border
None / Proteins / Dipeptidase / Break up dipeptides / Brush border
None / RNA / RNase / Degrade RNA / Pancreas
None / DNA / DNase / Degrade DNA / Pancreas
None / Fat in duodenum / Pancreatic Lipase / Fat digestion / Pancreas
None / High blood sugar / Insulin / Lower blood sugar / Pancreas
None / Low blood sugar / Glucagon / Raise blood sugar / Pancreas
None / Alcohol / Alcohol Dehydrogenase / Alcohol digestion / Stomach
None / Fat in duodenum / Bile / Fat emulsification / Liver/ gallbladder
None / Food / ACh / Increase stomach secretions / Stomach
None / Food / Histamine / Increase stomach secretions / Enteroendocrine cells
None / Food / HCl / Activate pepsin, break up cells walls, kill bacteria / Parietal cells/ stomach
None / HCl / Lingual Lipase / Digest fats / Mouth, active in stomach
None / Acid and fat in duodenum / Serotonin / Inhibit gastric secretion / Stomach
None / Acid and fat in duodenum / Somatostatin / Inhibit gastric secretion / Stomach
None / Bacteria / Ig A / Inhibit bacterial growth / Mouth
None / Bacteria / Lysozyme / Kill bacteria / Mouth
None / Food / Mucus / Lubrication for swallowing / Mouth
None / Acid and fat in small intestine / Gastric Inhibitory Peptide / Suppress gastric secretion and motility / Duodenum