Chemistry 1
BobJonesHigh School / Teacher: / Shari Windsor650 Hughes Road / Email: /
Madison, AL 35758 / Phone: / 256-772-2547
I. / Course Description: / This course focuses on the composition, structure, and behavior of matter. Due to the emphasis on advanced problem-solving, incorporating algebraic skills, and a variety of laboratory activities, it is highly recommended that students have earned a “B” or higher average in Algebra 1. This course meets the physical science graduation requirement.
II. / Course Objectives: / Students will:
- Differentiate among pure substances, mixtures, elements, and compounds.
- Describe the structure of carbon chains, branched chains, and rings.
- Use the periodic table to identify periodic trends, including atomic radii, ionization energy, electronegativity, and energy levels.
- Describe solubility in terms of energy changes associated with the solution process.
- Use the kinetic theory to explain states of matter, phase changes, solubility, and chemical reactions.
- Solve stoichiometric problems involving relationships among number of particles, moles, and masses of reactants and products in a chemical reaction.
- Explain the behavior of ideal gases in terms of pressure, volume, temperature, and number of particles.
- Distinguish among endothermic and exothermic physical and chemical changes.
- Distinguish between chemical and nuclear reactions.
III. / Classroom Expectations: /
- Be prepared – bring all needed materials to class
- Be attentive – participate in class discussion, take notes
- Behave in a manner conducive to learning for all
If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to ask for the classwork assignment missed. Classwork may not be made up if an absence is unexcused, however the student will still be responsible for ALL material covered.Homework:
Homework is at times graded for completion; however, it can also be graded for accuracy. If you are absent, it is again YOUR responsibility to ask for the make-up work and turn it in within two days of the absence. As with classwork, homework may not be made up if absence is unexcused but you will still be responsible for material covered.
Tests and Quizzes:
Tests or quizzes missed due to unexcused absences will beassessed a score of zero!Quizzes and tests will be announced during class, posted on the board, and sent via Remind. Make sure that any notes, study guides, etc, are in your notebook or backpack (out of sight) during a test or quiz. Students who do not adhere to this policy will receive a zero.Labs:
There will generally be one lab completed during class per week. Labs will be assessed through lab reports and/or lab quizzes. If you miss a lab, you are still responsible for the material covered in lab (lab reports and/or quizzes).
IV. / BJ Grading Policy: / Grades will be calculated according to BJHS policy: 90%-100%=A
Major tests/projects will be 70% 70%-79%=C
Lab work/daily work/homework/quizzes will be 30%65%-69%=D
64% and below= F
Grades are entered into the gradebook on a regular basis. You can check your grades at anytime using iNOW which can be accessed on the Madison City Schools webpage.
V. / BJ Make-up Test Policy: / Make-up tests are only allowed for excused absences. Make-up tests are during Patriot Path. A student has two chances to make up a test. Students are responsible for keeping up with whether or not they have a make-up test.
Week 1 / Classification and Investigation of Matter
Week 2 / Classification and Investigation of Matter
Week 3 / Measurements and Calculations
Week 4 / Atomic Structure/Mole Concept
Week 5 / Atomic Structure/Periodic Table
Week 6 / Electron Configurations
Week 7 / Chemical Formulas and Compounds
Week 8 / Chemical Formulas and Compounds
Week 9 / Chemical Reactions and Equations
Week 10 / Chemical Reactions and Equations
Week 11 / Chemical Measurement
Week 12 / Stoichiometry
Week 13 / Stoichiometry
Week 14 / Gases
Week 15 / Gases
Week 16 / Solutions
Week 17 / Solutions
18 / Acids and Bases *Dates are subject to change!!!
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