2018 Tail Boot AssociationSponsorship Application Form

Are you looking for product for your Club, Team or Association?

We have a program designed to help you earn free product for awards and purchase product at a discount in order to keep your club, team or association running strong.

This is how it works:

  1. Fill out our Association Sponsorship
  2. You will receive a code for 10% off. Share this code with your club, team or association (just be sure not to post your code on our Tail Boot page).

Those who use your code will save 10% and you will also earn 10% in rewards to be used towards Tail Boot product in our store. When it is time to order end of year prizes, awards, etc. contact the Tail Boot and we will hook you up with discounted awards and you can also use your rewards towards product.

-Rewards Example- Everyone who is accepted into our Association Sponsorship program will be given a coupon code for 10% off. So those you refer will receive 10% off and your rewards will match the discount they received. Example: Your friend uses your coupon code “10offclubname” for the purchase of a Tail Boot at $25. They receive $2.50 off and you get $2.50 store credit.

At Tail Boot our goal is to provide our customers with satisfaction. If there is ever an issue with any product please come to us first so we can handle and fix the issue in the best way we seem fit.

We reserve the right to dismiss anyone for any reason as we see fit.

Association Name:

Contact name:

Shipping Address:

AddressState Zip

Phone Number: Valid Email Address:

Website for your association:

Facebook Page:

How many members are in your association?

How long has your association been running?

How many events does your association put on/compete at yearly?

What type of events does your association put on or attend?

List of upcoming events you plan to compete in the following year. (You may submit separately as well)

Other information about your club, team or association you would like to share:

All applications can be submitted to

or mailed to 1102 Kenyon Road Twin Falls, ID 83301

(Preferred method is to submit through website on sponsorship page)